Any updates on Winter update?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by michaelhartman89, Aug 26, 2023.

  1. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    I can't wait to see what's going to be in the Winter update! So the big news ofcourse for most of the gaming world is the big starfield drop on September 6th, which I think will bring tons of folks to the space genres. Im hoping it will bring renewed interest in games like Empyrion. I'd give it 1-3 months before the glory fades, and people will be looking for a new itch to scratch. That is the ideal time for this big update to come out, so I'm sure y'all are timing it out perfectly. Looking forward to the melee gameplay. And I hope y'all add some more NPC interaction and some companions.

    I'm also hoping that you'll add P2P co-op without having to run a server and do port forwarding. My AT&T internet (IPv6) blocks it unfortunately, and most games like Valheim use a simple integrated design that makes it easy to play with friends ( which runs on Unity engine) without the need of setting of a network or hosting servers.
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    The CooP option does not require to do portforwarding and does not require to install the dedicated server either.
    Its handled by the Steam Network
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Are you talking about playing via LAN on the same network or am I able to host a Co-op game and have my cousin/friends join my game via the steam client. When we tried back in June, he was unable to join my game we were unable to share a co-op. I realize it wouldn't be able to run 24/7 without a dedicated server, but we just wanted to play together a couple times a week
  4. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    The reason why I ask, is because he lives 100 miles away and my friends live in a different state, so local is not an option
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    CooP is not local. Its using the SteamNetwork.
    One Hosts, others need to be Steam Friends and can join by an invite.
    Does not matters where you live or the other player lives

    If it does not work this can be several reasons. Either you or your other party are blocking something from Steam. Or you added a password to the server (what you should not do, it breaks CooP, Yes we know, the password option will be removed in the future from it)
  6. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Makes sense now because I was using a password

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