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What happened with the ... transponder block i think it was called once in a time? remember it being on top of drone bases and when that was...
Mode: Survival Mode: Dedicated Server SERVER NAME: Private Server, 3 players SEED-ID: If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: No Reproducibility:...
We use the bike as a emergency vehicle, but it would be nice for an update on it's handling and steering.
Here is a game started on current alpha, with the issue on Vine around our main base!Aj72w94S0kE0gQ_tyHLfTuaPJo7g?e=9HCtbV...
I get this alot in this Alpha, Whole forests/stones etc thats been cut down and harvested have 'respawned' when I enter the atmosphere. They can't...
1. Able to walk in a moving vessel. 2. Linking containers into a larger one. 3. Some water physics. Would absolutely love to be able to have a...
Oh, and another function for us that prefer to run private servers, could we either have the IP address to last connected server be remembered in...
Another feedback that we have been thinking on for a while, (default akua omicron scenario or what is was) starting on Akua with a few friends...
Has there been any mention of increasing max speed on the vessels? The new enourmous planets are amazing to see, but it seems to turn a bit into a...
Not sure if this thread is still active, however, latest build on steam of the dedicated server, fetched via steamcmd, Windows Defender reports...
Love the game, been gifting it around to my friends to hopefully build big things! One really annoying thing is the multiplayer main meny, it does...