Separate names with a comma.
Overall really liking the changes to the world generation, story and PDA. Think the in game tutorial is a big improvement now! Noticed a few other...
Some quick feedback on Akua! Started a game there, thought it looks amazing. Overall like the changes to the story. However, I did notice that...
Fyi The stars you can see on the planet are the galaxy stars, just like in orbit - have been since early A12. Volumetric clouds would look cool...
Okay, ignore most of the post above. I realised I had not started a new save. When I did, bandages worked fine - the countdown line turned green,...
Okay, tested again with new configs. Bandages still did nothing to Open Fracture. As far as I could tell, they didn't reduce its effects while...
When I figured out that the enemies endlessly respawned, it got easier as I just ran to the cages, there was still some fighting though! Tough but...
I'll check it again this evening and see, thank you for checking :)
Okay, this mission made me chuckle.... I really liked the big cavern underneath, very cool. It was nice seeing what you could do with the new gun...
Well, I like the look of the new system, but not sure it is working - unless I have misunderstood how it was supposed to work. Got an open...
Interesting conversation, and good points made. I've wondered about whether fuel / energy could be used as a way of providing some balance. Some...
Are you in experimental?
Okay, I have to say wow to the new terrain deco. Really well done. Got a really good balance of making things alien without being too cartoony or...
I don't quite get what you mean... an A type star for example, that is the name of that type of star. Its a designation from how stars on the main...
I really liked this addition... running around getting the tokens added a nice incentive to explore, and good to have some new toys to play with....
Can't you just all turn EAC off? Didn't think it was required for coop?
Oh sigma fulcrum is hugely annoying with invisible spawners on endless respawn, left feedback about that. I just haven't noticed a change in the...
I've not noticed this problem in vanilla at all. Drones are more aggressive, but I've not had any respawn problems with them.
So, after seeing there was some debate about whether the AI is working, I went all David Attenborough and decided to watch the animals in gm iv...
I can agree with some of Picklejar's comments about the need to keep the vanilla base as broad as possible and accessible. Good points. However,...
Th seems to have been quite a bit of changes to Drone and PV AI which I didn't see in the notes. Love the fact that they now aggressively patrol,...