Separate names with a comma.
Then you have been doublely unlucky. The tianlong is in a group of ships which means it gets to chose from that group when deciding what to spawn....
Whether you believe me or not is irrelevant, I have no reason to lie. I know precisely what ships he used because he used to stream. He did a...
It's not on the workshop as he wasn't the workshop type ;) Every ship has a weakness, every ship has a strategy that can work, but the most...
And in addition to that I believe, on his own accord, he tested it on three different versions of his ship. The same basic design but Mk 1, 2 and...
Which is one of the reasons why I asked the other person to test it because I knew he always played with block limits on. It wouldn't have made...
Mine was the Eternal Torment (the one on my workshop which is the player variant) and the other was built by the other player. Torment was not...
I'm the person who did the conversion for vanilla (which is where it originated) and it was tested by myself and one other person, we both went up...
Not to mention got extremely unlucky in coming across it in the first place. I've watched a fair few players on twitch trying to find one for...
Then there wouldn't be any kind of challenge at all. The tianlong can be killed, it was thoroughly tested before being submitted to eleon.
Modding is not the solution to all things. And regarding Eleon being burnt out I have no idea, but I can imagine the anti Eleon elements in...
Then that's an issue for the person who built the poi in the first place. No poi should be built so it's pure death loops. Don't get me wrong even...
Oh dear, where to start. perhaps with this. You obviously have absolutely no idea what it's like in building poi's. If I put a thin spawner right...
Your loss
Put it this way, if you want to use a tank to blow a hole in the wall then go for it. However don't be surprised if you end up witnessing an npc...
You can still use them for their intended design without resorting to cheesing techniques
Try exp for yourself :)
I've had this myself earlier when I was on the Karana homeworld. I'll do a bit more testing tomorrow, and come back with some more details :)
Sorry Dragon but I strongly disagree on your comment regarding thin spawn pads for hostile npcs.
They'll hear the blaster doors open and there is a visual representation of the spawners, trust me I've thought of that :) As to exactly how,...
Respawning thin pads is one of the rules for vanilla. Don't. Unless there is a way to turn them off. So in one of my poi's not released yet...