Separate names with a comma.
Today I started works on a new CV. Nothing to fency, Will take some time as it will be one of my largest so far projected CV's. Working Title...
Nothing has been 'promised'. It has been taken into consideration - put on a List - and discussed with 'Upper Echelon' in ELEON as THEY decide...
Those Arid/Desert buildings reminds me of Old Egyption Style:NewThumbsUp::NewGrinning: Nevertheless, I like it!
Ok, seems whoever created the Prison did not think this through (or try it in Survival and not only in Creative/GM)
Its time to sit back and watch instead of trying to help...
@TwitchyJ Read here -> and I highlight the sentence to be...
To be blunt: Knowing you have to have a certain level of Reputation with a faction and doing it anway.. In Real Life if there is standing a Car...
I act as I like to act: Good mannered and helpful, for the Development of the Game and for the Player Base. And you state in this Thread what you...
All Moons but Akua state that right after the crash landing AND on the Starter Moon Selection Screen.
You answered it above. Thank You. I only like to understand. :NewWink: The second line was only because of the 'interference' by...
Believe me, you CAN Jetpack to the Lava Planet. I did it and survived it in the first attempt.
I guess you tried to 'crouch' through it as well?
They are part of the Expierience and Talon Quests for Reputation. So yes, they are. But mostly at night.