Separate names with a comma.
Hello! ^_^ Thanks for this "any ship dock any ship" feature. I'm reading the news published today about Alpha 11 features and it says: "Docking:...
Hi! I'm repeating myself and a post from other player, but seizing this opportunity, I can say: PLEASE, BRING BACK BIOFUEL PRODUCTION FROM...
Oh, thanks a lot for the video :)
I've seen - and messed a bit - with this screen and option before. The thing is every time I set this "Player Start" option, it returns to default...
I will try this... thanks. What about setting a different starting planet?
Man, I really can't get any results like these. In fact, all my efforts in SSG and I always end up with something like a pre-made solar system,...
Hello, I'd like to ask for some help. I'm trying something simple, since I'm not into editing a whole scenario for a custom story or nothing like...
Devs, please! :) I'd really like to be able to make Biofuel again using spoiled food and having the plan B of using Plant Fibers :) Thanks ^_^
That would be perfect. :)
Hi! I've been stockpiling Spiled Food. Now in Alpha 8, all I can do with it are Growing Plots. Could we have another use for Spoiled Food, like...
Just a quick question: judging by the icon appearance, and the apparently inability to cultivate Buds, wouldn't "Large Eggplant - Sprout" (or any...
Honestly, I didn't read this thread, but decided to leave my suggestion here. Sorry if I'm repeating someone, but, why can't we have solar energy...
Hello, First of all, as you may know, great game. One of my favorites, in fact. I'm here to give a feedback about an specific situation: a...
Hey guys! How are you doing? Please, bring back Hoth... I mean, Ningues, as a starting planet ;) (nothing more needed to be said, lol) Thanks a...