Separate names with a comma.
Build: v.1.11.6 4471 Mode: Survival Mode: Singleplayer SERVER NAME: none SEED-ID: 1991 If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: No Reproducibility:...
For more information see here Bug Report Template Build: v.1.11.6 4471 Mode: Survival SERVER NAME: None SEED-ID: does not matter If applicable:...
This star system name sounds perfect in Russian :D [IMG]
Build: v1.8.15 3887 Mode: Survival Mode: Singleplayer SERVER NAME: N/A SEED-ID: 979640 If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: N/A Reproducibility:...
Detector. This is something I want to discuss today. As we can see from the control panel, detector has: Max. range (m): 6000 RangeSpace: 24000...
Build: v1.8.15 3887 Mode: Survival Mode: Singleplayer SERVER NAME: N/A SEED-ID: 610947 If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: N/A Reproducibility:...
This is a feature request. Tool-turrets and mining-turrets are a good thing. They are especially good if you play coop, e.g. one person controls...
Build: v1.8.14 3886 Mode: Survival Mode: Singleplayer SERVER NAME: N/A SEED-ID: 610947 If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: N/A Reproducibility:...
Build: v1.8.14 3886 Mode: Survival Mode: Singleplayer SERVER NAME: N/A SEED-ID: 610947 If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: N/A...
For more information see here Bug Report Template Build: v1.8.14 B3886 Mode: Survival Mode: Solo SERVER NAME: N/A SEED-ID: 450151 If...
For more information see here Bug Report Template Build: v1.8.14 B3886 Mode: Survival Mode: Solo SERVER NAME: N/A SEED-ID: Any If applicable:...
Every time I start the game from scratch, I find something new in small details. Especially as of current v1.8.1X patch and better version of the...