Separate names with a comma.
I believe this needs to be done on the dedicated server and not on the client computer, correct?
What happens when you attempt to download it from the forum?
From what I understand, 'Lookup' and 'LookupBlock' are not really intended for direct code control like that. Instead, use 'if' or 'test'. IE:...
Use the 'lookup' command. {{lookup @CacheData @Data.SomeName}}
I have had issues with LCD, Light, and Spotlight blocks disappearing (as in the entire block is visibly gone, not just the text or the light from...
If you are using Luke Benko's version of the Dynamic Sorter, then if it is updating the SorterDB LCD the sort should also be working. Are you...
The ".0" in your "{{settextblock .0}}" specifies the first match, which means it will only update a single LCD. Try this instead (note: I am...
What data would be there that could cause issues the first time EAH is run, requiring the Fresh Start option to be selected in order to resolve them?
"Fresh Start" did indeed seem to resolve the issue. Never even occurred to me that I might have needed to use it since that was my first time...
Actually, this would only be true if you were to manually specify all the IDs included in the Ids.Food, Ids.Ingredient, and Ids.Sprout groups as...
I completely deleted "Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Saves" before running EAH for the first time. Does that count?
"Ignore non EAH requests" was already enabled and as I said, this was on a fresh install with a brand new game (no mods or anything yet). I have...
What does "EntityIdNotFound" mean and how do I make it stop? [IMG] This is in a fresh install of EAH with a brand new game (I followed the EAH...
That would explain it. I was using "trim" because I was randomly getting ID values like " 1098" which was causing things to fail in other parts...
OK... I am EXTREMELY confused right now... [IMG] Here's the relevant code snippet... Current Count = {{@root.Data.CurrentCount}} Desired...
Does the {{replace}} tag support RegEx? If so, how do I tell {{replace}} that is what I am using? If not, is there some other way to replace an...
If you go through and manually assign a name to every container, then you can empty it via script. Unfortunately, manually assigning the names...
"'DiffPlayerBackpackDrop: DropNothing" is the correct setting, and it works for my private server. Are you sure you are editing the correct...
For me, "Loop" would be the ability to repeat a specific section of code without repeating the rest of the code - preferably with a way to jump to...
As far as I can tell, there is not a direct way to do so. What I am doing in my 2nd attempt at rewriting the Dynamic Sort script is...