Separate names with a comma.
check their "advisers" group on facebook , that Promo is not live yet , its just for the group members join it . Im certain once it releases its...
i know dem feelz , my gf is almost about to leave me cuz of empyrion xD
THE TECH DEMO IS VERY DICY , a bit confusing but thats given that early into development , but Its a very extensive and beautiful building system
Try the tech demo of its building . As well as streams of game play are present A pretty interesting project . I am sure people that love empyrion would like to follow this project . so far from...
"As a server admin though I hated Arks update frequency of one patch every 1-2 days" may i know the name of your server
not like i dont want PVE play fields , i was just concerned the whole game would become very Mild and the clan is already a 4 man clan , amassed...
digging bases would be pointless once harder security measures are introduced , i dont see why we shouldnt be able to discover them if we hover...
^ wrong actually , IRC is hosted freely and nothing is stored on the website , its embedded , allot of communities use it , even free communities...
^ IKR and the pass ones have the best pings for me T_T
more importantly , to sort them out by ping
I VOTE FOR FULLY PROGRAMMABLE MODULES caps off xD SE did this is beautiful fashion , would love to see that applied here
yep , As i said , the loot and defence , both should be rewarding , for example , toughness of destroying buildin blocks , costing precious ammo ,...
OK so after extensively playing straight since the dedicated server release , countless cofees and a sleepless night with keeping in mind this is...
Faction system as already mentioned in the patch notes , would be sweet if with in that faction system the leader could allow disallow the...
Hello there people i have suggested this before but it got lost somewhere in the general forums. Now id like to highlight it again and hope it...
Having played it before buying it extensively , and now finally have bought it . I say it has all the makings of a nice game ( star forge anyone...
I posted in the forums some time ago but got no response from the official team . my suggestion was to add a IRC channel for easier interaction...
UPDATE : GOING TO BE HOSTING A MOSTLY 24/7 SERVER SOON MRP A clan made for one purpose and one only - Total DOMINATION This clans only aim is...
bro xD we got the exact same tower , exact same powersupply , different chipset but same brand mobo and gpu xD , for the older pc that is