Separate names with a comma.
Further note it seems this particular error of the prison POI not showing up is related to starter planets that aren't the temperate Akua starter...
that's normal your suppose to dig down to get to it.
I can confirm this as well, different playfield but again the prison POI didn't show up.
it's bad form if it's been reported multiple times and nothing has been done about it. KEEN has this bad habit and we all know how well they're...
seems like there's a lot of lights on that building, how's your FPS? I can't imaging how everyone's FPS would perform with a large amount of...
take this a step further, not only does the durability increase but you get a random stat increases by a certain %, heck maybe we could even add...
O_o is that the Emperors Super Star Destroyer?, you know the one with the super laser like what's on the Death Star only smaller?
We have specifically designed engines in cars that can run on vegetable oil, veg oil is just another form of biofuel which is a hyrdocarbon,...
How can said vessel return to base if you blew off it's thrusters? Thing can't even take off it's stuck on the ground there is no thrust to lift...
I think this is the reason why a number of people are clambering for a medium size vessel, an intermedary between small vessels and capital...
Game is still in a fluid state atm, devs will certainly have to go back and balance everything again at some point, from weapons to the fuel...
From what I recall from memory, the devs do plan on removing both of the pole barriers and the green transition barrier. They already know what...
I don't know if that post is suppose to be funny or not cause rubber doesn't work in the way you make it sound, at least where weapon projectiles...
Would make for great broadsides though, otherwise yeah...
lol I do what rucky does, though I make sure the other cargo boxes and fridges are free for loot. I always reserve 1 cargo box for raiding items...
Congratz are in order for official integration into the game guys!
That's Star Trek, I think it's from the MMO STO.
Yeah a little exp or none at all would be a good way to balance such an easy way to gain resources. I like earning my way up to getting levels...
I'd like to see a step away from how much of an exp farm, farms are currently. It's extremely easy to level up to 25 with just a farm alone. The...