Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    And I need to fix them.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hi, guess I'm the one to ask the question...

    With v1.10 being released today, are you aware of any game-breakers if Steam updates and I try to continue my current RE game in progress?
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    RE has already been updated to 1.10.
    A Mueller and Slam Jones like this.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Cool, not had chance to check until I get on the gamer later, good stuff.
  5. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I don't get it. I've updated my RE server to RE 1.10 as best I can figure. The 'playerbike' entry is identical and everything. When I go to deploy a hoverbike, it shows a hoverbike model, but when I deploy it it turns into the motorbike and is bugged out. What am I missing?
  6. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I fixed it. It was a failure to update the playerbike in the eclassconfig.ecf.
  7. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Is it possible the plants (in my case pentaxid and akuan furze) stopped growing / are bugged from the 1.10 update?
  8. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I've had hydroponics units just stop producing, even before 1.10. The solution is just to pull them up with a multi-tool and put them back down. Maybe that will work for your plants too. I'd just re-plant them.
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    To be fair, plants in vanilla sometimes randomly don't grow. Also, the "away from base" calculations remain broken. I might be away 10x the grow time of a plant, but return home expecting a bumper crop, but nothing has grown.

    In my current game, I've given up on growing stuff myself, I just pick plants, kill critters and loot what food I need. It's done me just fine thus far, and I'm at the warping around in a large CV stage, many hours in.
  10. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Not sure if you've seen this one, but there is an exploit on initial planetfall for escape pod starts of RE that is available as recently as 10.1 51 ... if you start the scenario and equip the survival tool during the fall and right click to set it to detector mode it will complete the "four systems" visit mission at the cost of starting the basic broken antenna start- when you make it to the UCH ship in orbit of the local sun the broken antenna starts after you get all the goodies for visiting the systems you haven't been to yet as show below...


    (pinging the detector during an escape pod start lets you find everything along the way down- in a vanilla game this can get you to level 3 before you hit the ground... 8^)
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The mission is bugged and is being rewritten in next update to fix that.
    imlarry425 likes this.
  12. Easyaeta

    Easyaeta Ensign

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Hey, I've been progressing through the talon quest line and on chapter 2 when I get to the point where I need to talk to the moon shaman he just isn't in the ziggurat, there's no waypoint and no one that I can talk to. I searched online for solutions and couldn't find any but my problem seems to be a carbon copy of, even down to how it happened to me (I didn't have the 3rd weapons case and I walked into the shaman trigger area instead of going back to retrieve it). I tried restarting the chapter to see if I could get the spawn to trigger properly and it still didn't work.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The shaman spawns automatically. He's not a mission trigger and will even respawn when killed. It's possible he bugged out and fell through the floor of the POI, which is a game bug that happens even in vanilla.
  14. Easyaeta

    Easyaeta Ensign

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Ooo I see, I worked around it by going to a different starter planet but is there any workaround to force him back to the ground level
  15. EvilSmoo

    EvilSmoo Ensign

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Currently stuck in a Talon mission -

    Chapter 3: Freedom fighter

    Most of the way down, dealt with the drone base, on the second "Mission Complete" entry.

    Flew back to the pump, and that checked "return to base" but no matter how many times I talk to the guy, "Speak to Khalad" does not complete.

    When I restart the mission step, I get an error:

    "Playfield GameOp Error: ParameterError"

    And trying different starters didn't help.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2023
  16. Easyaeta

    Easyaeta Ensign

    Feb 24, 2023
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    On the topic of the talon mission freedom fighter during the task Risky Business I am told to speak with Khalad but all he offers is this

  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The Talon Missions are unreliable at this time.
    Since they were made, many things have changed and some stuff has stopped working. They will be redone from scratch for RE2, but right now the current ones won't be fixed because there's too many things that require a complete rewrite to fix.
  18. Easyaeta

    Easyaeta Ensign

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Sounds good, to be fair I messed it up after destroying the convoy I had to clear and restart the chapter and that's probably where the issue came up

    What's this about RE2 tho?
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    RE1 has been through 4+ years of constant development. We hit a point where we can't develop new content without breaking old content, along with all sorts of issues inherited from vanilla, balancing problems, performance issues, junk data, etc... It's easier to just start over from scratch.

    Reforged2 has been in development for the last year and a half; that takes all the new mechanics and everything we've learned over the last few years to produce a new RE scenario with less gameplay issues, better visuals and more consistent gameplay.
    • Includes new tiers of CPU Extenders with new limits. Quantum CPU Extenders are craftable.
      Most RE1 ships should be transferrable to RE2; though some of the end game ships will need to be updated with the new extenders, shield boosters and less turrets.
    • Entire set of quantum-level devices for end game (teleporters, wifi, storage, etc...).
    • Multiple tiers of linear, upgradable thrusters for HV, SV and CV in every size and shape. (Ion, Plasma and Antimatter)
    • Multiple tiers of fixed weapons for HV, SV and CV that include the full range of options (Laser, Plasma, Missile, Cannon, Railgun for CV).
      Unlike the old constraints of using existing game models, we can now use and define our own weapon models so you have the option of Light weapons, Medium weapons and Heavy Weapons of varying sizes and shapes. From Battleship Cannons to spinal-mount Railguns (Or a GAU-8 in an SV that fires armor-piercing high explosive 30mm rounds).
      All weapons use custom models from the same artist that made Empyrion's weapon models.
    • Multiple tiers of turrets for HV, SV, CV and BA. Due to model constraints, we can't add new turret models so turrets only include Light and Medium. With only Bases having access to Heavy Turrets.
    • Weapons of each tier (light, medium and heavy) share a limit that cannot be disabled. This stops people from crashing themselves, their server, or just being too OP. A CV with a full weapon setup is equal to 72 of the current RE1 turrets. You don't even need that.
    • Power Generation has been streamlined, with the option of both larger or smaller fusion reactors (for HV/SV too). CV Solar panels cause too much confusion and have been replaced with Plasma Turbines that do a better job in less space (but are more expensive).
    • Shields have been rebalanced from scratch with your ship's hull contributing shield capacity based on material quality, with the three tiers of Shield Capacitors and Chargers being made smaller and lighter.
    • Construction costs and times have been reduced across the board. This should also make the Repair Bay a viable method for repairing ships again as times should been less than 30 minutes instead of 4+ hours.
    • Variable Shield Penetration for many weapons allowing them to damage ships through shields (reduced damage) that will allow you to damage well-shielded ships and POIs with attrition if you don't have the firepower to breach their shield.
      This goes the other way too, so you will still take damage even if shielded.
    • A rewrite of the game's materials system. This is where one of the big problems in RE1 is coming from.
      The new system will mean if a weapon says it does X damage it will DO that much damage to blocks instead of 6.6666% of the damage. Junk data has been culled (80% was junk).
    • A complete overhaul or rebuild of all main POIs in the game specifically for the new gameplay balance.
      Shield Generators on POIs are on the outside, in plain view (all shields recharge once dropped instead of staying down).
      Consistent POI turret count and placement relative to POI tier and function. AI have a full setup of turrets, not just plasma, laser and rocket. (e.g. Gatling, Flak, Rocket, Plasma, Laser, Artillery, EMP)
    • Planetary POIs now mount visible bubble shields so you can tell when a POI is shielded.
    • The entire Zirax patrol vessel set has been rebuilt from scratch in the new Imperial design scheme.

    • Completely rebuilt status effect system. Simplified with linear effects and treatment without overlap so you don't get hit with 5 status effects at once and need to carry an entire pharmacy.
      Status effects are treated instantly.
      No parasites, No multi-stage poison, Less radiation effects, Only a single generic broken bone effect instead of 5.
    • Player Armor has been overhauled, providing an equal balance between the three types of armor. Which the player uses is down to personal preference as the heavy armor is not just straight-up "the best".
      Basic Light, Medium and Heavy Armor are all craftable, but all only have 2 booster slots.
      Improved Light, Medium and Heavy Armor are lootable or purchaseable from traders. More durability, carry capacity, 3 booster slots.
      Advanced Light, Medium and Heavy Armor are Ultra loot only. Max durability, higher carry capacity, 4 booster slots.
    • Armor Boosters have been overhauled to match the player armor.
      EVA Booster's cold protection have been added to the Insulation Booster (craftable). EVA Boost has been removed.
      Insulation Booster's heat protection has been transferred to the new Cooling Booster and buffed.
      Armor Boosters no longer provide negative effects.
    • Handheld weapons have also been rebalanced, and with the new Weapon Locker players can attach Weapon Modifications to their weapons to boost performance. Weapon mods are dropped by zirax, found in loot or bought from traders.
    • Enemy troops have been rebalanced to make them easier. Opting for more quantity over quality, letting players run-and-gun to a degree instead of just sneaking around.
      Starting POIs and Mission POIs have unique weaker zirax so people don't get overwhelmed by the starting missions.
    Zirax Imperial Fortress with the new Shield Generator
    Polaris Vehicle Depot with it's own Shield Generator.
    Note: The Polaris shield isn't that opaque in the current version. This screenshot is from almost a year ago.
    The new tiers of CV CPU Extender (3x1, 2x2, 3x2). HV/SV ones are the same sizes, but a different model.
    The new set of Zirax ships vs the old ones. (The odd one on the left is the Merkat-Class Carrier)

    RG2 Creative Alpha has been available for public testing/building for a couple of months. I'm hoping to have survival testing in the next update.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2023
    Easyaeta, Ente, Wellingtoon and 7 others like this.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Ente, Landru, Wellingtoon and 2 others like this.

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