Should a Cored POI keep spawning hostiles?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scoob, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    Did a POI raid this evening. It's a trickier POI, but one I've done many times. With the knowledge gained from those prior raids, I knew exactly where to shoot to take out the Core. That's what I did. I then placed my own Core and started recovering the numerous devices etc. Nice.

    While wandering around, multi-tool in hand, I was frequently being jumped by various critters. I initially assumed that some must have spawned prior to me taking out the Core. However, while that might be true, many were clearly just spawning in, just as I'd expect were the POI live.

    So, with the Core destroyed, my own Core placed, with Power, O2, Shield, Lights, Signals etc. ALL turned off, should this POI - that's in effect now MY base - continue to spawn hostiles as I move around? I thought spawns were controlled via sensors being tripped generally, but they're all turned OFF and any spawner belong to me now.

    To be clear, hostiles ARE spawning in, they're not simply remnants of those that'd spawned before the Core was taken out. This is what surprised me. What should have been a relatively chill salvage mission, thanks to my prior knowledge of this POI, is proving more challenging than expected.

    Just wanted to check what should happen here.

    For the record, I'm using the popular Reforged Eden Scenario and the POI in question is the Abandoned Assembly Yard.

    Has anyone else witnessed enemies spawn in after a POI's Core has been taken out? Has placing your own Core NOT fully suppressed hostile spawned before?
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    If a spawner has the Static mode (default on) and a faction set for enemy spawns (e.g. TheLegacy/Alien), they will work even without power and/or a core. They'll work even if you stick your own core in there until they either spawn their contingent of troops/creatures or you turn them off in the control panel.
    A spawner set to Static and its faction set to "Same As Base" it will spawn without power, but not without a core (because without a core there's no faction for Same As Base to flag.)
    A spawner not set to Static with a spawner faction set will work if there's power but no core, or a player core in it.

    For this particular POI, that would be intended. The creatures aren't teleporting in like zirax do. They live there and don't just stop existing because a computer that controls the lights is gone.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ah, I see, so with this POI it's trying to simulate that they were always there. That makes sense, however, it's a shame that they spawn so close to the player, rather than in another room. I.e. if I go through a door and there are a load of critters in there - that technically just spawned, but out of sight - then that's one thing. However, to be in a closed room and have those critters spawn in with the player, well, that makes it less believable as they obviously weren't there until that moment.

    As you know, I'm all for the "out of sight" stuff, rather than right on top of the player. With a Cored POI like in this it's more obvious, as they definitely couldn't have come through a closed door. Note: I'm aware that spawns can sometimes be delayed, so that might be a factor here. So, I enter a closed empty room and only then do critters appear, not before I entered the room, which might have been the actual intent.

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