Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Taski

    Taski Ensign

    Apr 24, 2021
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    I think everyone likes their own. I know your method, but..... boring :)))). I prefer to break the Nullifiers at the entrance to the sector, and then systematically clean the drone nests. For one such approach, which takes me about 6 hours, about 400-500 drone parts are recruited. The length of the approach is limited mainly by the amount of ammunition =)))
    By the way, there are quite a lot of planets described by you in hot systems - K, O
    vik.martinchuk likes this.
  2. Justin48(HvN)

    Justin48(HvN) Ensign

    Mar 11, 2022
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    The mental anguish I am experiencing waiting for this to come out, and wipe the server I'm on is killing me.
    I haven't been this excited to play a game in a very long time. I'm sorry to ask this, but does anyone have any new updates on release dates/times for (RE)
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Later this month.
    Glad you're excited!
  4. Rammzez_CR73

    Rammzez_CR73 Ensign

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I think it goes without saying that there are many of us who are waiting for the new RE update, it is more, just look at most of the servers where the RE scenario is played, they are empty. For example, I am trying new types of start, modifying my CV,SV,HV and always learning something new... Thank you ravien_ff for your excellent work and all who are behind and have contributed to make EGS a better and great game...
    Wellingtoon and ravien_ff like this.
  5. CapitanTan

    CapitanTan Ensign

    Jan 18, 2022
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    I would like to ask if we should do a total wipe on the servers with the new version,
    Thanks a lot
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2022
  6. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    hey guys been testing the scenario RE 1.7 test. Just a few questions. I notice you have a gauss vulcan turret, and a large vulcan turret. The large vulcan turret says " of armor piercing..." so we know its good against armor. But the gauss vulcan turret just says "a heavy damage vulcan turret" no mention of whether good against armor/shields or both or anything else. Also both turrets use heavy vulcan rounds. Is this correct? There's no gauss ammo for the gauss vulcan turret?

    Also noticed some turrets can't be remote accessed. this includes some which don't have the blue access button in control panel, and some which do have the blue access button in control panel. Is this intended for those specific turrets? Such as swarm launcher. EG heavy beam laser turret has a blue access button in the control panel, but it doesn't do anything. Swarm launcher doesnt have the button. You can access the Gauss vulcan turret, but the access button is missing for the large vulcan turret.

    20220320171044_1.jpg 20220320171046_1.jpg
  7. Ceneraii

    Ceneraii Ensign

    Jan 14, 2016
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    [Oh boy, this turned into a wall of text, sorry :p)

    So did some weapons testing with the 1.7 test scenario in hopes of providing some useful feedback - just mix and matching the reforged and eden stuff since I only play the combined RE mod.

    But before getting into that, I just wanna say that I don't even raise my eyebrows anymore when a RE update turns out to be extremely good, you guys do amazing work and this game is not just playable but actually very good pretty much solely due to RE. :D So kudo's for that!

    Anyway, did some weapons testing - made a big target of combat steel that's 3 layers deep, etc etc. Didn't really test other materials because NPC ships tend to be pretty beefy armorwise, no moving targets and stationary firing. I didn't bother making a spreadsheet either since nothing has really changed wrt good and bad loadouts. Didn't bother equalizing CPU cost for weapons either because there wasn't much point.

    By good and bad I mean that some weapons just massively outperform anything else (cough, fixed arty, cough), both on paper and in practice; the other weapons are not bad (and situational usefulness is way better than it was before!) just that if you're building to get the ''most'' out of your ship then the good stuff far outperforms the rest. So take my repeated ''zero damage'' nonsense that's about to follow with a grain of salt please! :p
    On a sidenote, I think that weapons should be impactful (so: do real damage :p) and that the main job of balancing is to make things fun, while hopefully preventing situations like where a new player puts 8 fixed guns on their ship and proceeds to be unable to even see where his last volley landed because there's barely any damage.
    Also I understand that finetuning balance is a nightmare, so none of this is criticism, just feedback.

    (Also I play co-op with some friends, prolly a different experience than playing on large servers and I'm sure that has major implications for weapon balance and whatnot - I don't really care about PVP balance either, tbh for weapons to feel good against NPC ships the PvP balance prolly needs to go out the window xD)

    Didn't test the thermal lance and swarm launchers (grrr, no manual fire :p), I mean by the time you can build that stuff you prolly don't care how it performs since your ships will be auxcapped and whatnot anyway.

    So the guns I tested;
    Fixed Spinal Rail -
    Man I love this thing, it's a shame it does zero damage :p Especially since you're limited to just one and it does no AOE damage, it will basically just scratch the paint of armored ships which is a huge shame because it's just so damn cool. I feel like it could use the new penetration to do enough damage to go 2-3-deep through combat steel and then it would be okay. It would actually make for a pretty good SV spinal mount-weapon at current damage if downscaled and CPU, etc adjusted :p

    Fixed Heavy Blaster -
    Again cool, does zero damage sadly, even if you have many of them they just have no ability to penetrate armor and do no aoe, have to keep on-target for quite a while to empty the clip too which is a nightmare when both the shooting ship and the target are moving. If you can keep it perfectly on target and have many, well it still doesn't do much compared to fixed arty but not as underperforming as most other weapons.

    Fixed Multi torps -
    I love these things, and the off-bore firing is spectacular, does zero damage though. Easily the coolest weapon in the game now but underperforming on pretty much every level. They are kinda in the same category as the fixed CV MLRS rocket launcher; incredibly cool but no ability to penetrate armor unless you manage to place all shots precisely on target for multiple volleys - and even then it's not super great. I feel like they should be way more impactful, maybe bigger volleys maybe like triple the damage xD Funnily enough because off-bore firing makes them easier to space apart, I feel like they would be a prime armor penetration weapon (Not sure exactly why but if you pattern AOE weapon spacing in a way that the shots land succesively instead of simultaneously, their ability to penetrate ''deep'' into armor goes through the roof, well by through the roof I mean it increased by like 25% if I had to put a number to it)

    Vulcan/Gauss Turret -
    Actually non-zero damage, no ability to penetrate armor whatsoever though due to firing randomness. Brutally cool.
    With these the biggest problem is the firing randomness, pretty good against larger targets like turrets and I love everything that promotes knife-fighting in space (mostly for the build diversity, having short and long range weapons is cool). I think this is the best of the bunch for combat performance, aside from beams.

    (Fixed) Positron beams -
    Actually do quite a bit of damage if you have many of them, but I suspect against a moving target they will do zero damage, especially if you are moving yourself, resulting in a lot of chipped blocks but no damage done. Not a big deal though I think. Quite good against bigger targets like turrets though. And since they can be turreted, they probably melt that stuff.

    I'll post some screenshots at the end to clarify what I mean by zero-damage/no damage, since I realize it sounds a little caustic. But essentially, if you put together 6 fixed arty and shoot at a combat steel surface, you'll not only be making large holes, but also deep ones too (heavy damage to 3rd layer from impact)... Per shot. Meanwhile many of the new (and existing for that matter) weapons can do barely half the damage by emptying multiple clips. Does this mean arty is overpowered? Probably, but it actually feels incredibly good to use and NPC ships are big and armored enough that unless you are precision-coring (and lets be honest, nothing can defend against that) that they can take it, easily in fact.

    Other stuff: Love the new shield mechanics. They're absolutely amazing and make shipbuilding fun again.
    Same for increasing the CPU & Damage of weapons across the board. These things actually make a huge difference together because they let you build smaller ships since they let you concentrate defence while requiring less surface area to place guns and I'm pretty tired of every ship idea turning into a 5 hour building session just so I can fit enough guns without making the ship out of paper (as seems to be somewhat popular nowadays). Overall this is a huge step forward and I love you guys for it <3 I didn't get to extensively test it yet, but being able to make smaller ships and more firing randomness in enemy turrets have so far made it more fun and easy to dodge enemy fire by flying well. I never really did the spinny thing because if I wanna throw up I can just put a finger in my throat for the same effect with less effort :p Outrunning enemy missile fire could probably be a little more forgiving but whatever, it's such a minor thing.

    Low key stuff I'd like to see in the future: I mean obviously you guys should just make whatever you want since you're doing a damn fine job of it so far :p But if you're in the mood for taking suggestions instead of shooting me for the words above, I'd like to see more options for building clever armor for my ships.

    Atm the choices are pretty much carbon (literally paper, but lightweight) combat steel (best overall but very heavy), xeno (excellent hp for weight, melts to random weapons xD) or heavy windows (insane hp for its weight, pretty much only choice for bulk armoring large ships if you want them to fly/maneuver). I don't think these options are very intuitive at all to begin with and with smaller ships becoming more viable, the heavy window kinda goes out the window (heh) leaving only two (or three if you count paper) choices.

    Since there are categories and stats to play around with, it would be really cool if we had some different materials for making interesting armor designs with different pro's and con's, like really strong and heavy armor that you would want to make ''plates'' out of but making your entire ship out of it turns it into a brick, something with very high blast resistance but low hp, etc. Essentially I want to be able to make clever armor designs rather than ''hehe, it's 1 layer of xeno, 6 layers of glass and 1 layer of combat steel to core from every direction, im done". Especially with smaller ships, this would allow for more interesting choices. Right, I'll stop plugging my ideas now, sorry :p

    Once again sorry for the wall of text, I love your mod and though I didn't comment on the other content, I hope it goes without saying that I think it's amazing. Thanks for your time!

    Attached Files:

    Vermillion and ravien_ff like this.
  8. Jollificator 2

    Jollificator 2 Lieutenant

    Jul 15, 2019
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    In RE 1.7 an old 'problem' still exists: The chances of any Abandoned POI's spawning at all on Ocean Starter (and possibly other starter planets) are really slim, I would say a 1 in 5 chance. In RE 1.6 I fixed/customized this by removing the last 2 lines from:

    - GroupName: AbandonedPOIRG
    SpawnPOIAvoid: [START, AbandonedPOIRG, Artifacts, TS_PlanetRG, TribalBazarArid, Eden_EpsilonRadarMain, TribalVillageAridMain]
    SpawnPOIAvoidDistance: 1000
    SpawnPOINear: [Artifacts]
    SpawnPOINearRange: [1000, 8000]

    ...and for good measure I added an "IsImportant: True".

    Maybe you can have a look at these rather puny spawning odds.
    me777 likes this.
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Are we nearly there yet? :)

    I'm resisting subscribing to the Test version...but I really wants to play! Lol. Didn't want to get too invested in a fresh start, if I'd need to start again to get the full experience when 1.7 is released.

    No pressure, I'm just excited for a fresh start.
    Stampy likes this.
  10. jzedtler

    jzedtler Ensign

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Sorry for bad english.

    I have a question about the 1.7 test version.
    If I play the 1.7 test version, is it recommended to restart to the 1.7 final version or can I continue playing without any problems?
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Good question @jzedtler this is one of the reasons I'm putting off starting a fresh game until RE 1.7 is formally released. It would be nice to see it out in time for the weekend of course, but "when it's ready" is of course always the right answer.
    jzedtler likes this.
  12. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    After I updated the test version to the latest the landing pad workspace on my creative save was suddenly half-buried under terrain. I'd just wait for the full release.
    jzedtler and Wellingtoon like this.
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, I think I'll wait as have other stuff to occupy me in the mean time.
  14. jzedtler

    jzedtler Ensign

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Thanks for answer. I'm playing the test version now. From 1.6 to 1.7 a restart is also recommended. So not a big difference. Suddenly no longer interested in 1.6. ;)
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thank you. You know, I expected it to come out shortly after I gave in and tried the Test version last night... :)

    Would I be better off starting again (no problem) or is it ok to continue a test game? I know it's sometimes possible to miss out on certain features when continuing an older game.

    Edit: That actually got me thinking...can I continue a save that was technically started in a different Scenario in this one? Hmm.... Will likely just start again, though I got carried away and ended up playing for a couple of hour last night, so had progressed quite nicely lol.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
  17. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I will start a new game soon, and copy my vessels and cargo from old save with @byo13 's copy tool.

    Thanks a lot. :thumpUp:
  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Question if anyone can help...

    I'm using an SV to mine ores and it works great bar one issue - as soon as I'm underground it will always deploy its landing gear. This isn't ideal as the SV snags more, though I know some blocks that retract retain the same "hit box" so to speak. I.e. like how retracted Drills still get stuck on things as if they're deployed when they're retracted and there's no visible collision.

    So, two questions here: First, does retracted / deployed even matter and Second, is there anyway to override the "I'm near / below the ground, best deploy landing gear" logic?

    Having a blast so far...Jungle Planet, so no Zirax, but it's still an interesting challenge.

  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Landing gear occupy their full space even while retracted. Their movement is automatic to them coming in contact with the ground. It cannot be changed.
  20. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Vermillion and ravien_ff like this.

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