Filed / Tracking [01410] Drone base and drones do not spawn with new drone setup

Discussion in 'Tracking / Filed' started by ravien_ff, Apr 6, 2024.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template

    Build: 4470
    Mode: Survival Singleplayer

    SEED-ID: Any

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Major

    Type: Drone Base and Drones

    Summary: The drone base and drones will not spawn on planets that use the new drone base setup.

    Description: If a planet is using the new drone base setup (DroneSetupID), only the first planet a player visits in a play session will spawn the drone base and planetary drones. Further planets that the player visits without restarting the game will be missing the drone base and no drones will spawn. Only applies to planets randomly generated in the galaxy and not those in the sectors file.

    Linked is a test scenario to use to reproduce the issue, as no randomly generated planets in vanilla use the new drone base setup it is not possible to reproduce the issue in vanilla. Teleporting to each faction homeworld in a default survival game still spawns the drone bases just fine.

    Changes made in the test scenario were done to ease testing:
    GalaxyConfig.ecf edited to spawn Zirax, Ghyst, Epsilon, Rados, aand Xenu everywhere in non-faction territory.
    A modified version of the default Temperate playfield file that uses the new drone base setup and spawns a ring of defenses around the drone base, making it easy to tell where the drone base is (or rather, should be). Also added drones next to the drone base.
    Modified solar system configs for G and M class stars, to always spawn at least 2 of these modified temperate planets in G and M class systems making it easy to find the planets to test.

    This is not due to a failure to spawn the drone base, as it does not show in the list of failed POI spawns.
    Also POIs set to SpawnNear will still spawn next to where the drone base is supposed to be.

    Happens in both this modified vanilla scenario and my internal version of Reforged Eden 2 when attempting to use the new drone spawning system for random planets.

    This makes the new drone base setup (the one that uses the new DroneSetupID rather than the old DroneBaseSetup) impossible to use on any randomly generated planets in a scenario.
    If the vanilla playfields are ever updated to use it it would affect them as well.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Start a new survival game on Akua using the Test Drone Base scenario.
    2) Use console commands gm, tt, dm, and sd debug to assist with finding the planets.
    3) Double click on a M or G class star in non-faction territory.
    4) Use the sector command to teleport to a Temperate class planet around a G or M class star.
    5) Once in orbit, use the debug menu to teleport to the planet's surface.
    6) Use the map command and look for the drone base. It should be in a cluster of defenses.
    7) Teleport to the drone base and note that there are numerous drones flying around it.
    8) Find another temperate planet either in the same solar system or a different one and teleport to it in the same way.
    9) Note that there are no drones, and while there is a cluster of defenses where the drone base should be, there is no actual drone base.
    10) Repeat the process multiple times and every time no drone base will appear on this test Temperate planet.
    11) Restart your game completely back to windows desktop and then reload the save.
    12) Find a new Temperate planet and the drone base and drones will spawn on it. Repeating the test will lead to further missing drone bases.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    Scenario for testing:
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I forgot to upload some images.

    Here is the first planet I visit. You can see that the drone base and drones are there:


    Here is the second planet I visit, you can see the ring of defenses where the drone base is supposed to be, but no drone base, and no drones here or anywhere else on the planet:


    An example of the planet type to look for on the solar system map, green Templerate class planets in M and G class systems:
    Vollinger and Vermillion like this.

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