Eleon money making idea

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ZipSnipe, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    I think one of the things holding back this game development is lack of funds, me and my clan members have had many discussions on what would make this game better and we all agree that Eleon probably does not have enough income coming in to hire additional programmers . So we need to come up with income ideas that we can all agree on.

    Skins !!! probably one of the best ways to bring income in and not make the game a play to win game. Charge $2 a skin(because everybody has $2). Let other contributors make skins and take a cut like %50 if the devs don't wanna mess with skins.

    Well thats one idea, lets hear some more
  2. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I'm sure I have read in a thread that Eleon don't have a problem with funds.
    Why the dev numbers are small is any ones guess.
    Spanj mentioned the idea of selling skins in a recent vid he did.
  3. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Just buy a copy and gift it to a random person on steam lol. Yah but you're probably right. What they need is a good advertising campaign, but for that I think we'd need a finished product. In the meantime skins might bring in additional revenue

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