Separate names with a comma.
@Robot Shark I know right. Maybe the CV docked vessel bug is magically fixed. I'll have to check. I've spent way more time then I care to admit...
The game does not have a difficulty curve and relies a lot on the player having already run the various quests and POIs. If you have experience...
Keep up the good work Escarli. I like your paint scheme. It's reminiscent of the Lego Rock Raiders Theme. I've more or less put my survival...
So after playing with my SV a bit more I've tweaked it quite a bit. I ended up extending the front a block and did quite a bit of arranging to...
I haven't been able to reproduce this consistently so no save file but I've been experiencing the player character falling through the CV even...
So testing out my new SV I found another of those crashed capital vessel POIs. It appears they have sort of fixed it. You can still core it but...
Window transparency and spotlight glare is still a huge pet peeve of mine. Most of the time it makes 1st person piloting unbearable. I got side...
I'm back from my Cyberpunk, X4 and reading break :) Been working on a FOB for my current CV and reworking some of my designs after using them in...
I didn't do that totally overpowered mission until I had a T2 shieled CV. Space in my starter system was crowded with Zirax. There was actually a...
iirc it was at the base of the ladder which was somewhere I had placed an explosive to check but I guess I didn't place it precisely enough the...
@jadefalcon That's some pretty nice concrete(?) work Coincidentally found someone else had posted a teleporter BA while browsing the most recent...
The multiple BAs only works if you're playing SP or on a MP server with no core number restrictions. Since Eleon supposedly balances everything...
Thanks Khazul. The ground base Teleporter BA I designed also has the components buried in a column under it. It really helps keep it to a small...
@dpburke2 The teleporter build is not something you posted to the workshop right? I tried making another space teleporter BA and it came out less...
Cool, it's just taking me a bit longer because I'm exploring some of the systems I've been going through. I try to set up a little teleporter BA...
@ChumSickle Is there still only a few planets that you can use to reach Legacy space? Right now I'm traveling through systems setting up...
I've experienced what ChumSickle reported. A metal world with a note of a survey and it was lousy with Zirax. It also had Legacy units like...
I'm not sure turning off the WiFi has any impact. The last time I checked it would show inactive but would still work. I'm not 100% certain if it...
So coincidentally I was in a wreckage field today when I noticed what must have caused all the wrecks. After taking out a Zirax Corvette a Tavera...
We may need a toggle that equalizes thrust in all directions on/off. Otherwise you have to use the P menu each time you're under load and make...