Separate names with a comma.
i7 4770k 4.4ghz Gigabyte G1 sniper 5 1tb / 500gb / 500gb corsair h80 watercooler 16 gbram 1600 Asus Gtx 970 / Zotac dual gtx580 3gb variants SLI (...
after all its a sand box game with planned procedural galaxy , dont like big planets ? simple dont visit them
nah that was my last post to the guy . im done
clearly then you misunderstood , and misunderstand game development , the options are already there , they just need to provide us with an on and...
its also called conman sense , whats better then letting the host decide what kind of game play its going to be ? anything other than this is...
Useless claim . The point was made clear , and is the only way the entire base is going to be happy , allowance to set parameters manually via...
lel i just dont see why 2 game modes or hell even a feature system while making a server cant exist ? just untick what you dont want like losing...
The point isnt that , the point is to have separate game modes for both section of the flock . its a different set of rules , do not take any time...
why must we always pussify a game ? and thing is this isnt real life , those severe punishments for death will drive many away , the most logical...
servers arent cheap , sure , the community can easily support them . dedicated servers are what will make this game alive . i for one would like...
solution is allot simpler then you all make it out to be , separate server and game modes
^ as i said forcing to limit the size of the planet will cause this even more , if some people dont want larger planets they can leave them alone...
easy , option for bigger planets than 150km2 . plenty of space to hide from transgressors
crew system will limit single player operation , not make it exclusive to crews but harder to operate as a single person via a console
i think you are underestimating the lack of size on current planets , no way 20 people can hide on it even with out markers , all it takes me to...
planet sized planets ftw
Id like to request a mod to move it to the general section or delete the thread altogether :) i think i posted here in the wrong section , it may...
dont get me wrong mate , i do not mean that , that's why i mentioned "down the road" ,a possibility if this game reaches the success i wish for it...
thats my point , why limit it ? wrap drives can be a very expensive thing to make in the future for space vessels as well . And thats the beauty...
ops i mixed this with the news on elite dangerous also why rule out huge planets right from the start tho ? rather then keeping it as a...