Summon vessel to You - Other games already have this, but we don't have it yet...

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by bbk.3164, Nov 18, 2022.

  1. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Dear developers, for the normal game on servers (MP) - you gave us "server commands", like "cb:GetShipHere:id" - which allows you to call a ship with the specified ID to the character.
    Thank you so much :)

    But as part of the game functionality improvements - let me suggest - to make this command (cb:GetShipHere:id) in the form of a MAIN FUNCTION ! :)

    If you look at other games, such as NoMen'Sky, then there is already an option in the game itself - "summon a ship, or even a whole fleet" ... Imperion is already more than 7 years old, but there is still no such option in the main gameplay of the game !!! :( :( :(

    I suggest doing this:
    In the registry, add button "Summon ship" .
    If the ship HAS a warp-drive, then you can summon this ship within the range of the warp-drive !!!
    but If the ship is WITHOUT a warp-drive - then such a ship can only be called within the framework of the "planet-space" system (!)

    Thanks, looking forward to it :)
  2. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    That isn't a game feature.
    That is a server manager feature from Empyrion Admin Helper (EAH), which is not created by Eleon.
    It was created by (and maintained by) the owners of HWS servers and then later on acquired by Eleon to ship with the game.
  3. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Understand :), but nevertheless, nothing prevents the developers of Eleon from creating the function "Summon a ship to yourself" (within the distance of the warp-driwe) !!!!!!! :) ... Water is done, now he can introduce other functions :)
  4. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Here is the situation - I left my CV in the Sun, and flew to the SV to the planet on my own business!
    when I returned to the SV on the Sun, it turned out to be VERY FAR from my CV (more than 20 km) see the screen

    If I enter the server command "Get Ship Here" then I get an SMS error that "Get closer than 4000 meters..."

    and I am forced to fly 20 km to my CV, which is NOT COMMEILFO at all !!! :(


    ..... Therefore - in such situations, with tears in my eyes, I remember another game "NoMen'Sky" = in which "Summon a ship from anywhere in the Galaxy" is the MAIN function of that game, and which we still do not have :(
  5. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    easy solution, don't leave the cv at the sun :)
  6. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I'd like to see some kind of jumpdrive for those situations added to the game. (like in "the other block game where everything explodes")
    I made a script for astic's empyrion scripting mod that does just that: it teleports me close to a friendly target infront of me....
    ASTIC likes this.

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