Separate names with a comma.
Since the question was if you understood what was presented in the thread maybe you should start and end there and see how you do.
Is there a plan when movable blocks are added to allow you to make flaps and such to dynamically create drag/reduce lift for braking without a...
This seems like a mistake. Whats the thought process behind not having it act like it will on release?
IMO SV thrusters are already overpowered. There shouldn't be SVs the size of CVs possible it eliminates any reason for one or the other to exist....
Walking on moving ships AI crew AI territory conquering (base building in addition to capturing and in spaaaaaace)
I would like to see place-able cameras that can display on lcd screens before anything else. Let us do security cameras and view screens.
airtight=false would be bad, what they need to do is change airtight from a simple flag to a 6 axis direction. So the cylindrically hollow block...
Just updated my most popular blueprint on the workshop to bring it up to spec for 10.5 and figured I would finally make a post here....
@Taelyn add some volunteer moderators in different time zones
These forums really need some more active administration. Spam is inevitable but spam sitting for hours is sad
It is tomorrow somewhere. Pure excitement time.
Need more 9.x info!
So I have been playing around in single-player and the new start at the arena seems to have quite a few issues. On the main floor where you start...
Not that this is new with this version but survival constructors are wildly overpowered. Energy free production of items, energy free...
I want more of a campaign for my players. No farming of any kind. They finish everything on a planet and have to move on because nothing respawns....
I have been hosting a dedicated server for my group of friends and weve been doing the default scenario and we have quickly run out of things to...