
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. EleonGameStudios

    EleonGameStudios Developer Staff Member

    • Developer
    Oct 20, 2014
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    What do you think about the current weapons?
    Aurex and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. Ryan Kingstone

    Ryan Kingstone Lieutenant

    Jun 10, 2015
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    There is a delay between switching weapons. It makes the game just feel less responsive.
  3. Michael Robison

    Michael Robison Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I noticed that, too. I think it seems less responsive because there's a lack of weapon switching animation...the old weapon disappears and the new one appears in its place after a delay. If there were a smooth transition animation (with the old weapon moving down off of screen or otherwise being put away, and the new one being drawn) then it might make things 'feel' better. If that makes sense.
  4. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    Iron sights would be useful for weapons without scopes.

    Reload and empty ammo animations would be much welcomed
    zztong, Loden1111, Mindkiller and 7 others like this.
  5. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I agree with an iron sights system. I am so used to holding right click to get a careful aim in the few FPS games I play. Animations for reloads would be nice to see later down the line.

    Also, an improvement to the weapon UI would be appreciated. Such as when we have a weapon equipped, it shows how much ammunition we have in reserve. So a pistol would show 10(100) or something similar to show the pistol contains 10 rounds and we have 100 rounds in our inventory.


    Also, I'm just a sucker for energy weapons. I haven't managed to build any yet, but personally I would prefer a system where the handheld energy weapons ran on rechargeable weapon cells (could place a depleted cell in a recharge dock and 'build' a new weapon cell, similar to the Food Processor).

    Also, for base/vehicle mounted energy weapons to draw power from the generator. Again, this is PERSONAL PREFERENCE, and I have no complaints with the energy weapons using ammunition. I just think it would be a nice alternative. Do you use ballistic weapons that use ammo, or energy weapons that consume more power.
    Slimer, Loden1111, Mindkiller and 3 others like this.
  6. MrGReaper

    MrGReaper Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I have so far only been able to get 10 minutes of play time, work commitments (it sucks to be an adult at times) but hoping to get more time once im on holiday at the start of next month.

    First thing i saw was a wierd monster, and i immediatly shot at it ... i know i know, wont be enlisting in the diplomatic branch anytime soon, i searched the body and got the raw meat from it and then went off to look at the resources i saw, as mining them another creature attacked me, i fired once then the gun went click (thats gun for "your expletively out of luck" :) ) i tried to hit the monster with the drill but it didnt effect it, and so ended the worlds briefest experience of a new planet lol

    so from that in regards to weapons :
    1) you need to give the player a melee weapon, even if its a rock or a bit of metal that broke off the escape pod
    2) the drill can make holes in rock, it really should be able to do something similier to a small squishy thing (to prevent it being used as an all powerful weapon instead of an emergency one, have there be a chance that blood gets into it and clogs it, pressing reload repeatedly to unjam, for balance)

    Looking really good though, im looking forward to trying more in my off time
  7. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Would like to add, in regards to reloading.

    The sound made by a reloading shotgun suggests that the character is loading all shells individually. If that is the case, in the future the reload time should take into account how many shells are needed. Also, the ability to cancel the reload for shotgun early, due to the individual shell loading.

    Also, an option to turn off automatic reloading. If you run out of ammo and try to fire, the weapon will attempt to reload if you have ammo in your inventory. The problem here is that you cannot switch weapons (or I can't) until the reload is complete.
  8. Augmentia

    Augmentia Ensign

    Jun 28, 2015
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    I think the damage output is too low for the weapons. It shouldn't take like 3 clips to kill a robot or a dinosaur. With that being said, I would love for the current damage to be tripled and the crafting recipe requirements to be doubled. We can either do that or make explosive/incendiary versions of the current ammo. I could dig that. I would also like electric fences to keep the dinosaurs off my lawn. Not sure if they qualifies as a weapon. Lastly, the animations need a bit of work for reloading and stuff, and the hands disappear when not holding a weapon, which unsettles me a bit.
    Morrigan and Otterbear like this.
  9. BlackStar7713

    BlackStar7713 Lieutenant

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I don't agree. I like the damage as it is, as it encourages longer battles. Even though it takes time to kill enemies, they don't do to much damage to the player. So it's nicely balanced in my opinion.
  10. Silent_Ninja

    Silent_Ninja Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    I don't think it's THAT low. Just aim for the weak spots, they'll die pretty quickly. Though, I have accurate aim since I played Team Fortress 2 for over 6000 hours.
  11. Michael Robison

    Michael Robison Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I agree with the iron sights system, the game really needs it.

    I also like the idea of melee weapons...we'll need a backup in case the ammo runs out
  12. McMadCamel

    McMadCamel Ensign

    Jun 28, 2015
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    Agree on the iron sight system.
    Other then that i like the selection of weapons, balancing will have to be done when we'r able to try it againt a bigger group of diffrent NPCs.
  13. Kaltonse

    Kaltonse Commander

    Mar 24, 2015
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    I too would like to see iron sights and a reload animation however I feel neither is severely important in the game's current state (Alpha 1.0.2 at time of posting). I would like to suggest that shotguns either be made --slightly-- more accurate or more pellets be fired from a shotgun as currently I can unload a shotgun magazine in the direction of a spinosaur only to have to reload while getting munched on (great fun BTW). The selection of weapons is nice however I would like to see differences in production costs for different weapons. As of right now any of the advanced weapons can be made with differing combinations of the same three materials though I'm not sure what to suggest as far as changing material requirements. I have also noticed that the level of tint of the pulse rifle scope makes the pulse rifle incredibly difficult to use while scoped.

    **** Summary ****
    - Make shotguns slightly more accurate or increase number of pellets
    - Nice weapon selection
    - Production costs for weapons needs variation
    - Pulse rifle scope tint is too much
    Loden1111 and Satyr13 like this.
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Iron sights would be nice.
    Reloading animation would be nice.

    Im sure the delay issues will be rectified as time goes on.

    I like the balance of the weapons, killing vs being killed.

    I think the expensive weapons/ammo like lazers should have a really effective kill/damage vs cheaper weapons.

    Melee weapons are really needed badly , even a simple thing like a crow bar would be handy to have as a back up weapon, maybe attach it to the suit inventory so it cant be removed then if you die you at least have a crow bar to defend yourself with where ever and when ever you re-spawn.

    Energy weapons, as mentioned above, would be nice if some of them run on power and not ammunition.
    I like all the current weapons.
    It would be really cool if instead of modifying some of the current weapons, use the same models , change them later if you like, and use them to create a new set of weapons that all run off Energy , for all classes of weapons, small ships large ships and stations.
    NOLOS and Rafe Andedare like this.
  15. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    One thing I think might be interesting is the ability to modify/customise weapons and/or suit. Or to have other craftable suits.

    For weapon modification, it could be standard things like expanded clips, adding and upgrading sights (telescopic, night/thermal vision etc), adding a torch/flashlight to aid in fighting in the dark and so on.

    As for suits, I would be interested in seeing suits that could match specific roles. Assuming a future inventory revamp adds a weight limit on the character and perhaps reduce the maximum number of items that can be stacked, here are some ideas.

    A mining suit would have several lights on it to illuminate the dark, and would be able to carry more ores and drill charges, as well as enhancing the power of the drill in some way. Either make it use less ammo or maybe increase the distance it can drill to.

    Perhaps for combat we could see some kind of powered armour. A heavy suit that, without power, would reduce the character to barely walking speed. But if it has power (limited fuel cell capacity) then it can move at full speed, has a stronger jetpack, and can perhaps use unique weapons. For example, a minigun could only be used in a powered armour, as it would (in theory) connect directly to it and rather than requiring reloading, will simply rapid fire and use up ammo in the inventory.
    Loden1111 and Eviscerator like this.
  16. grognon

    grognon Lieutenant

    May 1, 2015
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    This gun is awesome exept for the blue viewfinder, even when you try to aim it's pretty bad .

    Sory for the double post
  17. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    That'd be the Pulse Rifle, right? Yeah, that scope should really just be clear like the regular Assault Rifle.
  18. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Maybe it could stay blue, but enemies would be highlighted in red? Perhaps red for aggressive NPCs/enemy faction players (when PvP is a thing), yellow for neutral NPCs and green for friendly players/NPCs (if that is ever a thing).

    I do see your point however.

    I've managed to craft all of the weapons, though not try out them all. Here are some things I have noticed.

    1: Shotguns seem underpowered. Even at close range, the assault/pulse rifle is better. The shotgun doesn't seem to do enough damage, and the reload time is crippling slow, which makes it dangerous to use at close range, where a shotgun is most useful.

    2: I like the laser weapons, but their ammunition only stacks up to 25, unlike other ammunition which stacks to 999. I wonder if this is intentional, as I wouldn't think that 999 would be the true stack for survival.

    3: Speaking of lasers, I'd personally rather see a 'short beam' like the SV mounted pulse lasers, instead of the spheres they shoot currently. Technically a laser should just be an instant beam, but there are roughly two sci-fi laser types. Star Trek style phasers (instant beam) or Star Wars blasters (short beam that looks like a tracer round).

    4: This is just a 'me' thing, but I'm not sure what niche the Laser Rifle fills. Every weapons has 2 versions which use the same ammo, and we have 2 different pistols (Projectile and Laser). And then we have the Laser Rifle. I do prefer it to the Pulse Rifle in most situations though, so not suggesting it's removal. Maybe someone else here could inform me?

    That's my main points I'd like to make for weapons right now. I already mentioned reload animations etc, which I'd imagine are planned for a later date anyway.
    Loden1111 likes this.
  19. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Ammo for the high end weapons seems a bit easy to obtain, maybe add one or more of the fantasy ores from other planets to the ammo recipe.
  20. grognon

    grognon Lieutenant

    May 1, 2015
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    Shotgun is really underpowered even at close range, you are right mcsproot.
    Laser... mhh... for me the laser bullet seems close to a toy o_O It should look like a bit more than a laser line than a laser "fire ball", furthermore than the bullet is actualy realy slow for a light based weapon (same speed as rocket aproximatively!)
    Pulse rifle should be more powerfull than the assault rifle, actualy it seems they got the same damage power .

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