Fixed 100% CPU Useage, memory leak?

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by The Android, Dec 29, 2022.

  1. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template

    Build: v1.9.1 4013
    Mode: Creative, Survival
    Mode: Single Player

    SEED-ID: Happens in new games, multiple sessions tested in both Creative and Survival.
    Seed doesn't apply.

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Major -> Crash

    Type: Global

    Summary: Game uses 100% CPU all the time. Memory keeps climbing...


    Something bad has happened since 1.9. This is a new install, fresh from Steam with no previous install (new purchase for this system). Start the game and at the main menu the CPU will sit at 70% use. Start a new game and the CPU use will jump to 100% and stay there roasting the system's CPU.

    In contrast, version 1.8.15 (I downloaded an old manifest from Steam to test) runs at 30% at the menu and 35% during the game session (Survival/Creative). There have been no OS changes, video card driver updates or patches.

    Also in 1.9.1 the memory use just climbs and climbs. This system has 16G of RAM, only 6% being used for OS/Steam. Within 5 minutes of starting a new session Empyrion is pushing 14G and slowly climbing. Within 45 minutes the "low memory" warning will show up and shortly after that things freeze, fail or generally crash.

    I've tested multiple video configurations and while some do increase the memory load, even at the lowest resolution with all options at "off" or "low" the 100% CPU and runaway memory use persists.

    There are multiple posts about this in the Steam forums, but I couldn't find any bug reports here. From what I can read the many server admins are ready to pull the plug on Empyrion if there isn't a quick fix to this issue. (100% CPU use is killing their systems)

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Start game, start a survival or creative session.
    2) Listen to CPU fan wind up, check task manager see CPU is pegged.
    3) Watch memory use climb until you are out of memory and the game crashes.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
  2. BluntTongs

    BluntTongs Ensign

    Jun 19, 2022
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    I felt like I was going nuts there for a second, I couldn't find much of anyone reporting on this issue. It was weird and a bit frustrating coming back to the game after a break and suddenly running into some issues with hosting (especially after having gotten a few friends a copy to play over the holiday season, ha).

    +1 to OP for making me not feel crazy anymore. Glad to see this is on the radar.
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    In linux I have no issue at all, even with running a browser in the background playing a video same time I play Empyrion....Food for thought. o_O

  4. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    So there are many posts under the Steam forums about this, but I guess nobody bothered to file a bug report. I'm glad to see it's been fixed, now to just get the new patch out.... :)

    I'm almost at the point of ditching Windohs as well. I use Linux as my primary desktop, I just use my Windohs box for gaming. Being able to ditch the crap/spyware that is now Microsoft would be a happy day. Just too many games I love playing that aren't available on Linux...
    Myrmidon likes this.
  5. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Sorry, this is not fixed. I've attached screenshots of 1.9.2 4016 in action.

    This is the CPU use *just* sitting at the main menu. No game loaded:

    And once the game loads in:

    In comparison 1.8.15 runs at 30-35% at both. Every time I've checked CPU hasn't gone above 40% in 1.8.15.

    I didn't let it run to check the memory use, the CPU use is critical as this level of continuous CPU load will cook it. Empyrion isn't a 30 minute diversion, it's generally a 5-6 hour session. You run ANY CPU at full load for 6 hours, it's done.
    Myrmidon and stanley bourdon like this.
  6. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    And just for reference, here's the loads with 1.8.15 running:

    Just sitting at the main menu: (Please note the memory use as well!)

    And while running:

    These were done with the same save game, nothing different. Didn't move in either game, just sitting inside my CV looking at the floor.

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