Since planet creation seems to be a bigger topic now, I figured it was time to release the masterfile we use on my server for planet creation. Its not fully done, requires updates (3.0 content is not added), but is a very very good start for those wishing to see available textures and decorations usable in the content. Im releasing it AS-IS so use as you will, maybe someone can post this information on a wiki or something to help those wishing to make planets similair to the ones I have. Enjoy: ---Updated 8/21/16--- Added new Textures, Decorations and Creatures to list (Thanks to Xango2000 for the updates!!) ---------------------------- Big thanks to TallgeeseIV for helping get this file together, without him we wouldnt be able to provide this information. The document available contains all Decorations, Textures and basic information found in each playfield.yaml current in the game. This information is a collective list intended to help players build planets faster and not require constant tabbing between confusing files.
Update Decorations: AkuaBush1 AkuaBushRed AkuaFern AkuaPlant AkuaPlant2 AlaskaCedarBare AlienBush01 AlienBushRedFronds AlienPalmTree AlienPalmTreeHarvested AlienPlant02 AlienPlant04 AlienPlant05 AlienPlant07 AlienPlant11 AlienPlant11Blue AlienPlant14 AlienPlant20 AlienPlantMushroom1 AlienPlantMushroom2 AlienPlantPod2 AlienPlantReef2 AlienPlantSpike1 AlienPlantThorn1 AlienPlantThorn2 AlienPlantTube1 AlienPlantWorm1 AlienPlantWorm2 AlienTreeBlue AlienTreeBlue02 AmericanElm AntlerTree AridRock01 AridRock02 AridRock03 AridRockBrown01 AridRockBrown02 AridRockBrown03 AridRockYellow01 AridRockYellow02 AridRockYellow03 BaldCypres BaldCypresFall BlueSpruceWinter Boulder1 Boulder2 Boulder3 Boulder4 Boulder5 BrainFungusSnow BulbShroom BushGreen01 BushGreen02 BushWinter01 BushWinter02 BushWinter03 Cactus1 Cactus2 Cactus3 CattailWinter ChineseBanyan ClusterShroom CobraLeavesPlant ConfettiMoss CoralBig01 CoralBig08 CoralStone03-05 CoralStone04-03 CornDogBush CrystalsPyramidBlue CrystalStraight DeadTree01 DeadTree02b DesertPlant20 DesertRock1 DesertRock2 DesertRockLarge DesertRockMedium1 DesertRockMedium2 DimpleDome DimpleDomeSnow EggPlant ElderberryBush ElderberryBushBlue FantasyPlant1 FantasyPlant2 FingerSponge03-01 GasEmitter1 GasEmitter2 HollywoodJuniperDesktop HollywoodJuniperDesktopBare Hydrilla2 InsanityPepper ModRocksBrown01 ModRocksBrown02 ModRocksBrown03 ModRocksBrown04 MoundzTree Mushroom2 MushroomBellBrown01 MushroomBellGreen01 MushroomTallBlue02 OmicronPalm OmicronPlant OmicronWaterleaf OpuntiaCactus PixieStalks PixieStalksSnow PulpitFungus Rainforest RealRock1 RealRock10 RealRock10Snow RealRock1Snow RealRock1Water RealRock2 RealRock2Snow RealRock3 RealRock3Snow RealRock4 RealRock5 RealRock5Water RealRock6 RealRock6Snow RealRock7 RealRock8 RealRock8Snow RealRock8Water RealRock9 RealRock9Water RiverBirch RockA01 RockA01Snow RockB01 RockB01Snow RockGreySmall02 Rocks02 Rocks02Snow Rocks03 Rocks05 RocksmallA02 RocksmallC01 ScalyPods SeaWeed02-04 Snakeweed UmbrellaTree WeepingPalm1 WeepingPalm3 WhiteOak Update Textures: AlienBlack01 AlienGreen AlienGreen06 AlienGreen07 Bedrock BedrockLava Clay Cliff CliffBrown CliffDark DirtCliff Grass01BrownCliff Grass02Cliff GravelRockBrown03 RockBlack RockBrown01 RockBrown03 RockGrey08 RockGrey08Lava RockGrey08Lava02 RockLava02 RockLava04 RockLava05 SandBeach SandBeach01Cliff SandYellow03Clay SeaGround SeaGround02 Snow08 Snow08Cliff Snow08RockBrown03 SnowRock04 SnowyGrass Stone StoneBeach
Oh, also Mobs: AlienBugs01 AlienBugs02 AlienBugs03 CaveWormGreyHerd CaveWormsGreen CaveWormsGrey CaveWormsWhite GolemsDesert GolemsIce GolemsSwamp Hexapods LizardMuleHerd Otyughs Overseers ParasaurHerd PlantMonsters RaptorHerd RaptorsNight Slimes Spiders01 Spiders02 Spiders03 TalonGuardianHerd TotalHorrors Triceratopses WormDesertHerd And Grasses: Flower01 Flower02 GrassBlue01 GrassBlue02 GrassBlue03 GrassBrown02 GrassBrown02a GrassGreen01 GrassGreen01a GrassGreen03 GrassGreen03a GrassGreen03b GrassGreen03bSnow GrassGreen04 GrassGreen04aSnow GrassGreen06 GrassGreen06Snow Plant01 Plant01Blue Plant01Brown
Heres some more data: Creatures: AlienBugs01 AlienBugs02 AlienBugs03 CaveWormGreyHerd CaveWormsGreen CaveWormsGrey CaveWormsWhite GolemsDesert GolemsIce GolemsSwamp Hexapods LizardMuleHerd Otyughs Overseers ParasaurHerd PlantMonsters RaptorHerd RaptorsNight Slimes Spiders01 Spiders02 Spiders03 TalonGuardianHerd TotalHorrors Triceratopses WormDesertHerd
Drones: DroneSmallFast01Rocket DroneSmallFast01Minigun DroneLargeSlow01Minigun DroneLargeSlow02Minigun EnemyDroneV2Minigun DroneSmallSlow01Cannon DroneLargeSlow02Cannon DroneSmallFast01Plasma EnemyDroneV2Plasma SpaceDroneLaser SpaceDronePlasma
This list is of mobs is from the PDA, not sure if it's usable TalonGuardian TalonGuardianGroup TalonGuardianLeader Slime Triceratops TriceratopsBaby LizardMuleGroup LizardMuleLeader LizardMuleBaby RaptorLeader RaptorGroup PlantMonster Hexapod Spider01 Spider02 Otyugh GolemDesert Spider03 Overseer
I also have a list of all the loot that are listed in the PDA file if you want that. and a list of the 8 Start and 6 Finish names for Sprouts... I'm going to be testing that later, see if I can create a planet with Tomatos, Durians and Pumpkins growing on the ground.
Water textures: WaterBlue WaterGreen WaterBrown RockLava03 FX Local: ButterfliesBlue FireFliesGreenFew FireFliesGreen Pollen FireFliesOrange Grime Butterflies DandelionsFew SnowLight SnowMedium FX Global: BirdFlockBats ThunderAndLightning MeteorShower BirdFlocksVultures ThunderAndLightningRed BirdFlocksCrows Terrain Types: Alien Asteroid1 Asteroid2 Barren Desert Desert2 Lava Lava2 Moonstone Snow Temperate Temperate2 Temperate2a Temperate2b TemperateNew
This is what I have found so far HTML:
Name in code, eh? Are you looking at something (exe or bundles) in a hex editor? I found two more textures by looking in the bundles. AlienGreen03 Gravel (I wish I could figure out what the names for "alien rock blue" ones were.)
you can find all name code in ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Extras\localization.csv
Oh My. That will seriously help 658-674 Drones 675-726 Mobs what in the world? What is a Megalonops? =P Time to test!! Crawler isn't in the list?
Thanks alot guys, you have been incredibly helpfull, ill add all this info to the list and update the link asap!
Hey Xango, Great tables you have there - appreciate the work you and Vexray have done here... question: would it be possible for you to post a direct link to the google sheet? The embedding here is doing strange things to my browser... like every time I try to click and/or move around in the embedded sheet, it kicks me back up to the top of the main forum page... lol. Again, thanks to you and Vexray for your continued efforts! All the best, Jacob