Separate names with a comma.
I feel as though you two are getting way off topic on the subject, can we please put aside the spiel and get back on topic? If you want to discuss...
well hopefully, eventually we'll get a vehicle mounted miner tool. Mining by hand can only get you so far and takes a good deal of time to do.
Getting back on track with the subject and away from personal bashing/flaming. I wonder if they're going to implement a time system with the...
About the FPS, compared to another game like Empryion, Empyrion is more FPS and performance friendly. (Other game being SE)
eating raw pumpkin... never had it like that... what's it taste like raw?
yeah I hear ya :p as for the unformatted thing... when I saw it turn into that I just left it as is and decided to link the site where I got it :D
Gonna have to disagree with gold being a better conductor I did a little search and found this....
Eggplants you gather from Omicron I think should be regrowable, they are an important key item in creating a certain food item. From what I can...
grow lights affect blocks 1 away from them and can be used at a height of 2
Planet size and distance from each other is a WIP. Next major update they plan to try and have a proper solar system placement where plants orbit...
Eh I see that mistake on the wiki, the block moving keys should be Ins, Del, Home, End, Page up and Page down keys. As for the pause key, it...
You must have a different type of keyboard, sound like you play on a laptop. No matter I was just surprised that no one thought that maybe using...
the pause key on the keyboard surprisingly pauses the game.
most ammo, and pretty much all medical items require Mg when crafting them. Also a lot of the more advanced ammo, like the 15mm, 30mm, and rocket...
I feel that the extraction rate for magnesium needs to be increased. You refine 5 mag ore and you get 5 dust back I think it should be doubled....
Doubt they'll add a system that's similar to what spore had, or like what you find in Starbound. Compared to those the creature model system is...
think you misunderstood what I said in my post. Some of the wild plants are not regenerating currently. It could be a bug or it could be a...
That would be cool, at the moment I've noticed that some fruits and plants that naturally occur on the planet don't regrow once picked which sort...
Another source of Oxygen would be the plants you grow to get veggies. A dual purpose to have growing plots.
We have to remember one thing though... Keen never finished their first product, Miner Wars was abandoned. From what I can tell Keen has been...