Separate names with a comma.
I think Food Pills are useless. I never use them. I mean... if you make a careless mistake well. What's the chances you're going to do that AND...
7.2 update killed my 7.1 game so Im starting anew and following Lift's Season 9 playthru to see if i can be a bit more succesful. Love the new...
I've got Lofi beats and drivin spaceships in mind. I found some No-Copyright tunes too. Sweet [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
I got to Aitis to find that 7.0 really totally destroys the Erestrum levels. 300-800. With PowerCoils and such now costing a fortune, I wonder if...
K so I'm learning Java and I ran out of motivation to carry on with Threading for one example. I know I need a project to get myself back on...
*curtain reveal* I present to you, the USS Disappointment I just realized my SV currently looks like a dog [IMG] And here's the final POS...
This is hardly Off-Topic but I didn't know where to put the post. #1 Who are these guys? Where did they come from? What are they doing?...
Just found the Mining Hub. Usable Furnace early on is fantastic. Also found the trader along with 5000 Medium Armour..... THings are heading in a...
My least favorite thing is collecting pentaxid. [EDIT] . Looks like they made moves to fix this in 7.0! Is it enough for me though? Likely NOT,...
Wow, I wholeheartedly second this post. Yeah leveling is a huge pain in the butt because it takes forever to get all the potholes worked out...
Hey Tyrax. Do you know how the NPCs are coming. I kind of need the NPCs to be a significnatly larger part of the game. As it stands now, I'm...
[IMG] [MEDIA] Annoying as heck. One major downside of a pretty character. LOL
Excellent! Finally I solution to one of my problems!
Hi all. I have no idea if I have sufficient rights to monetize Empyrion gameplay in any of these forms: How-to Playing the game Tutorial...
Oh that sucks about its an old base. I was in 5.Something and brought everything I had into orbit. Then I regenerated Akua and landed...
I love the Custom power feature! [IMG] At first, I didn't like this new interface much... it was just too different. Unlike most people, it...
I know this is beneath most users here... but I recorded going balls-to-the-wall and demonstrating simply that it takes very little to take down...
QUestion for you guys. First of all. I hate these guys: [IMG] They're EXTREMELY frickin tough. And they drop really stupid ****. Where can I...
Very nice thanks very much. Sadly, it disappeared into the "centre" of the planet and was no longer even visible. So I just moved the planet! LOL
I'm loving the new GUI but it took a couple months... get used to it. Since its so hard to stay up to speed on this ever-evolving...