Separate names with a comma.
Today in Empyrion I did some interior work in my space station. [ATTACH] [media]
I think it would also be difficult for aliens to remain serious if they had to deal with A.Merkel, or D.Trump.
Today in Empyrion I was at a premiere show in Gaolosa Star Port.... As you might think, it was not easy to get tickets for me and my green...
....incredibly dangerous alien enemies for my shooting training..... [ATTACH]
thank you
......more LCD-work [ATTACH] This supposed to be a control station for this module: [ATTACH]
Today in Epyrion I invented another new sport . Holo shooting. Every time I think my space station should be finished, I think of other nonsense....
....more automation for my shipyard...... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
This is not so, all projectors find place in Arpartment 110 of my *****Hotel [ATTACH]
Thank you. I'd like to publish it, but it's too complicated. A single row of cones looks like this: [SPOILER] ......and there are fifteen of...
Today in Empyrion, I invented a brand new sport.... Holo-Bowling, actually it's holo-skittles. The advantage of Holo-Bowling is that it is much...
While waiting for Alpha 12 to be released, I'm gradually getting all my started projects ready. My scout, for example. [ATTACH] once in the...
A pretty simple circuit: [ATTACH] Holo 1x1 Ceiling mounting Gate Open: [SPOILER] Gate Closed: [SPOILER] [media]
Today in Empyrion I automated my shipyard. [media]
@Love Is Flash Are you from Russia?
Today in Empyrion I designed an extended HUD for the SV........ [ATTACH] [media]
Extended Head Up Display SV Cockpit 1: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [media] scales [SPOILER] Crosshair: [SPOILER]
Good to know.
In case anyone's interested: Captain Atomino's ship "Rosinante" is now available on Steam, in the hopefully final version.......
Is that 344 meters?