POI Tier Levels

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by SightedNZ, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. SightedNZ

    SightedNZ Commander

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Hi there,

    I've been playing around with yaml files today and am having a go at designing my own playfield/planet.

    Now I've come across the POI area and there is a field called "GroupName: <NameTier#>". For example: GroupName: XenuTierI

    Whereabouts can I find more information on these groups, and can they be modded to include other POI's?

    Also, is there a complete list of groups and tier levels documented somewhere? Google turns up nothing.

  2. SightedNZ

    SightedNZ Commander

    Aug 1, 2016
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    I'm not getting any joy here so perhaps I haven't asked the right question.

    I would like to modify the POI groups so that I can set which POI's appear randomly across the planet surface. Is there any way to do this?
  3. Gray

    Gray Commander

    Aug 18, 2016
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    https://eleon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/209507089-How-to-create-and-insert-customized-POIs or the wiki.

    groupname is the ...well... groupname for the saves blueprint (only works with bases). when you save a blueprint it asks for a groupname, if you have several structures with the same groupname the game spawns one randomly - for example the unknown structure/artifact on omicron work this way, as do the titans (including hyperion I think) when they spawned via "CrashedShip".

    as for the tier, I assume that's the amount of turrets, spawns and rewards it has. higher tier more risk/more reward. there aren't any guidelines for it afaik, so do whatever you want if you run custom server. ;)
  4. SightedNZ

    SightedNZ Commander

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Thanks for your input Gray.

    I found the prefab folder during the weekend and worked out that the prefab sub-folder names matched the GroupName field in the playfield yaml file.

    One of the GroupName values for Omicron is called XenuTier1 and this is the only POI GroupName in the .yaml that has a CountMinMax setting defined.
    Strangely though, I couldn't find a group called XenuTier1. Given that XenuTier1 is obviously not a specific prefab/POI, I assumed it was a group of prefabs that were defined elsewhere.

    I would like to know where XenuTier1 (and similar groups for other planets) is defined so that I can customize my own randomly spawning POI groups.

    Does that make sense?

    Reading that article though, it looks like a group name can be set upon opening customized blueprints from the blueprint library. Does that mean that the games bundled POI's cannot be changed and that the the XenuTier1 group name is coded into the game?
  5. Gray

    Gray Commander

    Aug 18, 2016
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    you set a groupname when you save a BA blueprint - and only then, the dialog doesn't pop up for other types of structures. probably because every alien POI has to be a BA. you can spawn other types as *_Player, but then they're public, so they don't attack. the groupname is basically buried inside the .ebp and besides the prefabinfo command there isn't really a way to see it (probably with a hex editor or sth, but don't ask me how ;) ).

    so don't confuse the groupname with prefabname. randomly spawned POIs are spawned by groupname (which also means the game spawns one of several if there are more prefabs with the same groupname), "fixed" POIs (that always spawn at the same coordinates) are spawned by prefab name (= file name in the prefab folder). it would probably be easier if the groupname isn't buried in the prefab but could be set via the .yaml itself (for example "group 1 = prefab A, prefab B, prefab C", but right now we have to do it the hard way. :/

    so if you want to know which POI is a XenuTier1 POI, you'd have to check which prefab belongs to that group. the groupname is set in the blueprint itself so you'd have to check every prefab with prefabinfo after copying it to your BP folder...
    if you just want to add another to the existing pool, create a BA, put an alien core in it, save the blueprint as whatever, set the group to "XenuTier1" and copy the .ebp file into prefabs. in a new game (or after resetting the savegame, but that's another topic for now) it _could_ be one of the POIs that get spawned if there are more than one.
    if you want it to always spawn you can save it with a new groupname and have the game spawn that group, since there's only one structure belonging to that group it will always spawn.

    you can check out http://empyriononline.com/threads/p...om-playfield-with-all-the-games-prefabs.7856/ how to spawn fixed prefabs and check out all the xenu prefabs. theoretically you should be able to save each as a BP, then use prefabinfo to get the groupname, continue with next one asf.
    SightedNZ likes this.
  6. SightedNZ

    SightedNZ Commander

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Yeah, I thought it night come to that. Ripping out, editing groupnames in creative and resaving them to the prefab folder is going to be a huge pain the butt. Hopefully the devs make it easier in the future by making these settings editable in a .yaml somewhere.

    Thanks for your time :)
  7. Gray

    Gray Commander

    Aug 18, 2016
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    you don't really need to resave them if you only want to spawn your own stuff. rest is probably set per difficulty, for example ghost rider stuff is on the moon and easier etc..

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