What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    You can shift+right mouse button to eat/use straight from the inventory.
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    finding a player
    find <player>
    command is only working if you are in the same playfield, and the plys command only works on telnet

    Should take about 0.5 man-hours to fix and test fully?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Zedd

    Zedd Captain

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Yep, but if you read my post you would know that I know that :D :D :D

    Basically I don't like clickfests, and the hotbar is 6 clicks with a .5 seconds delay between clicks. The inventory has ~2 seconds between clicks? So it's like Click.........click........click........click.......click.......click........full. Why not just have a choice of "Eat 1" or "Eat till full" whenever you eat? It wouldn't exactly be hard to implement, and over the course of 500 hours of play that's going to save you a ****-ton of clicking.

    You could even use the right-click menu for other things we currently can't do but want to, like emptying remaining ammo out of guns (unless they fixed the lost ammo on reload thing, I haven't checked tbh), or breaking down an item into it's components when in the constructor window e.g. If I found a pulse rifle and really needed a power coil.
    rainyday and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    This... is an Epic Post... XD

    I wish I coulda Liked it twice! :D

    Reminds me of Starbound. :p

    I've said it before, & i'll say it again... there's GOTTA be a good use for that last bit of remaining Empty Space sitting in the Bounding Box of the Advanced Constructor, instead of that Empty Space sitting there doing nothing being useless.

    *Imagines using a 'Food Processor Module' on my Advanced Constructor to make Dino Stew Royale with a bit of 'extra Iron' added into it...* :p

    1: Empyrion Lore states that we were the Captain of a Frigate, thus logically we already HAVE a License... 2: I'll fly MY STUFF anytime I damn well feel like it! :p

    The Harvest Module has 2 jobs: 1: To work together with a Harvest Box to eat Trees & turn them into Wood, & 2: To serve as a HV Melee Weapon.

    & Monsters... especially their Meat! :D

    It's totally doable to Mine Resource Meteors with the HV Mining Drill & Drill Turret. :) (Shame it took awhile after the HV Drill & Drill Turret got Implemented before their ability to Mine Resource Asteroids got Implemented, but better late then never I say.)

    Odd... Shift RMB eating does nothing to me lag-wise. With that said, I like the sound of Solution 2. :)

    For the Topic: My current least fun activity is Painting, Texturing, & Symboling large Creations, like CVs.

    Suggested change: Add a T2 "Paint Rifle" that can Paint up to a 5x5 Grid of current Facing of Blocks or a 5x5x5 Grid of 'Paint all Sides', a T2 "Symbol & Texture Rifle" that can Texture up to a 5x5 Grid of current Facing of Blocks or a 5x5x5 Grid of 'Texture all Sides' & stamp on 2x2 sized Symbols onto a grid of 4 Blocks, a T3 "Paint Cannon" that can Paint up to a 9x9 Grid of current Facing of Blocks or a 9x9x9 Grid of 'Paint all Sides', a T3 "Symbol & Texture Cannon" that can Texture up to a 9x9 Grid of current Facing of Blocks or a 9x9x9 Grid of 'Texture all Sides' & stamp on 3x3 sized Symbols onto a grid of 9 Blocks. :D
  5. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Harvesting my crops. I want to build a combine and be able to harvest them using the hv's harvester. This would also be useful to harvest plants in the wild as well.
  6. nowakowsky

    nowakowsky Lieutenant

    Nov 23, 2016
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    One of the things I find Least Fun/irritating is finding Fuel and O2 tanks that need topping up on my CV's and big SV's. Also finding empty/filled cargo boxes. It would be sooo nice to have an easy way to tell if a tank is full or empty or something in between. A small counter indicator on the "P" console that showed occupied space in a box ie: 0/12 or 63/63. It would be fantastic if you could put an LCD on a tank/cargobox and have it show the usage. That is a lot more complicated so I am not expecting anything like that.
  7. Senator Mendoza

    Senator Mendoza Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Transferring cargo from SV to CV etc (bringing back loot or preparing for a mission)
    Tyrax Lightning and Neal like this.
  8. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Thanks Tyrax! I did not know this. I thought it was (like it was) only ore in the ground. I had made an HV but found it kinda hard to mine in holes so it just sits on the property. I was telling my GF about what you said so she scouted some meteors today and I trailed behind in my HV (name is Rhino). I got to the first meteor, I think it was silicon and she sat back and watched and I pummeled into the meteor. We were shocked at how much faster mining went.

    So now, we are on a mission to make two (better) HV's for meteor mining and a CV to tote them around. I wish we could dock HV to SV, it would be much cooler to make a large SV (for smaller block details sake) that HV's could dock into and then dock that SV into our capital ship.

    Thanks again. We were both getting tired of farming meteors but they are now fun again. We scouted and farmed 3 iron, 1 silicone, and 1 promethium (the cobalt we found was under water and I learned the drills do not work under water...ohh well).

  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    No sweat! Being able to stick multiple Drills onto the Meteors at once does indeed make it go so much easier. :D
    Pyston likes this.
  10. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Building a landing pad inside a lake -> the moment you can't build pillars under water because a rock/stalagmite is in the way... you can't fire your gun under water to destroy it and the tool doesnt remove it as rock nor terrain. You just can try jetpack out of the sea and gunspam to clear the location.

    Solution -> let the tool remove all entities with the "remove rock option".

    HV driving on water -> often results in drowning engines and speed like a turtle. One doen't see waterworld seeds anymore and partly its because of the engine under water issue. hv's can drive like crazy over mountains but water limits way too much.

    Solution -> at least as temporary solution remove the limitations for under water movement. Its like the Tradestations and Structural Integrity thing. Nothing works satisfying and the half baken implementation destroy the freedom you had.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Lhetre

    Lhetre Commander

    Jan 15, 2017
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    No new suggestion, just went through the posts and liked those that matched my expectations, plenty of good ideas already.
    Or maybe the bike. Yes. Kill the bike.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. DC_Sparx

    DC_Sparx Lieutenant

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Honestly, grouping and naming my devices for my bases or vehicles. The menu options are fine, but I would like nested groups and I would like the "selection" spot to stop moving every time I move an item to a group. I had to group 60 lights the other day into different groups. I would find the "area" where all the lights were in my list, but then I would click to move it, and my cursor would go bonkers and open up menus I had collapsed. Almost everything else I can deal with fine, I love this game, it is a lot of fun and I realize there is a lot of work going into it for improvements, but that menu is the bane of my existence and makes me want to throw my mouse. :D
  13. André Neves

    André Neves Ensign

    Feb 7, 2017
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    I didn't wanted to be "that" guy... but so many ppl simply couldn't stick to the original post. Guys, "single tasks", please.
    But, nonetheless, great ideas flowing over, single or not.

    Well, for "single tasks"... From top priority to less relevant:
    1. Killing spiders.
    2. Having to organize my inventory manually. Please, create some button for auto-organizing.
    3. Having to loot by clicking the little arrow. Some hotkey for "loot all" would be simply awesome.
    4. XP farming (shooting vegetarian aliens on the head for the sake of level 20 asap. this is senseless)

    Using T1 drill sucks. But it should remain in the game as it is, or we lose the sense we're going somewhere with all the growing techs and resource gathering, don't we? Its the suffering that makes the relief for getting better stuff later on for mining and gathering.
    Plants: they've added fiber plants. this was the greatest issue and I'm happy they did it.

    Extra -> answering some common complaints:
    eating late game (?!): what would we expect? you get to a point in your life where you have so much sathium and rare ores you... lose... your apettite or need for food?
    (I do like the bonuses for food. Whats the point on having many foods available if we just care about one or two since most of them are not stats-effective or simply too hard to make?)
  14. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Agree that food is underdeveloped at the moment. As things are, I grow the Five Crops; Tomatoes, Space Durians, Pumpkins, and Fiber. I can the veggies, make bandages, and that's all.
    lactobeezor and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. Malekh

    Malekh Captain

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I'd have to say large scale painting and texturing for me as well. I feel like the intro to red dwarf where i'm scrubbing away with a brush and then it zooms out and the ship is 5 miles long.
  16. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Workflow interruptions

    eg. spawning ws blueprints and using the drone to make changes. ~50 lenth model requires to exit/loose the drone multiple times -> you move and have to bring the drone again into position. You can't have a free camera flight with the drone to catch aesthetics and missing turrets.

    Solution -> higher range for drones / or add a building mode where you can put the building tool to propper use!
    Also: deleting and colouring in the symmetrie plane would be great. Otherwise its still single task work.

    Category Rare & Odd
    ok this one is just a goodie because its so rare but still real:

    Newbie does its first CV flight and examines a trade station. AI freighter spawns and kills the cv core. New player is trapped in the trade station. Help arrived and blows the ai up. Can't put in new core because cv too close to station / can't move cv because there is no way to move a structure. Admin had to join and mess with the station so a core could be blaced and get the cv out alive.

    Solution^^ - well at least a kind of tractor / propulsor to get things away from anty griefing zones or whatever else might help in such situations. A tractor beam would be great for serveral situations eg after battles.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
  17. Tbosh

    Tbosh Commander

    Dec 16, 2016
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    Having to gather mats for small med kit. I get the large med okay, got to put in some foot work for that one. Bandages just don't suffice. Be able to produce small med kits via a farm would be really great.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Subkelvin

    Subkelvin Ensign

    Feb 8, 2017
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    I'm completely new to the game, and it's quickly becoming my new obsession. Here's the short list of my least favorite things that I'd love to see improved:

    Charges. "Everything" uses different ammo types in the game, which eats up inventory space and makes managing it kinda boring and often frustrating for new players. For example, why does the multi-tool and T2 drill both uses different kinds of charges? I'd think in the future they would have learned to standardize on those cool fuel packs... which would be even cooler if they were rechargeable, by say, renewable energy sources. ;)

    I have to eat too often. Hunger mechanic is fine, but I'm constantly eating. Please make food last longer in our tummies.

    Making food is complicated because I have to keep finding ingredients in the fridge and transferring them to the processor. Why can't the processor link up to my high-tech fridge and see what I have?

    Repairing damaged vessels. I just spent all of my play time yesterday figuring out how to build a small vessel. Got it up in the air to explore the planet and then got quickly shot down by an enemy turret. My multi-tool wouldn't repair anything (but kept eating charges anyway - also annoying) and I couldn't figure out why (maybe the core was damaged?). Finding and repairing (or replacing) damaged parts is really hard, especially when they're buried under numerous damaged blocks. Perhaps a repair bay could resolve this?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Tbosh

    Tbosh Commander

    Dec 16, 2016
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    Repair Bay block.....get one.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Dreuseff

    Dreuseff Lieutenant

    Jan 13, 2017
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    The right-click menu has an option to repair. This is required to heal blocks. In this mode the multi-tool will not use a charge and will not even fire if you do not have a damaged block targeted. So I am guessing you didn't have this mode selected.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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