Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    @bbk.3164 there are no such traders and turrets do not shoot at sentry turrets.
  2. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    ........ ReBalance of spawning in the loot of various "valuable" items (at the level of a regular scheduled server restart, WITHOUT a global wipe)

    As you know - NOW all the "delicious loot" spawns quite often !!!
    for example - reactor cores, ... or that even Augmented Light Armor - is found in loot, so it was ALREADY sold "from hand to hand" for some several million (do not care for what money) !!! ... and this simply breaks all interest in self-farming of something, since in loot it is more interesting to find, and easier ... well, here - to each his own ...

    An ANALYSIS of the economy was carried out - what is sold, what is bought, and WHAT is the MOOD of the players for PHARMING rare items!
    It was found out that there is a "kind of players" who DO NOT WANT to farm valuable items on their own, but only want to BUY this valuable loot from other players! So - such players have no motivation to farm, but there is ONLY a personal opinion about FUNNY - an easy passage of the game with their friends, but they consider FARMing rare items as - "hard work" !!! :(

    Therefore, let me propose amendments to the rebalance of "delicious loot" at the level of a regular scheduled server reboot (without the need to conduct a global wipe):

    1) Reduce the chance of falling into the loot of such items:
    - Enhanced Light Armor = 0%
    - Light armor boosts = 0%
    - Voidium drill = 0%
    - Matter warp drive (aka AM warp for BS) = 0.2% ... 0%
    - Shield Generator REGEN = 0.2% ... 0%
    - Shield Generator Bastion = 0.2% ... 0%
    - Abyssal armor and armor boosts = -50% of the current % drop in loot
    - Reactor core - by -75% of the current % drop in loot
    - Entropy Plasma Rifle = -80% of current % drop to loot

    2) add some NPC merchants (at your own discretion, ... you can even Zirax Merchants in Lambda (Polaris) trading stations, or on UCH ships):
    (... or distribute - Everything that is made from progenit technologies = sell to buyers at UCH, and Abyssal - sell to Zirax buyers at the Lyamda (Polaris) trading stations:
    - ransom (buy out) - Enhanced Light Armor = 3 million
    - ransom (buy out) - Light armor boosts = 10% of the average market value
    - ransom (buy out) - water drill = 10% of the average market price
    - ransom (buy out) - Matter warp drive (aka AM-warp for BS) = 10% of the average market price
    - ransom (buy out) - Shield Generator REGEN = 10% of the average market price
    - ransom (buy out) - Shield Generator Bastion = 10% of the average market price
    - ransom (buy out) - reactor cores = % at your discretion
    - buyback - Abyssal armor and all Abyssal armor boosts = at the current average price, but not more than 25% of the price of Augmented Light Armor (!!!)

    Summary - such offers are aimed at PREVENTING EASY ENRICHMENT on rare expensive items dropped in loot (!), As well as with the aim of STIMULATION of players to farm these items on their own (!!!)

    ... and THOSE players who wish to have all this, but do not want to farm on their own, can always use the official Server store - purchase a valuable item for Donat

    3) Move the rest of the other "delicious loot" by 50-75-80% to "high difficulty conditions" !!!
    For example - under normal conditions, in any POI - tasty loot will spawn at 50-75-80% RARE (!)
    and in difficult conditions - for example. POIs on planets with hellish conditions (high temperature and radiation) - tasty loot will spawn "as usual, as now" (!)

    To do this, you can make 2 types of "weather conditions" on the planets = where the Abyssal armor will save, and where the Light armor will be needed :) respectively, the QUANTITY and % chance of dropping delicious loot in increased quantities will be different (for example, the same optocoupler matrix bridges from turrets - the average amount drops out on medium hellish planets, and a high amount on high hellish planets)

    For example :
    in Hot and Cold star systems - there will be some planets with an average hellish level of weather conditions (for Abyssal armor) (!!!);
    and in (BH) - black holes - there will be some planets with High hellish weather conditions (for Augmented Light Armor) (!!!)

    Such a rebalance of the loot - will not allow players to run away from the server, and at the same time - will give an incentive to hunt for "delicious loot" precisely in conditions of increased complexity, for which "Abyssal or Light Armor" is needed !!!

    Thank you :)
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2023
  3. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Technical question:
    Dear RE developers.
    Please specify if to collect deposits of tungsten / silver with different drills, for example:
    - Voidium drill
    - laser mining drill SV
    - mining turret HV

    what is the difference between them in terms of the amount of ore mined?

    Thank you
  4. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Nothing. You get the same amount of ore when the nugget is destroyed. The only thing that each drill may effect is how quickly you damage the rocks.

    Also, looking back at your previous post I assume you are not playing the standard version of Reforged Eden, since many of the "random drops" you mention are not actually in the official loot tables. If you are playing on a server or are playing a customized variant (Unbalanced, Atlantis, etc.) then you have to talk to those server owners or scenario authors about your change requests. There is nothing Vermillion or Ravien can do.
    Sephrajin and Myrmidon like this.
  5. VPanda

    VPanda Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    What is the most hard start in RE right now? mining start, not scavenging
  6. ChiefSgtBradley

    ChiefSgtBradley Ensign

    Dec 13, 2021
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    Both the Rouge ones are the hardest imho. If you want hard to find everything+you at the bottom of the foodchain then choose Pandora :D
    Stampy likes this.
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Can someone tell me what type of deposit Tungsten is supposed to be? I'm finding marked "Tungsten Deposit" locations, but they have no percent value and digging down yields no ores of either deposit type. Is there something special about tungsten? I've really forgotten if so.

  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    They are POIs. You need to dig further down past the marker.
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ah, thank you. I'd totally forgotten how they worked evidently. Were they ever regular deposits? I noticed they were POI markers, so thought something might be different about them but couldn't recall. That said, my game just threw a bit of a wobbly, so I'm not even in the same system any more after reloading. Urgh.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hi again,

    I'm a little confused by something - a common occurrence for me lol - and I'm hoping someone can explain what happened...

    I'm in my CV, flying around a pretty hostile sector, several Xenon orbital patrol vessels giving me a hard time. I've seen some other red CV-class ships too, but scanning doesn't reveal who they are, they shoot at me and the Zirax...they'd died to a tough Zirax destroyer.

    Anyway, I saw a HUD marker showing something as "[GAL] something Light" it was stationary so I assume a space station / static ship. I approach it, but when I get to the point where a POI or ship would usually render in, the HUD marker vanished and there's nothing there. I was fleeing to this object, hoping it was something huge and dangerous that also disliked the Zirax.

    Any idea what happened here? POI on the HUD, vanishes when I get close, not moving before that.
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hello, me again (sorry).

    I have a query regarding the green laser bolts fired by certain Zirax POI's - namely the Supply Station in this example.

    Basically, I've built a nimble, unshielded (early-game) SV with four rocket launchers. This SV, in theory, should quite readily dodge these slower-moving projectiles. However, I've noticed an odd issue... Numerous times now - and I'm flying in third-person view to confirm this - I can clearly see that one of these green projectiles is going to miss me as I've strafed left / right to easily avoid it. The problem is, the projectile still seems to hit me. Basically, it's like the collision mesh of this particular projectile is far wider than its visual model. Meaning while it looks like it will easily pass by my compact SV. Basically, I see a projectile that's about to visually pass by me, but it vanishes and the SV takes damage.

    Perhaps this is by design to simulate a "flak" type projectile, exploding near the target, which would explain things, but I just wanted to confirm that this was an intentional thing and not a bug. I used to be pretty darn good at projectile dodging in far less nimble SV's than this, but I'm getting hit all the time at the moment, despite seemingly not being in the path of the projectile.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    No idea what weapon is firing at you.
    If it's a legacy-style turret, that's a hitscan sentry gun. You can't dodge them since they calculate hits instantly.
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It's not a hit-scan, definitely a (generally) dodge-able blob projectile. I destroyed them all, so could not investigate further - I probably should have gone GM IV to verify what it was, sorry. I was in "play" mode rather than test mode lol. It's a "Supply Station" POI, not sure whether that's purely vanilla, or tweaked / added by RE. I play vanilla so rarely - usually just during the larger betas - that I simply don't know what's vanilla and what's modded these days.

    Not to worry though, I popped a light shield on the SV - made a little heavier, but still nimble - so the odd hit isn't a problem any more.

    Thanks for responding.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I think some POI-based weapons (Zirax) are behaving oddly. Several times now, I've been in proximity to a POI and started taking damage, despite no visible projectiles incoming - just damage. Now I have a vessels with shields, I'll often get the shield impact effects (flying in external view) and see the shield depleting, yet there are still no visible projectiles. Really not sure what's going on.

    As an aside, has something changed with Sentry Turrets? They don't appear to work any more. They might fire off one volley and then they're done, not firing again for an extended period, if at all. For example, my little outpost was just raided by a Troop Transport. It deployed eight assault troopers so I knew I was in for a bit of a fight. However, my Sentry Turret fired once then just stopped, never to fire again, while all eight troopers approached my outposts and started melting the walls. Sentries used to be pretty devastating in RE.

    Additionally, is there any way to change the Zirax Assault troopers block-melting ability? They bore through blocks so very very fast and can always make a bee-line to the Core. Is there any way to get them to actually blast their way in, perhaps using a more conventional weapon like a rocket launcher? Whatever they use currently has T2 Multitool levels of block breaking ability.

    Anyway, just a bit of feedback, not sure if this behaviour can be influenced at all or whether it's hard-coded. I've longed for decent troop-based base raids, but it not as fun as I'd have hoped due to the aforementioned reasons.
  15. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    Had a somewhat unusual encounter with a Tovera that I tried to torpedo from the front:

    Went full speed towards it, while it also burned towards me. I released torps and tried to pull up directly after that.
    But since I am bad i was too late and crashed into the tovera. Now expectation would be that you bounce off it, but I actually clipped into the thing and found myself with my SV comfortably inside the Tovera.

    Two Torps later the thing was cored. Has now happend two times. There seems to be an issue where the speed of the OPV added to the speed of a player SV under boost may break the collision system, and cause a somewhat trivial dreadnought kill in the process.
    Perhaps reducing the OPV speed could help with that (I am totally not suggesting that because their speed annoys the hell outa me anyways. Definately not. Nope.).
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You can do this at any speeds. It's a bit risky but also really cheesy and not anything we can fix on our end.
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Can I also add, in regards to raid by Troop Transports, the difficulty scale is a little off in many regards. I.e. With just ONE Minigun Turret, a Troop Transport is able to close on a base, land and deploy eight super-tough assault troopers able to melt through a base in not time. Sentries - the logical choice for anti-personel defence - simply do not work well at the moment. This can lead to a very tough / near impossible fight. Conversely, one more Minigun Turret means that troop transport never gets close. Trivial difficulty. Zero threat.

    Is there any way that a destroyed troop transport might still deployed some troopers? Perhaps they jump out at the last minute. They'd be further away (assuming shot down at a distance) and they would be less of them (some killed) but they'd still be a credible threat. Need sentries being responsive first though of course.
  18. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    The term for this on HWS and other servers is Tackling. It is against the rules on most servers. I have known of it since A19 I believe it is much older than that.
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all :)

    I'm fighting my way through the Abandoned Assembly Yard, which I believe isn't a vanilla POI. Had a few random vanilla bugs, with shot lag and not dealing damage, but am battling on. I'm now in the lower-levels of this POI and, each time I clear an area the critters down here respawn again quite quickly. It seems like the invisible spawners down here are infinite, is that true?

    I'm at the bit where I drop down a fairly deep shaft - but I can jet-pack back up due to my equipment - and each time I clear this area, loads of critters respawn again almost right away. Each time I get a little further, I get a load of spawns behind me and have to clear out the entire area again. The grenade launcher's AoE helps, but the respawns are getting tiresome lol.

    Is this working as intended? I.e. the invisible spawners on the lower levels just keep on spawning? Sorta challenging for a solo player.
  20. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    There are a lot of infestors on that lower level. I checked the BP the last time someone complained about infinite spawns and iirc there are only two set to infinite: one for a scorpion before the alien block section, and one for an abomination on the section after the drop.

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