[TOOL] EAH | Empyrion Admin Helper v1.61.x

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by RexXxuS, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. locksmith614

    locksmith614 Ensign

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Thanks for the tool, first of all, it looks like it was a lot of hard work! But, I have to agree with Rizzano; to make the full version pay only is a great thing, and I am all for it.. But not making it available to "small" server owners, I am way not a fan of that either! I don't see how that is a viable business model, but, there must be something I am missing or not aware of.. Anyway, I will try the lite version, and again, thanks for it! Not complaining really, just adding another $0.02
  2. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks locksmith! Appreciate your feedback and yes - very hard work.
    Well it is not really about "small" servers it is about how the tool works in the full version. It requires a lot of data read and write processes what would be overkill over FTP. And most "smaller" servers are running on Nitrado or such. At least we think "bigger" servers running a dedicated server (like us) with remote desktop for example.
    That was our initial backthought about that. As soon as we figure out how to manage all these data with FTP it would be no issue anymore.
  3. locksmith614

    locksmith614 Ensign

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Ah, okay. Well, I actually DO run it on a dedicated (hosted in a NOC) win 2012 server.. It is a Codero box, 16g ram, etc etc. maybe I can help?
  4. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Ah ok cool.
    Well then all good. The rumor "it is only for big server" generally isn't the case anymore. Maybe we wrote it in bad english x)
  5. locksmith614

    locksmith614 Ensign

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Yep! I think that is the problem. It might be taken better if you say something like 'We only release this version to dedicated server owners because they usually have more stable up times, and we need that stability to help with testing metrics' (??) _THAT_ makes perfect sense, and would help to not make smaller server owners left out. ; just a thought.
  6. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks. I edited the text. :)
  7. locksmith614

    locksmith614 Ensign

    Jun 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Excellent. The lite version is running great on my server, VERY helpful app! If there is anything I can do to help out, let me know!
  8. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Thanks a lot.
    If you have any feedback, suggestions, whishes -> Please let us know!
    Maybe a function that you really whish as an admin, maybe something that does not run that smooth yet, errors... whatever it is, feel free to let us know and we see if and how we can implement it :).
  9. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Downloaded and using the lite version. It's a pretty handy tool! Nice job on this.

    I may get the 'full version' very soon.

    Are there any features planned to reset POI's? At the moment I have to teleport to the playfield, reset all POI's to alien faction using command line in game, leave the playfield and unload it, delete the shared folders for each POI, along with drones.dat, then reload and make sure it reset properly.
  10. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Nice to hear that you like it.
    Well Reset POI's....thats not a bad idea. Should be possible also with the tool. But since it concerns the structures it would be (for now) only in the full version. We'll write it down and see when we can implement it.
    Only problem stopping us to do it is, that the telnet function "faction entity" does not work. So we have to wait for the Eleon-Devs to fix it. If thats done, resetting the POI's could be done quite easy.
  11. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Patch Notes - 20.06.2016 - v1.14.0:

    Not only empyrion is short before a big release - we have a changelog you won't forget so fast :) Because we changed the prize of our tool in a reasonable way we also publish the changelog of the full version here. If you have any questions we are happy to answer them.
    So here we go:

    Patch Notes Emp Admin Helper Lite - 20.06.2016 - v1.14.0:
    • Added: Ready for 2.0 (Files, Telnet)
    • Added: Faction list - See all factions
    • Added: Chatbot: "CB:RESET" - Allows a player to reset once per day
    • Added: Chatbot: "CB:TIME" - Shows current Server time and day
    • Added: Playfield list: - Manual Wipe

    • Fixed: More accurate Online Player/Playfield list
    • Fixed: Timetable Options reduced to useable actions
    • Fixed: New Price of Full Version (1-50 Slots: 37€; 51+ Slots: 77€); No monthly costs anymore!

    Patch Notes Emp Admin Helper Full - 20.06.2016 - v1.14.0:
    • Added: Ready for 2.0 (Files, Items, Telnet)
    • Added: Faction list - See all factions
    • Added: Chatbot: "CB:RESET" - Allows a player to reset once per day
    • Added: Chatbot: "CB:TIME" - Shows current Server time and day
    • Added: Chatbot: "CB:HEAL" - Heals player from permadeath bug once per day
    • Added: Playfield list: - Manual Wipe, Mark Planet, Limit Base/CV's
    • Added: Playfield Map: Background Image, Icons, Planet Borders
    • Added: Intruder: Warp to / Impersonate
    • Added: Intruder: Show Online Player of Attacked Faction
    • Added: Structures: Mark when in pole
    • Added: Structures: Log Warning when in pole
    • Added: Timetable: Playfield Structure Limit Check - Sends out warning if player/faction has more Bases/CV's then allowed
    • Added: Cross Server (Pre-Alpha): Allows players and ships to warp to another server and back (Please be carefull and contact us before use)
    • Added: Cross Server Settings
    • Added: Player Statistics: Show Credits
    • Added: Player List: Edit Player InGame: Credits
    • Added: Automatic Warp of Players out of Pole (If playfield set to planet)

    • Removed: Player List: Inventory Template (due to P2W abuse)

    • Fixed: More accurate Online Player/Playfield list
    • Fixed: Timetable Options reduced to useable actions
    • Fixed: New Price of Full Version (1-50 Slots: 37€; 51+ Slots: 77€); No monthly costs anymore!
    • Fixed: Filter Structures that have no real Name
    • Fixed: Intruder Columns adapted and renamed
    • Fixed: Less Cheater Warnings due to high ammount of Cores, Generators, other Items and Blueprint Ammounts (Since they add to Blueprint Factory Time)


    To get the Lite version just visit the website: http://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/
    There you can download + see the patch notes + ask for help + read the documentation

    To get the full version write us an email at: [email protected].
    Please provide your Server name with it and we will handle this.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  12. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
    Likes Received:
    This was my thoughts exactly. The faction entity commands have to be run in game, and even then the POI reset is still iffy at most. Today I reset the POI's on a starter planet, deleting the shared files to 'respawn' a new POI. Everything worked, for the most part, except a couple of the POI's were not powered up, and one was shooting at NPC creatures with its turrets.

    So, EGS will definitely need to enable the command to be run via telnet, and maybe smooth over the process to ensure the respawned POI's are powered up properly, etc.
  13. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    Just wanted to say excellent work on this tool!! We have the full version and it really does make a world of difference for our players :) Especially when someone gets caught up in a glitch or needs rescued! Being able to warp people around quickly is very handy.

    As for suggestions? I could think of a ton of things I wish we could do lol. Like adding new playfields, editing current playfields, available resource count per planet, dedicated.yaml editing built in, and better resolution scaling (The monitor for my server is 1366x768 and the menus are always off screen at first). Could you guys have some kind of event handler /Score board feature? A wizard for new dedicated servers (would reduce a lot of newbie questions)? A script that gave a new player a package after they land on planet? I could think of tons of things this tool could do lol.
    stimdealer0001 likes this.
  14. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey, thanks a lot. Happy to hear that you like it and that it helps you out. Thanks especially for the suggestions. We wrote them down and will see how and when we can implement them.

    We actually thought about writing a seperate tool (first thought was a Web-Interface) to add/edit playfields, etc. But it would also fit into the current tool. This might be a bit heavier though. So we have to see how and when we can do that. Maybe we start with babysteps in the comming updates :).

    The scaling : Will change that in next update. Thx for the info.

    What do you mean with Eventhandler / score board feature?

    Wizard: Like a tutorial or a function to easily set all configurations?

    Script: Well we had/have this in the tool. We had templates to give certain Items mnanual or automatically to a player. But we had to take it out because it was contributing to the P2W abuse. From there it would have been not difficult to implement it. But we have to think about it if that would go against the P2W rule or not.

    Looking forward for your suggestions. A proper Forum is comming soon. Just too much thinks to work on at once :).
  15. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    I discover your tool. Great job.

    I try to put automatic chat in timetable.
    I can't put more than 2 chat. Because of the "every..." and 4mn restriction, if i program 4 chat, only the first two on list will be transmitted. Two others will never transmitted. more that 10 mn is a multiple of 5 etc... this is an unextricable situation :)

    Is it possible to set a chat with two or more lines ? A special character to make a enter ?
  16. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey. with the next update you can do that with #;#

    The update might come tomorrow or on friday. Sorry for that ristriction. We somehow wanted to protect the players from chat spam in earlier times, when we created the timetable... Maybe we can also just remove that.
  17. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    OK thank you ! Will test it.
  18. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    A web back end would be so handy... Apache and MySql are just sitting here waiting to be useful hahahahaha :) News related to the server could be shared out much more easily. Same with chatbot information and some polling we do on occasions. Something like this only adds to the community and ties it all together for the end user as well as admins and the dedicated server software. An administration back end would be epic as i am not always at the computer. Sometimes people need help and i have to rely on others to administrate the server. Trust wouldnt be an issue if a secure web back end was the interface they worked through. There could easily be a forum, group permissions, and a server control panel all wrapped into a nice package.

    When you guys address the scaling issue Im going to be really happy :) That gets annoying hahahahahaha and thank you for addressing it.

    I guess i will have to explain the event handler huh? Well When you do an event you need to manage signups by teams for the event, time to start, warping everyone there to the location or wait on them to show up, scores through the match, and finally the prize. A handler could automate that entire process and add some depth to the events. Chatbot can give signup times, then at the time required a 5 minute warning that the event is about to start, handler could teleport everyone to the area for the event and pop up another timer to get everyone ready. Event handler would know how many kills / deaths everyone had at start and that would be the zero point for the event. Once the timer expires and the event starts, handler could place weapons and powerups or manage opening doors on the battle field. Once a team reaches the goal the event handler could end the event, hand out the prize, and announce the winning team to the server. Possibilities for a process like this could be endless really...

    And yes the wizard could be a tutorial that you walk through to set up a basic server. But it can also explain the settings better and make the initial config that much easier for people as well as give a panel to make changes that much easier. Of course if they cannot figure out the yaml file will they really be able to handle port forwarding and further configuration? Then again that step can be included in the wizard (at least the ports that need opened and their function). It would definitely address some of the documentation woes the community sees from newer players.

    P2W abuse? Not a term I am familiar with. We run a closed server thats generally just for our family and friends that play the game. We really do not have any abuse issues as of yet. Yet lol.

    We did try playing on other servers but they all seem to have the same issue at the moment. What do we do when we build everything and the resources slow down? On a pvp or PVE server this is becoming an issue. Constant resets burn out a community fast as we have seen this with other games and in our own server. We want our community to be around for a while right? Or at least i plan on playing this game for a while lol. Tools like this can give that little bit of oomph to it all, and help drag the difficulty around as well as add distractions for the player community. Imagine "world bosses" type deals on planets. Or having nests of creatures pop up as players get too close to a specific spot. There are tons of things missing from both sides of this game that the devs are kind of slow dealing with because the game is constantly changing and currently in development that a tool like this could add in.

    Really you guys have done a lot with this tool already and it is really nice to have. It does its job and helps us manage a server with as much information at our fingertips as we could ever need :) Thank you guys for your hard work and effort. It really allows us to have more time playing the game over managing the server. I really wish developers saw the reason for tool sets like this way earlier if at all in some cases. Im going to have to pop by and check out the server you guys run. I have heard its really nice and has a good economy.
  19. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Hola ! Good game ! Version 1.15.0 is out !

    Solved my chat problem. Very good tool. I will probably buy it.

    Thank you !

    NB : Are you able to make similar tool for 7 days to die game ?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
  20. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Patch Notes - 30.06.2016 - v1.15.0:

    the patch 2.1 with a lot of fixes will come shortly and so we prepared also lot of fixes and strong improvements too. Thanks for your feedback!
    A lot more stuff was going on on the full version - worth to check it out :) http://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full

    Patch Notes Emp Admin Helper Lite - 30.06.2016 - v1.15.0:
    • Added: Ready for 2.1 (Files, Telnet)
    • Added: Duplicate Playfield Shown in Log
    • Added: Config: Custom Dedicated.cmd
    • Added: Chatbot: CB:RESTART (same as CB:RESET)
    • Added: # in Chat, Chatbot, Timetable-AutoChat for New Line
    • Added: Master/Slave Tool
    • Added: Search with CTRL+F and F3 in Chat

    • Changed: ChatBot: #;# replaced by # to Split Lines

    • Fixed: Foreign Names and Symbols in Names
    • Fixed: Default Resolution to Large
    • Fixed: Save Game with Blanks and ' not working
    • Fixed: Online Player/Playfield-List not accurate

    To get the Lite version just visit the website: http://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/
    There you can download + see the patch notes + ask for help + read the documentation

    To get the full version write us an email at: [email protected].
    Please provide your Server name with it and we will handle this.

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