Separate names with a comma.
Corvette class ships are smaller than a frigate. If you ever played any of the egosoft x-series games, especially the X3-Terrain Conflict or...
This tool should be stickied, I would have found it easily if it was instead of me opening a thread to ask if there was such a tool to convert 3d...
Odd... could be that the vid is in mp4 format, firefox has issues with this due to the way the developers for the browser support certain things...
Cause some of us wanna just do this to enemies/aliens/creatures/ect
If they do add hardlight/plasma/energy melee weapons they I think should have charges for them, limited amount of strikes per charge, cause those...
*cough* look here...
way to get around it is to say they're plasma swords or hardlight swords
Eh I'd rather see more non-earth native fauna, more alien otherworld creatures. Creatures not unique to Earth, it's boring and bland seeing...
Look in the steam workshop, search keyword with pyston, there's several bp people saved and uploaded for others to use.
Aw man that sucks his designs were pretty neat, never managed to get around to building any of them so I could save them as a BP.
Hmm don't know if this is a vanilla bug or something with this but Thermica Space Station in orbit of Akua, drones should stop spawning once the...
Yeah, thought I'd just point that out though ;)
Freighter class 1 ship has invisible blocks all over it. Also why is it that the freighter is armed too the teeth but the carrier is not? Carrier...
Hmmm noticed something, you cannot complete conquer alien bases mission with regenerating enemy POI's. You have to blow up the core of the base...
Ah I see. Any plans to add a version for RegenAfter to certain Poi's fields and Asteroids?
curious about the planets setup I was looking into copying the custom poi's and I noticed the format for the lines don't match up to the vanilla...
Titanium? erm... there is no titanium... only iron in this game.
noticed that as well, good source of the stuff along with plant fibres
Pretty nice seed, I had a hell of a time trying to find a promethium deposit but I finally found one. South or southwest there's one from where...