Savegamescripts only need to be stored as a file in the savegame directory under Mods/EmpyrionScripting/Scripts eg. like this GitHub - GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting-Collection: A brunch of savegame and other scripts
Yes, all Mods are only have to installed/copied on the dedicated server. The client have nothing to do. It is even bad/problematic if mods are also installed on the client
Output of Autominers with the deposit type: custom db Querry (add to Configuration.json in savegame) Code: "TerrainPlaceables2": { "Description": "Provides the data of the TerrainPlaceables of the player and the faction with resource type", "CacheQueryForSeconds": 600, "Query": "\r\nSELECT * FROM TerrainPlaceables\r\nJOIN PlayfieldResources ON (PlayfieldResources.pfid = TerrainPlaceables.pfid AND abs(PlayfieldResources.blockx - TerrainPlaceables.blockx) <= 20 AND abs(TerrainPlaceables.blockz - PlayfieldResources.blockz) <= 20)\r\nJOIN Entities ON TerrainPlaceables.entityid = Entities.entityid\r\nJOIN Playfields ON TerrainPlaceables.pfid = Playfields.pfid\r\nJOIN SolarSystems ON SolarSystems.ssid = Playfields.ssid\r\nWHERE (isremoved = 0 AND ((facgroup = 1 AND facid = @FactionId) OR (facgroup = 1 AND facid = @PlayerId) OR (facgroup = 0 AND facid = @FactionId))) {additionalWhereAnd}\r\n" } Ingame LCD Script: Code: TerrainPlaceables: {{#db 'TerrainPlaceables2' 10 "" ' = @1' P.SolarSystemName}} {{#each .}} {{i18n TerrainPlaceables.blockid}}: {{}}: {{~i18n PlayfieldResources.blockid}}➠{{}} {{/each}} {{/db}} (I still have the problem it only works if Structure is set to faction, ASTIC might help to fix this when he has time)(I stole his example including this problem)
Sure, its 90% stolen from you anyways might need some fine tuning, but it did rather well in my tests.
ASTIC, When stopping the server, this line appears in the console, I think it's an error in the code. Code: {EmpyrionScripting} StopScriptsEvent:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at EmpyrionScripting.EmpyrionScripting.Shutdown () [0x00012] in Z:\Projekte\C#\Empyrion\EmpyrionScripting\EmpyrionScripting\EmpyrionScripting.cs:348
EmpyrionScripting 13.2.2 RemoveItemsIds support in recycle and replaceblocks similar to deconstruct
Hallo Zusammen Ich bin über die SaveGame scripte hier gestollpert: Leider geht z.B: der Floorplan bei mir nicht , hat hier eventuell etwas geändert oder bin ich zu schusselig und die anzeige geht nur bei mir nicht? Grüsse
I remember there were special tags for the script lcd name, like run only so often and append output. Just I can't seem to find those in the documentation, and my old stuff sadly only lives in a old server savegame that would be a pain to run again... Someone can either tell me or point me to the docu?
Ich habe auf Vega AI den LCD inhalt gelösch, namen gelassen... funktioniert auch nicht... hab ich eine veraltete datei? Habe sie von hier:
Ich habe die Scripe mal aktualisiert GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting-Collection: A brunch of savegame and other scripts probier es damit mal
Leider will es noch nicht. Zur Sicherheit: 1. Version 13.2.2 (link von oben) genommen und hier entpackt: \gameserver\Content\Mods\EmpyrionScripting 2. Die Floorplan (und ActiveAntenna) von deinem Link geladen und hier abgelegt: \gameserver\Saves\Games\OE Atlantis\Mods\EmpyrionScripting = Der Floorplan und der Scan aktualisieren sich nicht (Zeit unten bleibt auch stehen, Current Position wird nicht angepasst) = Andere Scripte laufen toptop (z.B. Fuel stand, Automatic disassembly usw) 3. Habe noch die Configuration und sCompilerConfiguration aus dem Saves Verzeichnis genommen und Server neu gestartet =Keine Änderung 4. Lokal probiert, geht eider auch nicht. Stimmen meine Pfade? Oder hab ich hier was übersehen / verdreht' Und vielen Lieben Dank für die Arbeit! Nach wie vor sehr nice wie schnell und gut du das machst!
So ähnlich müsste es aussehen Laufen die Scripte überhaupt oder ist bei der Installation der Mod etwas schief gelaufen?
Ich habe meinen Fehler gerade entdeckt. Ich habe mir den Pfad aus der ReadMe kopiert und blind eingegeben... Aber das kleine /Scripts fehlt da, habe ich dank deinem Bild gerade bemerkt Jetzt läuft es! Vielen Dank
I am having problems with my Auto Fuel script. I was working on setting up an Auto Fueling script for my docked vessels when I noticed that it was using more fuel than it should have been. I ended up doing a test and found that when I completely unloaded a ships fuel tanks and let the script refill it it would take all of the fuel cells but only fill the ship to 50%. I repeated this test a few times with the same results. It taking all my fuel but only using around half of it. It had been awhile since I updated my scripting mod so I thought maybe that was my problem but now the script wont work at all. Is auto fueling not a thing any more? Here is one of the two scrips I am using but both have the same problem. <align=center><color=yellow><size=4>{{!Auto Fuel}}</size></color></align> {{#items E.S 'RSTCE1*'}} {{~set 'FillUp-RST' ''}} {{~set 'Amount' ''}} {{#test Id in '4314,4335,4421'}} {{~set 'FillUp-RST' 'Fuel'}} {{~set 'Amount' 100}} {{/test}} {{#test Id in '4176'}} {{~set 'FillUp-RST' 'Oxygen'}} {{~set 'Amount' 100}} {{/test}} {{#test Id in '4342'}} {{~set 'FillUp-RST' 'Pentaxid'}} {{~set 'Amount' 100}} {{/test}} {{#ok @root.Data.FillUp-RST}} {{~fill ../. @root.E.S @root.Data.FillUp-RST @root.Data.Amount}} {{datetime}} {{Source}} -> {{Destination}} {{format Count '{0,5}'}}: {{/fill}} {{/ok}} {{/items}} {{/items}}