Comments on Profile Post by Tyrax Lightning

  1. Slam Jones
    Slam Jones
    Hm, they may have invented some sort of time/space disruption ray, possibly to drive us out of the galaxy entirely... we may have to lead a bit of a Crusade against them ;)
    Feb 29, 2016
  2. Tyrax Lightning
    Tyrax Lightning
    They'll be sorry they brought the wrath of TWO Factions upon them... unless the 2 Factions can't get along with each other even temporarily, which might be their gamble. ;P
    Feb 29, 2016
  3. Furian
    Yeah Thanks Tyrax, some of us almost perished. we where scattered over so big an area that comms, beacons and survival gear did malfunction. Some barely made it, myself included. only because of the persistence and bravery shown by Yolofessional and others able to get their hands on some old vessels, we survived to fight another day
    Feb 29, 2016
  4. Tyrax Lightning
    Tyrax Lightning
    Your courage inspires us all. :)
    Feb 29, 2016