What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.


    HEXEN_ACI Ensign

    Jan 2, 2017
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    These are incredible! How long did it take you to make the most complex one out of the three?
  2. vicomt

    vicomt Captain

    Jul 16, 2016
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    none of the are particularly more complex than the other to be honest. We were only going to do a single ship, then we decided to name then after Odin's wolves, which meant we needed two, and then we couldn't stop at two once we'd done the mirrored twins. So, we copied Geri to Freki and hand-mirrored the hull manually (and introduced differences), then copied again for Fenrir and went bonkers ;)

    The hulls were probably 80% finished when we copied them (structurally complete, but little interior work.

    Making the original hull took us about a week, going from one to three only took a couple of days, but those days were pretty long, probably 15-20 hours to do the mirror copies and tidy up.

    All good fun ;)

    HEXEN_ACI Ensign

    Jan 2, 2017
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    As a newcomer, it's so enticing to see what can be built. To go from nothing to that would be quite a feat, and it's a feat itself that a game allows you the freedom to accomplish it.

    I've done nothing but inhale this after I got up and running and understood the basics. It's the only game I play anymore because it grants you the freedom of creation while maintaining enough depth to keep it interesting after 100 hours of play... and I imagine Fenrir would take 100 hours to build lol.

    Well done, sir. Love the look and how you chose to outfit the hulls. The architecture is really appealing with that catamaran type of design. Really imposing and slick looking.
  4. vicomt

    vicomt Captain

    Jul 16, 2016
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    overall I'd say a ship the size of Fenrir can be built, fitted and partially styled in probably 30-40 man hours, we also have two people building/painting/texturing/dicking around, so it's always quicker, but not twice as fast as one man alone. This also helps with design ideas, look and feel, and knowing when to stop ;)

    Our look has evolved quite a bit over the time we've been building (even just in Empyrion) and it does take a while to develop. You do have to be aware of becoming type-cast and settled into a style a little too much though.

    We've been liking catamaran-style hulls for a while, Abaddon, Typhon, and a lot of our earlier SV's have two (or more) hulls. we still have more ideas for them as well ;)
  5. CocoCincinnati

    CocoCincinnati Lieutenant

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Took over the farm POI on Oscutune, not that I was in danger of starving at this point, in fact, just the opposite, I am now literally running out of space to store the spoilable stuff. I decided to switch my diet from canned goods to emergency rations....I can store/carry more of them in one spot and they don't spoil. One problem, I don't have a clue where to find eggplant. I can get everything else pretty easily to make the rations but the energy pills need eggplant and I have yet to run across that, although I haven't exactly been looking for them up to now.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Egg Plants if I remember right are on Omicron.

    For the Topic: Last Saturday, WASD Games Server play, I tried to get ready for either getting to a non-Reset Playfield before the Monday Reset or get myself into some kinda state I could hold everything in my Inventory & then park myself somewhere that looked good for Transitioning from pre-Reset to post-Reset & got part way done at this & logged off on top of my POI Temp Base after leaving a lot of Resources to get Processed & POI Fuel to fuel it with. Sunday I was given ZERO chance to follow up on this because of RL, & especially in particular my Dad, & now have 0 chance to not insta die the second I log in, never be able to get to my Backpack, thus Checkmate. I have been defeated. I can't have a stable RL & because of that apparently i'm too retarded to do something as simple as get off a Starter Planet... I lose... I can't help but to wonder if the WASD Players would even want an Admin that sucks at Empyrion too much to be able to do something as simple as get off a Starter Planet... I dunno if I can show my face there again... :'(

    (& clicking Fresh Start after the inevitable death would be useless. If I couldn't defeat the Starter Planet with the Starting Loadout, i'll never stand a chance with the dinky Fresh Start pelf loadout...)
    Kyrt Malthorn likes this.
  7. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Awww, you poor thing. Looks like you need a beer (in a good way.)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I'm non-alcoholic. Got any Pumpkin Milkshakes? Sparkling Apple or Apple-Grape Cider'd work too. :(
    Kyrt Malthorn and zaphodikus like this.
  9. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I don't have any idea how I want this base to look, so I am just playing around with blocks until figure something out. lol Screenshot (263).png Screenshot (264).png Screenshot (266).png
  10. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    I am Sam
    I do not like this Eleon Studios Game
    It has nasty looking alien bases
    I do not like them with some eggs
    I do not like them
    Here or there
    I do not like them
    I do not like them, Sam I am

    Would you try them
    With this gun?
    Try it, try them with my
    Epic Minigun?

    I do not like Eleon Studio
    I do not like your
    Mini gun
    I do not like them, Sam I am

    Would you shoot them
    In a box?
    Would you shoot them
    With a Fox?

    Not with eggs
    Not in a box.
    Not with a fox.
    I would not shoot them, Sam I am

    Would you like them
    In a house?
    Would you like them
    With a mouse?

    Not in a house.
    Not with a mouse.
    I do not like them, Sam I am

    Would you like them
    with some shields?
    Or with a keyboard
    On some wheels?

    Not with eggs
    Not in a box.
    Not with a fox.
    Not in a house.
    Not with a mouse.
    Not with some keyboard
    And some shields
    I do not like them
    With those wheels
    I do not like them, Sam I am!

    In the dark?
    Here in the dark!
    Would you, could you, in the dark?

    I would not, could not,
    In the dark.

    Would you, could you,
    In the rain?

    I do not like this game said Sam
    I would not like this game with rain
    I do not like it in the dark
    I do not like it with a mouse
    I do not like those shields at all

    Oh could you like it
    With some Ham?
    Or maybe with some
    Nice tinned spam?

    I do not like this game said Sam
    A vegetarian I am
    I do not like
    Aliens with teeth
    I want be be an
    And rule forever
    in vast lands
    I want, I want
    There to be Peace

    You do not like this game.
    So you say.
    Try them! Try this game!
    And you may.
    Try them and you may I say.

    I do not like
    And ham!

    If you will let me be,
    I will try them.
    You will see.

    I like green eggs and ham!
    I like toothy aliens
    I do, I like them Sam I am
    I like this mouse
    This keyboard too
    I need no shields
    I need no house
    I am, I am. Sam I am

    I like those bases
    And those drones
    I like dark nights
    I like that gun
    That epic Epic mini gun
    I'll build an empire
    Yes I may
    And rule the server
    For one day

    I do so like
    Thank you!
    Thank you,

    Credits: Dr Suess 1927-1990
    Inspired by yet another trolling steam thread this morning. Thanks to Mrs Patterson who taught grade 1, for showing us this book when I as just a little nipper.
  11. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    New year, new ship class.



    I already hate painting it, lol.
  12. Wild_XIII

    Wild_XIII Captain

    Aug 10, 2016
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    A small role play style ship I created!



    Created as something of a role play style ship. The Medevac is a ship designed for quickly transporting medical personnel to and from medical sites and allowing them safe passage through war torn battlefields.

    It's made entirely of hardened steel to resist any incoming fire and the dual medium jet engines allow a quick escape. I have also re purposed the ship as a troop transport as well for those who want a more military themed transport. I'll get that uploaded to the workshop as well at some point.

    Any advice/criticisms welcome. My ships sometimes (quite a lot!) lack imagination on how they look. :)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning and Phoneus like this.
  13. Phoneus

    Phoneus Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Finished building my behemoth of an SV. Not happy with it. So I built another platform on my base and started another. While doing this I decided to build myself a little play area. I made a wall and a floor with SV blocks and started playing with the shapes.

    Specifically I wanted to get the hang of corner a/b/c/d. After about 20 minutes of just playing with them and lining them up backwards and forwards I got a pretty good handle on it. Enough so that my new ship is going to look so much slicker than the last. Still a flying box and I'm still an amateur but "getting" these shapes sure felt like a revelation.

    Should have waited for better light for these shots. This is the first "real" ship I built. By "real" I mean something more than parts stuck to a cockpit. :)



  14. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    HAHAHA, I love it! Dr Seuss hasn't crossed my mind in years. Well played. Now I can start my day off grinning like an idiot. :)
    zaphodikus and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    The sad thing is there's no Empyrion equivalent of a Geneva Convention so you'll probably be the first one dead on a Battlefield cause the Enemy will either be Pirates or such ilk & regard you as an easy mark, or will be Military kinda dudes & regard you as a Enemy Support & everyone knows ya kill the Supports first or ya might as well not even be trying to win the Battle. The Supports can even be more important to kill then the enemy squishy Glass Cannons.

    Ya think that's a big dude, ya oughta check out my latest SV dude, Big Jack. :p

    With that said, practice makes better, you'll get more hang of it as time goes on. :)

    For the Topic: I went onto the WASD Games Server to get my inevitable Checkmate over with while feeling bad from RL Events earlier in the day... but it didn't happen. I did of course lose ALL Resources in the former Temp Base as punishment for having no control over my Arceus-Damned RL, but I wasn't Checkmated... I didn't Spawn in right on top of a Former Temp Base now being a Freshly Reset very hostile Enemy POI... instead, the Reset acted as if it used a New Seed & instead I ended up being near a non-hostile but already looted Talon Village. I was saved! :D

    Losing a crapton of Resources again still hurt like hell, but nothing I can do about that except hate my own RL Guts over it. :(

    Still, continuing my efforts to figure out how to get the hell off Akua-R* & into Stable PvE Space. I won't give details in case other fellow WASD Games Server Newbies read this & plot & scheme against me though, my apologies.

    *Hereafter known as "The Hellhole".
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
  16. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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    So that's what happens when you build a ship almost entirely out of RCS and Engines! Bravo!:D
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    When ya go big on a SV like this, the number of RCS ya need is horribad. I keep begging the Devs for a RCS T2, but they seem to instead thing people like me aren't allowed to dream big & keep trying to 'discourage' it. :(

    What i'd REALLY like to do is build a SV almost entirely outta Weapons & Ammo, with good damage taking ability too. :p

    Also I meant to mention in my last Post & forgot, I also managed my first success at Admin Duty at helping out a WASD Games Player in need. :)
    zaphodikus and oojimaflip like this.
  18. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Another ship for me to download. :) You should do some role playing videos with your ships.
    zaphodikus and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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