
Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by EleonGameStudios, Nov 17, 2015.

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  1. soup238

    soup238 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Dual core or Dual Cpu and what Speed?
  2. Irvash

    Irvash Lieutenant

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Do I report this here or as bugs ?

    Reinforced steal makes lags for other ppl on mp servers
    We tested same ship same size same design but one normal steal other reinforced normal and that other see troops steal block one with more different steal blocks were making big lags and one with simple steal only block were making almost no lag on server so I believe reinforced steal is not optimized yet ?
  3. cswilson

    cswilson Ensign

    May 6, 2016
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    Dual 5540 s dual quad core with ht
  4. Jak1up

    Jak1up Ensign

    Jan 7, 2016
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  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Bugs and errors go in the bug report thread.
    This thread is just for people with small issues getting a dedicated server up and running.

    You are also free to start your own thread in the general section if you dont like this threads format.
  6. Zrikz

    Zrikz Ensign

    May 11, 2016
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    I seem to be having a weird issue. Any time I uncomment the 3 telnet lines the server fails to start. if I click the dedicated batch file (graphics) it'll pop up the box for a second, and then it just automatically closes after like 2-3 seconds. Works perfectly as soon as I re-comment the telnet lines out. It doesn't appear to make any logs. Any ideas?
  7. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    You need to pay close attention to spaces. If you are only removing the comment character (the #), then it will crash with a config parse error. You must remove the space after the # character as well.

    This post may help:
    Zrikz likes this.
  8. Zrikz

    Zrikz Ensign

    May 11, 2016
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    Frigidman likes this.
  9. Steve Rogers

    Steve Rogers Ensign

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Hello I have a Weird Problem with my Server , For Some reason after i updated the server when i find my server it says max Players 16 when before i had it at 40 and when i got into the dedicated config .yam and update it to 40 it still stays at 16 is there a reason why it is not going higher then 16 max players? Thanks
  10. Phantomwalker

    Phantomwalker Ensign

    May 13, 2016
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    So... I think part of the problem people are having is that they don't see their own local servers on the server browser. I spent the last 3 or so days trying to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong with my dedicated server and it not showing up in the server browser. Put some extra effort into it yesterday when I saw the announcement for free weekend. Everything forwarded as it should be. Configs matching what was forwarded... Even trying 3 different sets of ports. Forwarding individual ports rather than the port range... Firewalls on both my router and the computer hosting forwarded and then disabled. Thought I was going crazy.

    Then I saw a post on here from someone asking if they tried it outside their own network. I was like "Ohhhhh..." This whole time I've been expecting to eventually see a "My Server Name (LAN)" and "My Server Name" in the server browser from my gaming rig. Neither of which has shown up. I can connect via IP... But I've been wanting to get this to show up in the server list so I could go to some coworkers and go "Hey try this game it's amazeballs awesomesauce... Our servername is X, the password is Y."

    I finally asked a friend, "Hey does this show up in the server browser for Empyrion?"
    Them: "Yeah man looks like you're good."
    Me:"oh... Thanks!"

    So... I guess what I want to know is... could the devs put something in one of the logs (like the connections one) to show that your server is registered on/to the master server browser? Then forum people can point new users to that when they are having trouble as verification. If you're not going to show it to the local machine some hint other than asking someone else with the game to go verify that it's in the list would be helpful. Or is there a way that I could make it show up to other local machines? Like unblocking the same ports on the firewall on the machine I'm playing on in Windows Firewall?

    Another suggestion I'd love to make is the "recently played" tab should include/remember the LAN server that I have to type the IP address for every time I launch the game.

    Thanks for making an amazing game! and thanks to the community for making cool stuff on the Workshop and posting ideas on the forums.

    Much Love <3
  11. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    You may want to look into your router settings to see if you have something called NAT loopback that you can enable (not all modem/routers have this). This is why you personally cannot see your own server on your own lan. So yeah, you personally have to connect to it via the lan IP, not the wan IP like others do.

    One way you can tell if you are connected and 'showing up' is check your network activity and connections for empyriondedicated.exe. If you see a ton of foreign IP's connecting, then yes, you are broadcasting in the in-game browser ;)

    But I agree that some sort of extra feedback when it connects with the valve trackers, that it lets you know you are active and visible... or not.
  12. Dovnut Gaming "Dovnut"

    Dovnut Gaming "Dovnut" Ensign

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Is anyone else having issues with Asteroids not falling to replenish resources?
  13. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    I've never seen this ever happen (in MP or SP), so when people talk about it, I always raise an eyebrow. Soooooo.... yes?
  14. Dovnut Gaming "Dovnut"

    Dovnut Gaming "Dovnut" Ensign

    Apr 15, 2016
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    this is the 1st time ive not had them spawn in, ive only got a single vein of copper left on Akua so im quite concerned
  15. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Had this issue during the free-to-play weekend. Not sure if it was due to the high numbers logged in, but a server restart started spawning meteorites again.
  16. Westworld

    Westworld Commander

    Sep 21, 2015
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    OK Lets start off by saying that I Really love this game . I play very few games in multiplayer modes except a couple games I play cooperatively with my wife but I can basically play those privately with her and nobody else through our LAN or through something like Diablo III public server where we can still play privately but we don't have to go thru much "setup". So I got her to buy Empyrion so we try playing that together, big mistake appearently.

    Now my problem is... That I can't get the multiplayer in Empryion to work properly. I finally (after a rediculous amount of effort) got my Xfinity modem setup to forward the port. I setup the dedicated.yaml to name my server, I even made my own custom one as well. When I start the server up, it sems to work, but when I start empyrion to start a new game it says therer are multiple copies running. My server never shows up on the server list.
    The only way we actually got to be in the same game was to have her connect directly to my IP, but that wonlt let her start with anything at all (no escape pod or anything, plus even if we make a faction and she joins it and I promote her, she still can't even enter my base.
    Do I have to setup the server on a completely different computer than the one I am playing on?
    If so does that mean I need to purchase another copy of Empyrion to put on that computer?

    What am I missing here?
  17. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    You dont need to buy another copy.

    It is better to run a dedicated server separately but not required, if you running the server on the same machine your playing on you may need to go back into the modem and create a new profile for your client to operate on.
    Then you end up with the server on ports 30.000 to 30.003
    And your client on whatever you choose , as long as its not 30.000 to 30.003.

    I found it easier to have a profile for Empyrion game on the modem for the client and Empyrion dedicated on the modem for the server.

    If you get the port forwarding correct, you will end up with a system where you can play [client ] on the same machine thats running the server, and it will show up in the dedicated server listings.
    Easy way to find your server in the server list, name your server AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA so you can scan the server list super fast to find your server while your testing the set up.

    Direct to IP is the older peer to peer system they used to use, outdated and not updated anymore.
    Though once you have a dedicated server up you can technically connect to it via IP also. Lets ignore that for this issue.

    If you have another PC to run it on, your game will be alot better performance wise, and if your main gaming rig isnt super powerful then running it on a separate PC will cause less bugs.
    If you can do this, this is what you should do, it is so much better on a separate system.
    I have a brand new top of the line i7 intel 8 core extreem wallet burn CPU with a GTX980 as my gaming rig, I run my server on a separate system, which is also an 8 core, an AMD 9590, there best CPU.
    I have run the game and server on the one system a while ago and the performance isnt half as good, but the worst thing is all the extra bugs it causes when the server get highly loaded, and you only need 2 people in a game and you can load the server up heaps if you know how.
    The biggest issue is how much system RAM you have, the client can east 5 gigs in a flash, and servers can just chew RAM exponentially to a point of system crash, need at least 12 gigs if you want to do it on same system and avoid bugs, of coarse 16 or 32 is even better.

    You can run it as a dedicated server on a pretty average system if you try to follow a few basic rules.
    Keep the system clean and completely free of viruses.
    Use the system for nothing but Empyrion so its a true dedicated server.
    Dont let Steam download in the backround.
    Keep the drives clean and if you ever need to re-install Empyrion, it wont hurt to defrag the drives on the system first, especially if there mechanical drives.
    And yess SSD drives help speed up load times in Empyrion by a large degree.
    Always have some page file for C drive. Even if you have an SSD use pagefile, ignore the hype about it killing drives 10 years down the track. Hasnt killed one of my drives yet and Ive used it for years.
    Make sure the dedicated server PC has a cable connection to the modem if you can, a wireless connection is very likely to cause packetloss and bugs on the server from failed sync.

    Good luck.
  18. Westworld

    Westworld Commander

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Cool, thanks for the reply piddlefoot! My main gamng rig is a i7 6 core with 16 gigs of ram and two gtx980s but I do have my previous computer that I could use as a dedicated server if it will make it run better. I will try your suggestions when I get home and see how it works out. Hopefully I can get it running right and will get to show my wife how to play.

    Thanks again for the input, it should prove very helpful.
  19. Westworld

    Westworld Commander

    Sep 21, 2015
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    and just to verify, this advice does seem to have worked and now we can play together, but I still do not see my server on he list and we still have to connect via IP. However, now she lands in a escape pod like normal, and she can enter my base... we can basically play cooperatively. she can't interact with my base equipment but we can drop items and pick them up from each other, and we can not damage each other. at this point I would have to assume that is how it is supposed to be.... if not.... someone tell me LOL
  20. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    How on earth do i convert ALL the planets on a hosted game, (Off-site hosted), to *PVE* ? o_O
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