Separate names with a comma.
Turrets doubled, turn/roll movement got slashed, and penalties boosted since most of these were posted.
Hmmm, I wonder how many still perform adequately with the new parameters?
I admit, I will be tempted. Major subsystems tend to interact -- sometimes well, sometimes poorly -- but typically with purpose. CPU is becoming...
I create all my own designs. I create the design in Creative as I tend to be sloppy with the keyboard and need to remove misplaced blocks / shift...
Studios deciding documenting features and actually providing a manual was non-essential is what ruined gamers. I will happily peruse a manual...
Technically not true. The cap is soft, but if your thrust efficiency drops too far, you won't fly.
Yank out all the RCS and see if it will still turn. There is a good chance you no longer need most/any RCS, depending on thruster placement and size.
M/V balancing got a lot more urgent and substantially more complex now that CPU is interlocked so heavily with mass.
Which is great news... at the current degradation curve. I think the devs did themselves and the testers a disservice by introducing a very...
Those opinions won't change regardless of what sub-system is introduced to restrict player builds.
G'day Folks, Has any pass to rebalance Mass / Volume happened? I ask because the topic is 4 months old and I wasn't around to see the original...
I believe the official title is "Workshop". It is in effect a marketplace of ideas/designs/time invested paid for with referrals and likes....
I'm not talking about current builds or even anything that happens while the game is in early access. I'm talking about the game once it is...
Biggest issue I foresee is this is a game with a marketplace for designs. Those players that like building and sharing designs will need to be...
From all the communication I've seen, CPU will be as player-controllable as M/W restrictions with a config on/off switch and the ability to edit...
The devs don't like them? I don't know, ask the group that is implementing the restrictions.
Enforcing extra construction by making swiss army knife ships impossible/undesirable.
That must be new (as in in the last year of development). When I left, even structures on the same playfield too far from the player would stop...
One thing to note that adjusting one dimension of constraint gets tougher the more dimensions exist and interlock. If M/V needs substantial...
I really have no idea any more what type of game Empyrion is, but a survival game it is not. Any game with vendors where you can buy stuff isn't...