Separate names with a comma.
After I turned the yaml sector again because the update was original now everything works again ...
After today update when start new game i don't see any planet from this pack ...
If I'm playing a 6.x version on the server, it is necessary to delete the server when the official comes out ?
We need urgent fix for spawn blueprint ,,,
21 hours in a row playing, talking about what the game is for me ...
I have 715 hours of games in no more than 2 months to have this game
No, that was the instant frustration. It's good, it's hard and challenging. It is not a server for everyone but only for those who know how to...
How stupid, fucking drones every 5 minutes attack me. Way all things on this server too hard.
Yeah, part 3
Yes, you can ...
Samo da netko ne izvuče naslov kao neku sprdačinu raznim političkim opcijama na ovim prostorima. Onako da se povežemo, izmjenimo iskustva ili...
I need a miracle to this month six is out there ...
If someone can help, I have a question. I made a test server on Nitrado but he put the latest current version. How do I put the last experimental?
It is interesting to observe some servers and PVE and PVP players that have been successfully reconciled in the same place these two completely...
I repeat, if you're so good at PVP why are you on this server who wants to achieve a balance between PVP and PVE ? You tell me, how do i expensive...
If you do not have water or snow which is why there is this planet? Is admin aware that no one will go with starter planets if there are no...
Why do not you go to some full PVP server ? I did not say that I'm not interested PVP but I want to develop normally and be strong enough that...
This changes the server will destabilize normal game on it. Way ? Because, take me for example, players on this server arrived about the...
Nismo jedini jer na oficijelnom EU serveru smo nas trojica no svako igra za sebe. Igrali smo ja i jedan Dalmoš zajedno ali iz tehničkih razloga...