Feedback Required v1.12 - UCH Faction

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Taelyn, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    • Administrator
    Oct 4, 2021
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    - Full set of new NPC models dedicated to represent the UCH soldiers and civilians
    - Added new EClassConfig UCH NPCs with walking/guard/static behavior.
    - Updated EGroupsConfig with new UCH npc groups
    - Set up new home system PHOENIX for UCH
    - Added new planet type (VolcanicPlateau) as UCH home planet 'New terra'
    - Added new UCH POIs (thx to Stellar_Titan)
    - Added new loot tables and variations for UCH npcs
    Note: A new savegame is required for all elements described in section!

    IMPORTANT NOTE TO CREATORS (Builders/Scenarios) about the UCH Model replacements:
    - The new UCH-NPC models do not automatically replace old UCH models, as they have different configurations and technical settings. Furthermore, the new models are now considered the standard models used with the UCH faction.
    - This means that if you base your EClassConfig on that of the standard scenario and/or use the now obsolete entities such as ‘UCHSoldierFemale2AssaultRifle’ in one of your POIs, they may no longer be spawned. Ideally, you would replace them with the new UCH models in the POI spawners.
    - Alternatively, you could re-enable the outdated entity definition for the UCH in the EClassConfig (search for the line ‘OUTDATED / NO LONGER CANON for UCH!’ in the configuration file for more details). However, the latter only works for scenarios that use/want to use their own EClassconfig. Not for individual blueprints, e.g. in the workshop.
  2. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    Did look at the soldier/civilan models. I have to admit I am not overly thrilled how they turn out in the game visually. The faces look extremely flat, if you don't look up close you could thing they don't have a skin texture at all. The recolor of the clothing and armor does not do the models any favor either, the armor ends up looking like cardboard and the chosen colors may look good on a spaceship, but certainly not on a character model. (Also, RP wise, why would a soldier want to wear bright colors?)

    Also they seem a bit too large when compared with the player model, so you may want to decrease their size a bit.

    Is it planned to also add the new models to the human crew block to replace the existing ones? They may not be a huge improvement over the old ones, but they are an improvement nevertheless...
  3. AlexS

    AlexS Lieutenant

    Dec 13, 2023
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    Also those new models are disproportional. They have too long hands and too short legs.
    Also why would you wear armor parts just doing your daily routine inside a space ship?
    I can understand if you wear full armor on duty but those random armor pieces they wear are weird.
    ProcyonLotor and ravien_ff like this.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    You've already got fully configured body and head models for the player that could've/should've been used for UCH NPCs.
    As it stands, this is a space game with not a single spacesuit-wearing NPC.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I really don't like the colors on some of the new human NPCs. The contrast really makes them look odd.
    The ones who walk around with a few armor pads here and there look like they are going to compete in a sport, rather than looking either like off duty guards or on duty guards.

    Off duty guards would be walking around with no armor pads or in a full suit, not walk around wearing a couple pieces for fun (looking at you guy who is wearing armored boots and shin pads).

    If the colors were more similar the pads wouldn't stand out so much and I think they'd look a lot better then. So really just some color adjustments on the armor pads to tone down the contrast would go a long ways.
    And they should either be in full armor, or no armor. No in between (unless they are supposed to be in the locker room suiting up i guess?)
    AlexS, stanley bourdon and Vermillion like this.

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