Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    No, invisible ones. With the visible ones I've encountered, the enemy has already spawned from them when I enter the room. So, I kill them off first then take out any visible spawners to make the room (hopefully) a safe area. I then loot. This is good, I can assess a room and proceed accordingly.

    I've now reached the Core location on this POI, and haven't had any other issues with spawning. Spawners since have been visible ones and, as mentioned, opening a door sees the room already populated. I did have a slight (vanilla) issue with certain deco blocks. I.e. I'd lined up a perfect head-shot on a Zirax but it was blocked by the deco, the Zirax however was perfectly able to shoot me through that block, perhaps a slight clipping issue due to their proximity to it. Likely well out of scope for RE2, but are you able to update the Deco to have a collision mesh that more accurately matches the object? Or perhaps replace the deco entirely? Ideally, Eleon needs to sort this of course, as it's been a problem for ever.

    Outside of those cheesy spawns I mentioned, this POI was pretty solid. Proceeding carefully, checking corners etc. as I do, it was a fairly straight-forward POI, readily doable by a lone player with basic gear. The jarring moments come solely from those invisible spawns, particularly the ambush once inside. I had my CV covering me outside of course, but with the slow turret response, it can be pretty useless when surprised.

    So, for this POI, we had invisible spawners in certain locations to cheese the player - enemies popping in right next to the player, no tactical counter to this, just tankiness and meds. We also had visible spawners that saw enemies already inside a room when a door opened. Great for a tactical approach, room can be assessed and player can proceed from there.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    More feedback, another POI, this time "R2BA_XenuFuelStarter" aka "Fuel Storage". A nice, fun, compact POI. I made fairly short work of external turrets using the same little SV. I did not take any block damage through shields this time - I assume the types of weapons were different - however, I did get personally injured by a number of shots, despite intact shields and an undamaged cockpit. Not sure which weapon that was from.

    External spawns didn't give me any trouble this time as, likely more luck than judgement on my part, they mostly spawned the other side of BA structural elements, meaning I wasn't instantly under fire when they spawned. This gave the impression that they were already lurking / patrolling around, which is nice. Idid lose a few snipes due to deco blocks preventing shots though.

    I entered through the one entrance above ground level and had a Zirax trooper spawn merging with me upon doing so. Interestingly perhaps, he seemed as confused as me and didn't immediately fire. I had to back-up to un-clip us before shooting. All other encounters seemed to progress nicely with no surprises. Really nice POI overall, but there were a couple of seemingly stuck (walking up slopes, facing into walls) Zirax that were easy kills.

    One complaint though, I didn't get much fuel from this Fuel Storage POI lol. Its tanks were near empty and loot didn't grant much in the way of fuel either. Regular loot barrels were nice though.

    Thought: is it possible to "theme" loot. I.e. such a POI might have a bias towards more fuel-type loot? Or should the fuel tanks be a bit more full, as that's where fuel should be.
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    O2 Storage POI:
    The tanks at the back have no zirax spawners. There are mechanoid spawners, which are around the sides. Their spawn settings are set at the maximum. They cannot be behind the tanks because if they were there, they wouldn't be able to see or shoot at players since they're dumb as a stump and would never "round the corner" to fire at the player.

    The first "Cheesy spawning" is a non-existant event. The zirax "popping in" is them spawning. The spawners are set at maximum range for spawning. If you have a problem with it, take it up with Eleon.
    First, these first zirax are sentinel types. They look straight ahead and don't look around. If you're approaching from the side, they won't see you, they won't turn, they won't do anything until you either shoot at them or stand somewhere in front of them.

    The shotgun zirax in the door has been changed for a security robot. He's still going to be there since this is the entrance of a military facility and a chokepoint that would obviously be guarded.

    Now... Every spawn you claim to be "cheesy" is not. EVERY SINGLE SPAWNER in that POI is set to cover more than the room that they occupy. With those first two-sided spawners set to produce their units before you even enter the building.
    There can be no changes beyond a few spawners having slightly larger (and potentially worse) spawn areas. With the larger spawn areas, it runs the risk of having too many enemies in a small area.

    This is a starter POI intended for solo player with basic equipment, provided that you have a PC operating powerful enough to run the game at the speed required for enemies to spawn with the correct timing instead of blaming the POI's design.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Not sure what to say other than that Zirax troops spawned in near those tanks as I approached. Perhaps they fell through from an internal spawn? Regardless, as I approached there was suddenly a Zirax shooting me. I did not notice the usual spawn effect, perhaps that's telling? What is the theoretical maximum spawn distance once a player is detected? I assume it's supposed to be more than the 15-20 metres I'm seeing? These spawns are only an issue due to how close I was to the POI when they appeared. I thought the AI for mobs in general had been improved, which meant they could navigate a little better these days, perhaps not.

    I described exactly how those Zirax spawned in for me, one behind and one in front literally in adjacent blocks to the one I was standing on. Was that intended? I didn't know, I'm guessing not from what you're saying, it is what happened however. These Zirax certainly are not always spawning in at maximum range, whatever that is. Many are, and I commented on entering rooms that are already populated as being a good thing. Rather than entering then having them appear close to me. My only problems in each POI were the instances of Zirax spawning adjacent to me, as described and the one on top of me. The external Zirax spawning in and opening fire right away was also a little annoying. I'd landed my CV quite close - no more than about 50 metres away - and the Pilot's seat in at the front, so I, upon exiting the seat, was 50 metres away. That did not appear to trigger any spawns.

    Again, it may be intended that these spawners activate at range, simulating an already populated POI when the player enters. However, this is not always happening. Some appear to be activating when I'm perhaps 15-20 metres away at most - fine if that triggers a spawn in an adjacent room, but not so much when approaching over open terrain and there's suddenly a Zirax / Mechanoid / Sentry Robot or whatever shooting you. Something spawning behind and immediately in front of the player, about a metre away, is certainly not good as the player has no time to react before being under fire.

    We've spoken a number of times about delayed spawning, something that I've had occur when moving quickly through a POI. So, I might be running down a totally clear corridor, then suddenly I'm being shot from behind. The intent may well have been for me to open the door to that corridor and said spawn to already be there. That's not what happened though. This does very much look like a vanilla issue, however, with these POI's not being Eleons, and the fact I'm running RE2 Beta, I thought it worth reporting here. I don't know about the internal workings of Empyrion, stuff only the devs have access to, but things not responding promptly isn't a new thing. We know turrets can be quite reluctant to open fire initially, and be equally slow switching to a new target. Perhaps Spawners are suffering the same issue, a long delay before they wake up and activate as desired.

    I'm just giving feedback based on my direct experience playing solo. The spawns are happening exactly as I describe, even if that is not the intent or how it should work. My intent is to provide good, solid feedback here from my personal experience. That's it. Cheesy spawns are a particular gripe of mine but, while there are POI's with intent in this regard to catch out the player, that does no seem to be what RE2 POI's are going for, which is great, though they are falling foul of delayed spawner activation evidently.

    Regarding your final point, these are indeed great starting POIs, readily doable with basic equipment, and with a low-chance of death or even serious injury (aka status effect). It offers very fun experience EXCEPT when something spawns very close to and, especially, behind or on top of the player. It looks like this is a base game bug, rather than a "surprise!" design choice. Also, my PC is pretty solid and doesn't have any issues running the game. I limit fps to 60 - I don't feel Empyrion benefits from being any high, like some other games do - and it's not dropped below that even once during this RE2 game.

    My system specs for the record:

    CPU: 5800X3d (Water cooled) - a bit old now, but still a very competent gaming CPU
    GPU: 3070 (Water cooled) - again, a bit old, but good for 1440p gaming. I'd suggest GPU is the limiting factor, but turning down a couple of settings makes everything good.
    RAM: 32GB DDR4 3600 (two DIMMs, dual rank, nothing special)
    Drives: 2x M.2 NVMe in RAID0 - speedy, no apparent latency penalty from RAID.
    OS: Windows 10 Pro (Updated)

    I play at 1440p.

    Anyway, I came here to provide some further feedback. I suspect there might be a bug with a certain turret as, once again, I've been directly injured while sat in an undamaged cockpit in a shielded SV. The POI in question this time is "R2BA_XenuRadarT1". A relatively easy POI to turret snipe, given a little time, and my SC has taken no damage, other than to shields. I was however injured on a couple of attack runs, and sniped dead on the last one. SV fully intact and was still fully intact when I got back to it, though the shields were low. The POI has Plasma Turrets, Laser Turrets and Autocannon Turrets, I'm not sure which one is damaging me directly, but I suspect that last one.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Being damaged in a cockpit is a game thing and the fault of Eleon.
    It is likely caused by the player's body having a collider while seated in a cockpit instead of the obvious solution of just removing the player's collider while seated in a cockpit.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Spawners have a maximum activation range of 16 blocks (32 meters) but can sometimes be delayed especially if playing on a server.
    ChiefSgtBradley and Wellingtoon like this.
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for the explanation. I've not experienced the issue in an age, and it was a very rare occurrence. To have it happen several times in one session is something new for me. Could a weapon with some sort of AoE have a higher chance of causing the issue? Perhaps larger bullets - i.e. the collision mesh of a projectile - have more chance? I did notice some plasma-type projectiles (slow blobs of energy) would damage the shield of my small SV, despite visually not actually hitting it. They'd get close but then vanish, so I initially assumed they'd simply hit their maximum range and dissipated. I then noticed I was taking damage. Other projectiles can readily be dodged, flying past the player vessel in a close miss.

    32 Metres? That's way shorter that I thought the max range would be. Still it shows that something spawning one metre from the player (one in front, one behind) when a spawner is set to 16 blocks / 32 metres isn't working right. I certainly looks like these spawners simply aren't triggering properly fairly often. Those three internal spawns I mentioned were extremely close - one metre or there abouts - and the external spawns while not as bad were still well under 32 metres. The issue with a Zirax trooper spawning where no external spawner for them exists can only be them falling through the POI as sometimes happens.

    It's good to know why these things are happening, and I'm really glad it's not cheesy ambush design, as that's a bit of a cheap shot. I just hope Eleon can get to the bottom of these types of issues. Delayed spawns, and slow-reacting turrets do cause a lot of problems and become very frustrating when they occur often. Having something spawn right behind you in a "Bang, you're dead" moment really isn't fun.

    As mentioned, I just play alone and not on a server, and my PC is pretty good, so I can't see it being a factor here. On a server, I can see how things break down - Elite Dangerous can become basically a broken mess if a player with low-end hardware or poor ping joins an instance. I don't know how well / poorly Empyrion is in such situations. Being a solo player though, I'd really not expect such issues. If Eleon can continue to polish these base features, the game will be better for it.

    When I show other people Empyrion, they're initially very impressed (especially with all RE and now RE2 add) however, they quickly get frustrated by the quirks I've generally just gotten used to. That's my "Alpha tester" mentality to a degree, but my tolerance for such things has lessened over the years... unless I'm actually testing something in Alpha / Beta of course.

    Considering Reforged Eden has likely been one of the more popular mods out there, I'd have thought Eleon would be more inclined to listen to feedback from you guys, vs. some nobody like me who got the game on sale eight years ago...
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  8. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    got a question about RE2Beta:
    concerning the unlockable trader in poi , does their inventorry change over time?
    If it is not suposed to change where is it stored? (my save has already seen 3 or 4 servers, maybe I missed to move something)

    (I noticed as I went to a poi I bought salt bevore and now there is none for sale)
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Their stock can refresh after 1-5 hours, which can change the pricing and quantities but they will always have the same goods.
    ChiefSgtBradley likes this.
  10. Sandbird

    Sandbird Ensign

    Oct 24, 2024
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    I must be doing something wrong with the CPU distribution in my SV vehicle. I can't get past 30.000, and i've installed all cpus that i could...even 2 quantum ones
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Well if you installed only 2 quantum you haven't installed all of the one that you can.
  12. Sandbird

    Sandbird Ensign

    Oct 24, 2024
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    I've added 11 CPUs: 2x Basic, 2x Improved, 2x Advanced, 2x Superior, 2x Quantum. But still I am at max 30.000...which is kinda crazy

    Btw, cpus are off on the server but even so the ship doesnt fly well when its above 100%, i dont know why.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2024
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Right, you're still missing 6 CPU extenders.
  14. Sandbird

    Sandbird Ensign

    Oct 24, 2024
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    hmmm, what are the names of these things, cause the game limits me on placing any other cpus.
    I am basically having the same problem as he has here:
    I've gutted my SV and most of my ship now is just CPUs, with barely using the same guns as before, not to mention the lower performance since the power generation is on limit as well.

    Edit: Ok, I see what you mean...2x Quantum extenders. I've ran out of space that's why i didnt continue placing more since now i have a flying CPU machine ^^. So basically some ship blueprints (especially SV's) are obsolete now in Eden 2. Have to do some remodeling, I guess.
    Ok, thanks, it was driving me crazy
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2024

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