Separate names with a comma.
I know I've had non hostile drones and ships come up on me while mining asteroids in Exp. I haven't bothered mining in areas with hostile drones...
@Space Ghost Germanicus is mostly correctly. It's related to an Atari game which is named after a medal....
I've been inspired by a lot of really great large/premium SV builds on the workshop and I've sort of dabbled with doing something similar prior...
I had this same issue with the High Security location. I was able to finally complete the quest line with some perseverance by loading a prior...
This confuses me. I didn't get the new portion with the escape pod (your gear being on the ground) but the quest chain started automatically when...
I've been playing Exp and testing some of my new builds. Haven't built a base yet. Lived out of my SV and used portable constructors and the...
I always have a CV by then. I love the ranged support :) Did some testing docking my HV miner/harvester to my SV. The super snug fit worked...
@JusZi I like how the bridge sort of swoops back on the carrier. The ship next to it looks good too. Nice shaping on the nose.
New SV is coming along nicely. I did some minor rework on the rear thruster area and I think it looks a bit better now. Also set up a tray to go...
@Rex Shorman Did you have it set for texturing the whole block? That sometimes does weird things to the side of the block facing you. Due to...
My new CV is mostly final. Just doing the fine tuning and detailing now. As always it's way bigger/heavier than I would have liked and I'm trying...
That's a pity. The game needs more diversity in it's fauna/flora. It's not a major concern at this particular moment of course but it's something...
Had another BP that failed to spawn after the allotted time. I did not log in from a different PC this time. What occurred was I logged in-> began...
New CV is turning out nicely but as usual with my attempts ended up way too large. It's basically the same size as the T4 CV I did a bit ago only...
I'm working on a new modular "starter" CV for the update. Trying to see if I can keep it at T2. The nacelles and center section are basically...
Are the plant monsters still in the game? I've had the game since early alpha but didn't really play much until like alpha 10? and I've honestly...
@Taelyn That worked. Thank you very much.
@Taelyn Just to queue up some stuff in constructors/processors. Nothing I would miss progress on.
Player name is the same as here. I logged in from a different computer than normal (office computer) saw the message, checked my factory queue...
@Taelyn About 10 minutes prior to my post but krazzykid2006 answered my question already.