Jun 15, 2015
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Jun 24, 1980 (Age: 44)

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Administrator, Male, 44, from Germany

Staff Member Community Manager

Meeting on EXP release. Fingers crossed :) May 19, 2021

    1. kafetzke
    2. BigSnoopy
      Hört hört, dann bin ich ja mal gespannt. Wann ist denn ungefähr der Termin :)
    3. Hummel-o-War
      Alpha 8.3 progressing nicely. Lots of new stuff..and a whole bunch of fixes. :)
    4. Mr. Dennis B. Zwolle
      Mr. Dennis B. Zwolle
      1. how about a universal translator for the aliens we encounter? Maybe a little wrist watch we can wear?

      2) Tree Seed Dropping for farming our own trees, thank you for the Bud producing Bush...Very cool!

      3) pentaxid, since this is a crystal, maybe we can get a Special barometric chamber that can grow the crystal! Maybe this could be later in the game! Make it hard to get or very pricey on the Galactic Exchange!
      1. Hummel-o-War likes this.
    5. Crusty
      Hat da irgndwer ne Lösung.
    6. Crusty

      Eine Frage ist das seit kurzem so gewollt das man unter der Erde mit Waffen keinen Schaden mehr machen kann.

      Unser Antigrief ist auf 50 Meter eingestellt ab da kann man mit Waffen keinen Schaden mehr machen.

      Bis vor kurzem ging es noch.


    7. Crusty

      Wir haben jetzt nodch ein Problem festgestellt. Die funktion im Admin Helper um das abbauen von Lagern zu aktivieren geht leider nicht. Gibt es da noch eine möglichkeit. z.b Die t1-t3 miner zu speeren..


      Startrek Server
      1. KayaM82
        Jul 16, 2018
    8. ASTIC
    9. Hummel-o-War
      Which block material is missing to make a HV read for 'combat' ? :D
      1. The Tactician[ Λ ] likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. The Tactician[ Λ ]
        The Tactician[ Λ ]
        whats the command to replace armored to combat for HVs?
        Jun 21, 2018
      4. Ian Einman
        Ian Einman
        Combat steel is PART of what is needed. Armored windows, and armored cockpit, with increased HP, would also help.

        HV needs to be able to function more like a tank, so it should have tougher components than an SV which needs to be lighter.
        Jun 22, 2018
        ☣.C.H.U.D.☣ and Hummel-o-War like this.
      5. ☣.C.H.U.D.☣
        Yeah then we can build Sv/Hv tank combos yeah!!!
        Jun 25, 2018
    10. Ken-Lurky
      Hey - I have a update of things to the public server. lots of small issues.
      I cant comment it here. as there is a letter limit.

      Where can i contact you?

      lots of things do not respawn ect...
      1. Hummel-o-War
    11. Crusty

      Weiss jemand wie man den server von der 8.0.2 auf die 0.1 upgradet hatten normales update gemacht und der hat das experimental auf den server gespielt.

      1. Ken-Lurky
        You manage to setup server to run 8.0.2? I did not know that was possible yet. If you try change server back to 8.0.1 i will not run as the *save* becous its older . ?
        Jun 14, 2018
    12. Ken-Lurky
      More problems?

      The public server is running Alpha 8,0,0. The game is 8,0,1.
      EU and US server is updated. Public server not.. why?

      I do also see public server have a more hard diffeculety start. Thats nice ! the public server always was best! but it dont work.. hehe ?
      1. Ken-Lurky
        So? EU and US server peolple play and have fun... we dont :/
        Jun 14, 2018
    13. Ken-Lurky
      Cant find the public server. When will it come back? :D cant wait.
    14. Hummel-o-War
      Changelogs: done. Feedback threads: done. SSG Docu updated: done. Waiting for release candidate....
      1. The Tactician[ Λ ] and monktk like this.
      2. The Tactician[ Λ ]
        The Tactician[ Λ ]
        waiting for release candidate AND trailer you mean, and by god you dont have one higher Raven_ff he knows his **** lol
        Jun 12, 2018
      3. Hummel-o-War
        I am afraid we could not manage to do a new trailer this time - maybe post-release (Just too much to do up to the very last minute) :(
        Jun 12, 2018
        The Tactician[ Λ ] likes this.
      4. The Tactician[ Λ ]
        The Tactician[ Λ ]
        i kinda new, was just hoping, hey like no joke if Raven_ff would be willing pop him a pm i loved his unofficial video
        Jun 12, 2018
    15. ASTIC
      Auch werden wir dann nicht von Patches überrascht die mal gerade den Server lahmlegen - und das am Feierabend ;-)
      1. BigSnoopy likes this.
      2. BigSnoopy
        Ich bin nur froh, dass unsere Admins -u.a. Astic - fit in dem ganzen sind und sich den A... aufreissen, die spontanen und unerwarteten Fehler wieder auszubügeln. Ich bedauere diejenigen, die nur Hobby-Admins haben, die sich mit Programmierung nicht auskennen. So gesehen: PRO Admin-Channel
        Jun 11, 2018
    16. ASTIC
      Es wäre super wenn ihr einen Kommunikationskanal für Admins von (verifizierten) Server einrichten würdet, der uns in die Lage versetzen würde frühzeitig von Änderungen und deren Auswirkungen zu erfahren. Auch mögliche Fixes können deutlich technischer ausfallen (Dateien selektiv löschen/ändern und wenn notwendig ist auch ein Patch via SQLite etc. drin)
    17. Hummel-o-War
      Trying to get the Robinson Protocol COOP ready for RC2...then adressing all other broken missions. *phew*
      1. monktk, AlbaN and Kassonnade like this.
      2. The Tactician[ Λ ]
        The Tactician[ Λ ]
        gl guys wish you the best
        Jun 7, 2018
    18. The Tactician[ Λ ]
      The Tactician[ Λ ]
      1. ravien_ff and Hummel-o-War like this.
      2. ravien_ff
        Great. Now I'm going to have that music stuck in my head all day... :D
        Jun 7, 2018
        The Tactician[ Λ ] likes this.
      3. The Tactician[ Λ ]
        Jun 7, 2018
    19. Ken-Lurky
      Can I get one quick information on this!

      When will the server wipe and start Alpha8 ?? I need to know, So I can log on quick and claim the faction name.
      1. The Tactician[ Λ ]
        The Tactician[ Λ ]
        yes it will
        Jun 7, 2018
        Ken-Lurky likes this.
      2. Taelyn
        All of the official servers will be wiped when Alpha 8 comes out. So the 12th
        Jun 7, 2018
        Ken-Lurky likes this.
      3. Hummel-o-War
        Definitive wipe. Not sure when exactly, but i'd say somewhen at "release day".
        Jun 7, 2018
    20. Hummel-o-War
      Nightime testing: Playing around with the new Zirax AI routines right now ..built a shooting range only for this purpos :D :D
      1. ravien_ff
        *Excitement intensifies*
        Jun 7, 2018
      2. Hummel-o-War
        Jun 7, 2018