Separate names with a comma.
Been thinking about multiplayer senario/server universe design and I have no doubt there are many additional ways of utilising in game devices and...
I like the principle of consequences and generally escalating/de-escalating threat levels. (Plus not having base attacks in freedom mode). I...
I want a HV carrying SV drop ship so much - let me leave that gas guzzling CV battleship in orbit!
Only just seen this thread, but love the suggestions. Any way that feeds more diversity or content into the game reasonably quickly has got to be...
Love your build for its atmospheric look and feel. When I see work like this it give me great hope for the future of Empyrion, that structures...
What's in a name... I think (hope) That the volume and quality of the feedback contained in this thread should be enough to guide the Dev team to...
I actually agree that the Advance constructors should also have an in built cargo box/container. This would still need to be access via the drop...
I understand your point:), but do I feel this is about making the logistics feature, more workable than it currently is, given the large number of...
Suggestion! Currently we have 2 player base devices that work automatically: 1. the Furnace 2. The Deconstructor (as long as they are powered...
Talon are my new best friends :-)
Its been very quiet on the Forum, for you guys this week. Any news to share?
yes very creative!
Loving the multiplayer screen of 93 players at the same POI on HWS EU!
Got to agree with others, reoairs should continue whike offline or away from playfield or repair bay. And the nice to have drones repairing ship...
Spiders and Scorpions... ARRRHHH!!!
currently enjoying the new season restart on the EU HWS server!
I love this game BUT I am setting new records for the number of times my pc hangs per hour whilst playing...
A number of issues are a greatly adversely effecting multiplayer PvP servers. 1. Vessel class increases when taking combat damage. Limits PvP...
PvP needs rescue !!!
Yep I agree, 7.0 has removed this ad an issue