Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Ya can't blame them Peter- they based the frequency of belly aching to the only population they've instrumented. ;)
    Peter Conway likes this.
  2. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    From Skyrim to Elite dangerous and back again... the same the world over :p
    imlarry425 likes this.
  3. Wanev

    Wanev Lieutenant

    May 19, 2021
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    Okay. Came up with my second one: lighting.

    Lights bleeding through walls is making building much more difficult than it needs to be. Also, the light reflections on some textures is a bit over the top. I can understand a little glare on shiny surfaces but I use the marble walls a lot and it feels like there are spotlights all over the wall with the amount of light reflections.
    Antisocial and Fenris like this.
  4. Fenris

    Fenris Commander

    Jul 19, 2018
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    Yeah, I'm on board with this one. I can understand the bleed through, it happens in a lot of games for various reasons. And I think there is a block designed to stop that, but I always forget about it or remove the offending light.

    But the glare is pretty over the top. I have bloom turned off (don't know if that matters for glare from a placed light), almost never turn the light intensity up, adjust the light to use colors that seem to produce less glare, keep the light range down to the minimum needed to cover an area, and often paint using a duller texture (using the all blue texture, then picking a color seems to produce a flat paint color that helps reduce glare). And even with all of that, I wind up ripping most of the lights out after a build is complete and just walk around flicking my headlamp on and off as needed because of how reflective every thing becomes. And don't even look at a light placed in an SV or HV unless you want to be blind for the next few minutes :D
  5. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Been playing the game for a month now (again) in Survival (pure solo play) and i really enjoyed the early game of surviving on the starter planet, building a rudimentary base and finally get into space. (THAT was real fun!)
    But once i reached space there are all kinds of other ships and even a alien space station in orbit. Did no one care to react to a distress call ?!? :confused: (Which is funny since no one there cares about a stranded astronaut...)
    Interaction with anyone?
    Again, the first/early part of the game really works, but everything that comes after you get into space doesn't make much sense or feels really clunky and needs some serious work.

    - The abysmal handling (control) of CVs. (Mouse Steering a 100+ meter ship... what a joke o_O :confused: :D)
    Instead, free up mouse cursor, so we can activate /change certain settings like target lock, energy allocation and maybe other devices. Take Star Trek online as a example of how basic controls of a CV CVs should be done. (One of the very few hings that game does right ;) )

    - There is no control what target turrets are fireing at. (I know you can set them to fire at specific subsystems, but you can't change that while in Battle, where you need to decide things like that depending on the situation).
    Again free up mouse cursor, so we can select a target for our turrets. Heck you could even keep the mechanics that are already in game and just add a additional option of "fire at selected Target". Again no big deal, other games did that 30 years ago. (starfleet command series for example)

    - Space is filled with NPC ships everywhere. There is no system (at least among those i have encountered) that is truely undiscovered. It understandable that this decision was made to keep some ADHD afflicted 14 year old players attention, but to me this makes space feel simply too small and busy. (Is this No man's sky?!? :D )

    -Not much to do on planets, besides Attacking POIs, or mining.
    To be honest i was looking forward to this one the most. Landing on a remote planet and discover strange life forms and maybe an old ruin of a long gone civilization. Instead every planed is crammed with POIs, anemy drones, missile bases and other stuff that want'S to kill you....
    What about having only a few planets be populated and most of them be truely remote and scanning Life forms or other things and sell Scan Data to some traders?

    - Traders.
    Why are there no NPC traders that Sell AND buy ores and other needed ressources?
    I get that in early game mining and ressource gathering is essentioal, but it doesn't make much sense later.

    - NPC ships (especially Enemy CVs) are way too small, but cramped with guns everywhere, which makes them look like small black Shoeboxes with spikes.
    I know it's a bit late to change things like that, but i would prefer if ships had way less, but more powerful Weapons. This would in turn also help to keep each factions specific aestethic reckognizable.
    ...and for Gods sake make these CVs bigger! lol.

    - Constant switches between 1st person and 3rd person and mouse steering.
    Have the game remember what setting the player had last time when entering a vessel.

    I'm sorry this has become more than just 3 points.
    I'm sorry that i had to use lots of Star Trek games as example, but ST is the only francise that has a focus on Mid sized ships (usually less than 1 Km but more than 200 meters). The more i write the more things come to my mind, so i better stop here.
    Wish you all a nice day!
    TrashMan, _OldMan, akimzav and 2 others like this.
  6. BiffRoders

    BiffRoders Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Age old reproducible issues not resolved in MP. Things like energy weapons: Giving up after a while. They do work but after a while they just give up and stop firing. Does not appear to effect ballistic weapons. Still an issue.
    Teleports: Was an issue where you would end up in the target system but at an asteroid or POI but not at your own base, started happening again after the last update.
    So the gripe... Where is the effort gone into reliability as apposed to making new things? New things is needed but it's not good when it breaks.

    The lack of QC is evident (mind you it's free, you get what you pay for I guess). Eleon please fix what you have 1st!! (Before moving on to new things else run the risk of running in to obscurity). Ref history! That said, you can't be perfect, there are going to be issues always, it's the level of issues that count. This is such an awesome game, if it means paying a subscription to get more Dev's in to trouble shoot issues, I'd sign up for it.

    I played Eve online for a number of years as a subscription. When CCP went to PLEX or (pay to win) things went down hill. You started to get cheque book winners or rich daddy kids with credit cards come in and bust up things players spent years building. Please don't do this.
    Last edited: May 22, 2022
    Addy likes this.
  7. Searcher

    Searcher Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    1) hover vessels! they are horrible! i expect them to be controlled by WSAD. it's just hovering, right? it's like an air hockey just bounces around. but no, all the way i struggle not to flip it and not to hit the ground with my nose. why? shouldn't it be always perfectly parallel to the ground and never hitting the ground?

    2) blueprints. i want to walk on a ship before buying it. i want to discover ships and repair them. but this happens only exactly twice on the starter planet and never again. why?

    3) identical merchants. only fixed lists of items and here we are. not a single merchant buys and sells eggs. you can't buy and sell parts except a few. nobody buys k2 assault rifles so they stockpile on a ship useless. i want to be able to sell anything and to be able to find anything in the shops. why they can't have a completely random section in the list? there's no joy in finding a new trade station because of that, it will have all the same goods as all other stations. i want to look for epic items in every store i can find.
    TrashMan, Peter Conway and japp_02 like this.
  8. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Yeah this is a main grip I have in the trading system, they should randomize the traders and their inventory. In the long run it's no fun if you always know where to go to buy or sell your stuff, it turns to be an exploit.
    Searcher likes this.
  9. XLJedi

    XLJedi Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2021
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    1) I hate, hate, hate that the workshop is split into two competing fiefdoms. I like the vanilla CPU concept but there needs to be some compromise between RE and Vanilla so the workshop can be healed!
    2) The very broken "sniper rifle economy" that prevents me from enjoying a merchant or smuggler career. This seems like such an easy fix too. I mean, I can/will edit the scripts myself; but why should I have to?
    3) AI on the global scale is non-existent, you basically have to draw aggro against all NPCs within the sphere of a given planet radius. It would be nice to have some NPCs that *might* pursue you through space. ...or show up unexpectedly in areas that you may have thought were conquered and safe.
    Addy likes this.
  10. Amaroq

    Amaroq Ensign

    May 21, 2022
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    Framerate issues.

    I could handle the rest of it just fine if my computer didn't slow to a crawl almost every time I turn the camera. Even inside a building where you can't see anything, it's still loading and unloading the entire damned planet whenever you change where you're looking.
  11. BiffRoders

    BiffRoders Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2020
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    1. Testers providing services for free are crap. It's free after all.
    2. Internal testers are none existent, by appearances / results.
    3. Not fixing issues when found, unless it's an easy fix.
  12. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Even Minecraft uses the players to test releases. It's a good way of testing out all the possibilities quickly. If they were to do it all 'in house' then the release could take much longer.
    Peter Conway likes this.
  13. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    I agree...
    A million players testing Minecraft will find far more bugs than a paid test team could possibly find, if only because they play so differently.(though I still abhor this newfangled obsession of alpha/beta releases instead of finished products, but I'm so old I remember when the Morris Minor had a side valve engine)
    Last edited: May 23, 2022
    Addy likes this.
  14. poomanchu

    poomanchu Ensign

    May 27, 2022
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    1. The UI. It's all shades of blue, followed by a blast of colored text, on top of a hard to read text.
    2. The "can it be damaged or not" scenario I always find myself in. Sometimes the text pops up that it can't be damaged but it can be. Sometimes I can salvage and sometimes I can't.
    3. Too many pop up's. It's confusing since the pop up's are slow to load in so I usually don't understand what they are referring to. If something cannot be damaged then make a hit marker or sound indicating that. Not a message pop up. The screen is hard enough to read as is.
  15. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    1. Zero point energy of the portable contructor and heater. You can spam those portable contructors for most of your component making needs, no fuel required. They say it's "solar" but it works at night and in caves.
    2. Mining is fast, but mines are tiny. You can deplete a starter planet (a form of griefing) in a couple hours.
    3. The factory. I can mine a planet, refine the ore, throw my ingots in the builder, hit start, and go to space at my convenience. There, an Imperial Star Destroyer appears from nothing. You don't even need to deal with the burden of lifting the mass to space.
    VPanda likes this.
  16. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    It's been a while, and I've had to revise this a few times, but I have finally nailed down the one thing that I dislike the most:

    The length of time between major updates!

    I get that Eleon is a small studio, and I know programming, debugging, testing, and all that is quite time-consuming, and I'm not one to rush or pressure anyone, just really enjoy the game, enjoy the new stuff when it gets here and looking forward to the day this reaches a "Completed" status, and anything new that comes along is truly new.
  17. TrashMan

    TrashMan Commander

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Factions feel dead and brainless. Virtually no interaction between them. No fights. No UHC ships fighting Zirax. No Talon troops fighting Zirax. Despite everything, it still feels like the player is alone in the universe. Even the Zirax feels like cardboard cutouts.
    Everything is trying to kill you even when it make no sense (security systems in abandoned POI's shooting at you, but NOT at the creepy crawlies). Predators ignoring zirax and talon. Etc.

    Big dissapointment.
  18. Phantomwalker

    Phantomwalker Ensign

    May 13, 2016
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    I haven't been in the game for a while, so I apologize if some of this has been resolved/addressed already, but until my main issue with the game is looked at/resolved I don't think I will have much interest/time to dedicate to the game.

    The main thing that has been keeping me away and will likely bring me back when corrected is the ability to have ships that you can walk around INSIDE of while they are moving. They were able to put oxygen zones into enclosed spaces why not make a way to lock the character controller into that space when doors are closed and the ship is moving. I'm hoping that will be addressed in 1.9 or whatever involves the character controller. Part of the fun of what I want to be able to do with my friends is have a small group hop in a ship and go run missions somewhere. There's almost always someone wandering around on the ship that's not in their seat and gets killed as a result. Being able to walk around on a capital ship gives some extra legitness that you are in a ship. Falling through the ship and dying is not what should happen.

    Has the update to water physics solved the fact that it doesn't flow? Can you dig under it and it flows into the hole? Or is it still a floating invisible plane that you suddenly can walk into if you are building an under ground/water tunnel.

    My last dumb complaint is how you can't freely position a base core placement any direction you want. Unless I'm stupid and the rotation isn't locked to a specific direction. (Or that has been changed in the last year then ignore this one.) I'm guessing it lines up with some world grid coordinates but it's super annoying when you dig a hole into wall and go to put a core down after not checking... and realizing that it is at a 45 degree angle to your hole. In addition to this, if the feature doesn't exist yet. It would be really nice if you could join structures together easily. (IE Linked cores or something?)

    Anyway I think that covers my thoughts on this question.

    Thanks for continuing to look for points of feedback and providing updates to the game.

    etmoonshade likes this.
  19. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Definitely don't like the nerfed drill, makes me sad and very bored that it adds an hour to my poi attack time
  20. andargor

    andargor Commander

    Dec 25, 2016
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    1. Solar battery not charging when playfield offline
    2. Server configuration does not allow stopping fuel consumption when no players in a playfield. Shutting down the server not practical since we are in different timezones
    3. We can't walk on CVs while they are moving

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