Separate names with a comma.
My understanding is that "{{#items S '*'}}" and similar tags only work with custom named containers due to limitations in the API that Eleon...
Thank you very much for that information. I was not aware of the Move output being temporary like that (and would explain why my testing with the...
This is definitely good information and will provide me with a workaround for now (hopefully - I will test later today). However, I would prefer...
That's why I am asking - the script that I am having issues with is a save game script that does not have a "script LCD" so there is nowhere for...
How do I add the "[+40]" for Save Game Scripts? As far as I know, it is not used for things like your ActiveRadar.hbs which leaves text on the...
I finally got my Automatic/Dynamic Sorter script working in a manner that suits my needs (special thanks to Sephrajin for assistance getting the...
I found a post over on StackOverflow talking about looping through properties of an object in Handlebars.js, and decided to try that solution in...
Thank you very much for the sort changes and the new 'jsontodictionary' command. They will be very useful for my save game script AutoSorter...
Thank you for adding that so quickly. While I was looking for a workaround (meaning a way to convert a list to an array), I noticed the...
I was aware that {{split ... }} would convert it to an array - but did not think it necessary to include in the example since it would do so...
Is there a way to sort a list of data? IE: Something like the following (which definitely does not work)... {{set 'List' '1,3,9,6,7,2,5,4,8'}}...
Is there documentation somewhere that explains (or at least lists) the different "@Root" items? Meaning what exactly are the "E" in "@root.E"...
Does Empyrion Scripting support Handlebars' Inline Partials? If so, what is the trick to making them work? Everything I have tried results in a...
That's major overkill for my needs, as I generally only have about a half dozen containers per ship/base. I just want something that will...
I'm not sure where to even begin trying to set that up (looks like it needs to be spread across 17 different LCDs?), and looks like it would need...
I am still looking for an answer to this one. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. :)
Any chance you could post an example of the HarvestCoreTypes configuration? I cannot seem to get it to work - no matter what values I put in the...
FYI, according to Steam, I currently have just over 497 hours played in Empyrion. Less than 6 of those have been since the release of 1.8. I...
Using Luke Benko's variant of the Dynamic Sorting Script, is there a way to make it include Ammo Boxes & Controllers, Fridges, and Harvest...
I often wind up missing those scrolling messages, because I am too focused on doing other things (fighting, or trying to spot the next...