Build: 1.76.3717 Mode: Single Player Mode: Survival Reproducibility: Global Severity: Type: Global, storyline chapter Summary: In the radar station NPCs are firing through walls, Description: NPCs - by judging about the weapon sound it must be this white mechanical robot - are firing through walls. Nothing you can do about but trying to make your way through which could lead to death sequences. A very frustrating experience. I was last playing this chapter In version 1.2, I'm happy that now there are more waypoints and better dialogue records in the PDA but despite of that, this chapter part is now less playable compared to v.1.2. Steps to Reproduce: The problem starts in the underground level of the radar station, after going downstairs from the floor level and then entering the black door leading to longer corridors and the hidden teleporter (not the door leading to the med room; the other door that starts the many corridors). I cannot say how many NPCs are shooting through walls, I can see their firing lines comming through the walls but not the NPCs themselves obviously. Other NPCs and sentry guns are normally defeatable, excpept these problem NPCs, I guess at some point you will reach the room they are firing from, but this god-fire should not happen.
I also experienced NPCs that fall into floors/blocks and even through terrain in MP aswell as SP on a lot of POIs (happened on 6 of 7 POIs tested) since the last patch. Especially the blue mech robots like to fall through a lot. Since they are practically in god mode once they clipped through a block or terrain, this makes raiding POIs now practically impossible. Walking from the POI to your ship also got me killed twice already due to NPCs being underground. Can't tell how to reproduce exactly, just play the game for 15 minutes or watch any stream really.
After defeating the POI nontheless and before de-coring the station, I couldn't do without going in God mode to see where these problem NPCs were coming from, I followed them through the walls. Result: 2 mechanical droids were under the station foundation and shooting upwards through the wall if you come close them, they are in a zone you cannot reach in normal gameplay.
We were having the same situation last night. 3 players in a dedicated server. We were undermining the planetary drone base and Zirax on the surface were shooting us THROUGH the ground. We also had an SV parked in the tunnels teleport above ground.
This seems to be related to : NPC's and backpacks (at least) are falling through the ground (potentially when player dies and re-spawns?).
In a (very busy) POI today, i noticed that sentries only shot me through walls and doors, when i was damaging the structure (e.g. while shooting other blocks with a gatling cannon). Once i stopped shooting, so did the sentries.