Kernel Power 41 failure.

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by piddlefoot, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    There are a thousand different reasons this error can be triggered in windows 7, vista or 10.

    I discovered that my AMD CPU when jumping to turbo frequency started to have these power failures at a regular basis, basically your PC reboots for what seems like no reason at all.

    In Empyrion that's when I was joining my own server, the CPU cores 1, 4,5,7 all jump in frequency, and in the windows event log it showed the PC is at fault not the program triggering it.

    I tried everything on every forum I could find and nothing worked over a 4 day period.
    They included,

    pulling the entire PC to pieces and rebuilding it to ensure every connection was snug fit and working, no fix,

    unplugging SSDs and taking video card out and putting brand new SSD in, no fix,

    I changed my already extreme power plan to one thats extremely extreme, the max the board will allow without manual overclocking, no fix,

    I have set up the PC to boot with almost no system process's running, no fix, though I now run this on all PCs as its really speeds up your gaming,

    I have changed the water cooling system to be sure the water pump wasn't drawing to much power, no fix,

    I replaced every cable inside the PC with brand new ones to be absolutely sure it wasn't a cable or connection, no fix,

    ATI driver and NVidea driver processes that were known to cause this issue are not present in my system.

    I then started messing with CPU and RAM speeds, Underclocked CPU and RAM, took RAM back to 1333mhtz, and CPU down to 4.5ghtz , no fix, and ran crappy,


    The system failed to post with a beeeeep, beep beep beep, shut down, enter BIOS and set everything to default, and set power plan to extreme, reboot, system starts, I then shut down PC and go to Bios, and the new Bios has set my CPU to 5.001 ghtz and my RAM to 1833mhtz, system is running sweet as now and has not had a kernel power failure for 4 days since the Bios update.

    Anyone else starts getting this error, I suggest updating the BIOS first before anything else.
    Then run through all the fixes on google.
    ButtonPusher likes this.
  2. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
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    First problem ... AMD ... sorry couldn't help it.
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Seriously dude it happens to Intels just as much, google it yourself.

    AMD build good systems for there price, sorry couldnt help it.

    Intel rip everyone off big time, sorry couldnt help that either.

    Should we debate this or would it be to much to ask to focus on what the topic actually is ?

    And as for an Update, the BIOS failed as well, it was around a week before it had another kernel power failure, and that threw me off thinking it was fixed when it wasnt, which has now been tracked right down to the very Capacitor on the motherboard thats faulty, and is giving a fluxuating voltage instead of a steady one.

    ASUS FX Sabertooth board.

    First one thats ever failed on me.

    ASUS are sending a new free board, as its only 2 years old and never overclocked.

    I will have to wait and see if its truely resolved, its one of the more troublesome PC errors to get as the logs have no details from a hard shut down, but Im at the stage now where I have replaced every part of the PC including the CPU and RAM, power supply, SSD is new, swapped out the R9 with a new R7 just to test it, 3 new power supplies later, all Antec, even replaced every cable in the PC with new ones, nothing worked, sent the board off for testing, the motherboard, and bingo ASUS message me with toasty capacitor have a new board, sorry.

    So frek basically.
    This particular error, I hope you never get dude, or you are going to understand really fast how brand means nothing.
    ButtonPusher likes this.
  4. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    Here i thought it was simply a kernel bug in win7 that was never fixed that causes this. I am fairly sure that i am having the same issue, it is very random and does the same exact thing to me, Piddlefoot. I am going to take a look at my board more closely and have it tested at my local PC repair shop to see if any of the caps are bad. Very good read here, thanks for the post! (Asus m5a99fx pro2.0, AMD 9590 with stock boost settings, tried 2 different ram kits and all XMP profiles that I could test, and I get NO dumps in bluescreenview whatsoever)
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Some people do have this problem from software, the causes are almost limitless for this problem.

    Mines an AMD 9590 also.

    I replaced every component to the PC in the end bar the motherboard and CPU in the end in testing, 2 different power supplies, man it was freaking my bain right out !

    Yea it never generates a log, cos its an insta shut down from power failure to a component. Or reported power failure.
    So yea just afubar.

    Got a video card you can swap out and see if its the video card ?
    Swap out as much as you can to test it, even the cabling.
    Disconnect any extra drives you have for testing just have C drive connected.
    Disconnect any external devices.

    I did a real world test on my RAM by setting the reserve playfield count on my dedicated server to 10, 11 and 12 in testing, this loads up the RAM big time, fast, but like you I had no RAM errors, did a mem check, no errors, ran Futuremark gaming benchmarks, no errors.

    Its the PC version of a needle in a hay stack Kernel Power failure.
    ButtonPusher likes this.

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