Separate names with a comma.
For more information see here Bug Report Template Build:1.10.5 4247 Mode: single player Mode:survival and creative SERVER NAME:na SEED-ID:NA...
from bing.... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
there is a tool for CV called multitool, no charges needed, is like your hand multitool. you can use it to salvage or if own core is placed grab...
Finally finished My airship with a theater entertainment theme done in steampunk or retrofuturism... lot of hidden rooms, ventilator shafts to...
I had same problem once in a single player game. no recipes in personal constructor or any. ended up being a bad steam download and file integrity...
These space and land bases are designed in jetson style. with legs or stilts that comply to structural integrity. the space bases have a...
speeds are hard capped afaik. you can use a SV instead of a CV to map out all your space poi. SV is a lot faster than a CV and you can use boost...
screenshot tour of my 19 airships in steampunk or retro-futurism style to go with my industrial revolution style tiles video is currently...
For more information see here Bug Report Template Build:1.10.3 4241 Mode:single player Mode: survival/creative SERVER NAME:na SEED-ID:na If...
For more information see here Bug Report Template Build:1.10.3 4241 Mode:single player Mode:survival SERVER NAME:na SEED-ID:na If applicable:...
old habit from farming in mmorpg's etc... so got used to doing it and can listen and play at same time easily. ofc games with voice acting it is...
I do not listen to music, but listen to audio books. the book series i've read while in creative... So far while playing empyrion or in creative...
i knew i was in a difficult territory why i was there. but never had a com station send 3 waves of 3 immediately back to back before, as in within...
In survival use these commands instead of change mode.... level = 25 gm fly itemmenu sbp give credit 99999999 pretty much creative mode at...
i apologize again for supplying the wrong share link.... as...
For more information see here Bug Report Template Build:1.10 4228 Mode:Creative Mode: Singleplayer SERVER NAME:na SEED-ID: If applicable:...
All the drones despawned when removed the spawners and bays. replaced ship and bases with new spawners and bays i can not get more than the...
ok will do. may take a day or two after next update.
[IMG] I just realized there are way to many defense drones out has been spawning 2 drones per ba or cv. in picture should be only 6 drones there...
opps sorry for that, when i sorted must have grabbed one at top thinking it was latest......