(US-UK-AUS) Andromeda Rising - Xeon/SSD/EAC/Custom Worlds

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by StilleVande, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Thank you for taking the time to read about our humble server.


    Welcome to Andromeda Rising, a new dedicated server for Empyrion. Since we are running on privately owned data center level hardware, we have no monthly rental fee for our setup, so we intend to give our players a long lasting and pleasant experience. We are based in Dallas Texas, so we are centralized for most of the Continental United States, with low latency (considering) to the UK and AUS (verified on our Starbound server). :)

    Community Information:
    Group page - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/stillevandegaming
    Server Stat Page - https://empyrion-servers.com/server/349/

    EDIT: A lot of people have asked to donate. Though I do not ask for donations, any assistance is appreciated:


    GameServer Information:

    EAC is enabled
    Max players set to 42

    Map Info:
    Green - Starter Planets - Wiped roughly every 1 month.
    Blue - PvE Areas
    Red - PvP Areas
    Yellow - Raid Areas - Wiped roughly every 2 days.

    We run Emp Admin Helper (EAH)- Full Version:

    We run Custom Playfields by Vexray
    Planet locations, icons, names, and some settings may have been changed. :)

    Any and all BP's are allowed - Of course within common sense :)
    *stress tested the server by flying a 120K block ship around while players were on, no issues*

    Tolerably active Marketplace.

    Main Host:
    Dual Proc Xeon 5650 (12 physical - 24 logical cores)
    72G ECC Reg DDR3 RAM
    3x300G 15K SAS Drives set RAID 1E
    4x64G Intel Extreme SSD's
    VMWare ESXi, guest OS run Windows 2012R2
    200M down / 20M up

    OS resides on the SAS Raid 1E, the Empyrion server resides on an SSD.

    That being said, we only go by one rule:

    The Golden Rule here. If you don't know what that is, look it up. :)

    I will expand upon this thread in the future when more data becomes available.

    Game on!
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  2. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    System has been tweaked a tad bit more, and I believe we are at the point in which we will be looking for staff.

    We will be looking for:
    2 Moderators

    If interested, please either log into the server and talk to me (I will usually be on between the hours of 1800-2300CST), or reply to this post.
  3. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    I have added a TeamSpeak Server for us.

    You can connect to it via:

    There is a section for our Empyrion, Starbound, and TUG server, including private rooms.

  4. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Updated to 3.0.0.

    Enjoy :)
  5. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Updated to 3.1.0.

    We now usually have anywhere between 4-10 players online at any given point and time.

    Log in yourself and find out why. :)

  6. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Updated to 3.2.0

    WE also have found two GM's, so we are well on our way!

  7. JMac

    JMac Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2016
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    Gonna check out your server soon. I was playing over at the "life" server but the admins disappeared and then the server disappeared with no notice from anyone. It is very sad to put so much time in and then wake up one morning to see it all gone. This is the third time it has happened to me where the server I played on just up and disappeared with no notice or warning. I sure hope if things go wrong and you play on shutting down the server you will at least post a notice and let people know before hitting the shutdown button.
  8. JMac

    JMac Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2016
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    I'm in Ohio and get a nice 54 ping to the server. Everything runs very smooth so far.
  9. JMac

    JMac Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2016
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    Couple of thoughts to help with the longevity of the server

    1. The marketplace - I noticed the marketplace is empty, you may want to start seeding some wanted orders to allow new players to earn a few credits they can use to then make sell orders. This will help new players with their initial start and give them a purpose for farming fiber, meat and other basic items. You will also want to seed some sale orders to help kickstart the economy until you get more players in the server and it player driven economy kicks in.

    2. What is your plan for starter planets and keeping them new-player friendly? I did not see any plans for wiping the starter planets like most servers do on a regular basis. If you dont wipe them every now and then, the alien bases all get destroyed and the ore deposits get drained leaving you at the mercy of meteors. Meteors are great for the PvP planets where people are already established but on starter planets, you may not spawn near any mag meteors so you can not make ammo to defend yourself. This happened to me on another server and after walking around for 2 days and not finding any mag, I just left the server.

    3. Have you though about making one non-starter planet as a PvE planet? No PvP player bases would be allowed there, those factions have to base on PvP planets but it would attract some other players who are not into PvP but would help stimulate the player economy by selling resources and ships on the marketplace. You could also allow players based on this planet to fly to PvP systems and PvP in space but not allow them to enter the atmo of PvP planets. This would help get a few more players into PvP and allow them to try it out while also being fair to PvP factions and not allowing pirates to attack their bases. The "life" server used this and it seemed like a good idea. You can check out their rules at the steam group Empyrion.life to get an idea how it works. (Sadly that server is now defunct due to owner/admins leaving)

    4. I noticed you are not running the anti-cheat software, that may attract the kind of players you dont want.

    5. Do you have a simple website or place where people can donate? I know you are not into this for the money but it does help keep the lights on. I like to drop a few bucks on servers I play on to show my appreciation.

    Server is running very smooth and I hope to make a home here.

    Sorry to be so chatty...
  10. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    No worries, were not shutting down for a long time. I own all the hardware (it's around an $8000 machine), and it runs at my house with a 200M/20M connection. More or less, there is no monthly rental fee that will bring us into the negatives.

    This also means since it doesn't cost me money, I don't advertise for donations. I do it because I love ya'll. :)

    I'll also be addressing your questions in a moment too.

    Welcome aboard man. :)
  11. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    1) Great idea! Im learning as I go on both the player side and the admin side at the same time. I'd love to look into populating the marketplace. Good idea.

    2) The server has been up for about two weeks, and Im getting a taste of how often the start planets needs to be wiped. How I am thinking about doing is making a few Home Worlds that have no resources or drones, but do not get wiped. These will also not be starter planets either. The idea is that a new player lands on a Starter World (Mining World). Their main goal is to get the basics, and warp to a Home World, where they can build their base, and not worry about it getting wiped. This also makes it so that, since the Home Worlds have no resources, players wont mine on the world, causing huge holes in the ground and also makes it so players that only join for a few day never get far enough to make a permanent base on the server.

    3) I have all intentions of expanding the universe. I'm currently reading up on how to make and mod worlds, so it should be coming soon.

    4) Yup, started up the server as a place to play, and it's starting to become popular. It's getting to the point in which flipping on the anti-cheat ill be mandatory. :)

    5) Nope! No donations needed. Just come in and enjoy yourself. :)
  12. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    EAC has now been activated on the server. Please enable EAC under:

    Options -> Misc -> Enable EAC on start. Set it to yes, and install the Easy Anti Cheat software in order to connect to us now.

    Enjoy ladies and gentlemen. :)
  13. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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  14. JMac

    JMac Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2016
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    Every time I see your signature, a bit of drool slides down my chin as I read your bandwidth numbers. Between your hardware and bandwidth, this has been the smoothest server I have ever played on.

    On a side note, you may want to become part of the server survey the Devs are running. With your setup, it would really allow them to see the hardware vs software side of things to help them optimize the code. I mean, with your setup, any slowdowns have to be caused by player bandwidth or the code because it sure won't be on your end, LOL.
    StilleVande likes this.
  15. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Thanks alot man. It means alot to me. :p

    Whats the link for the Dev Survey? I agree, honestly my setup will probably be in the upper end of servers that will run the game (24 cores, 72G RAM).

    Id like to give feedback to make sure the system runs as good as it can.
  16. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Here is a shameless pic of the server. :p


    This is before I added the adaptec controller and the 3x300G SAS drives.

    The banks of RAM is what my eyes always wander to. xD
  17. JMac

    JMac Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2016
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    Here is the link: http://survey.empyriongame.com/

    P.S. Now I have RAM envy on top of my bandwidth envy, thanks! LOL
  18. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    I just restructure the location of the planets around the sun. Y coords are now more into play now, and you'' noticed for the most part, PvE planets are close to the star than PvP.

    Next is tweaking each planet.

    Onwards! :)
  19. StilleVande

    StilleVande Ensign

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Updated planet/station icon colors.

    Map Info:
    Green - Starter Planets
    Blue - PvE Areas
    Red - PvP Areas
    Yellow - Raid Areas
  20. agal59

    agal59 Lieutenant

    May 26, 2016
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    I hate asking these kinds of questions, but here goes.... I've searched but have not found information about how to join/connect to a server (like this one). Is there a URL that I can go to to read instructions so that I don't waste other people's time explaining to me something that's probably right in front of my nose?

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