Separate names with a comma.
Duuuude... Ver Boss. @Kieve Love the minimalist HV... damn sexy and the SV is nice too *Begins beating tiger with fish... is unsure when...
Whelp. Honesty. +1 *Oh the difference an 'L' makes*
Spoiler tabs PLEASE. Also welcome back.
Today I found Cobalt Resource rocks... there was much rejoicing. [IMG] Yay.
*pushes a Family-size pack of wet-wipes into the thread and slowly backs away.*
Lol, yeah sorry folks that particular 'Feature' of SI makes me bellow. Once loud enough for my neighbors to think I was yelling at them, from 3...
After the Nth base exploded because I planted/picked/swapped a crop the love I think it needs involves a Ball-Gag and a slotted paddle...Did I...
Moved bases... tried something a little different for this Bivouac .... I Swear if any singing crustaceans show up I'm burning the planet down....
So yeah, Bad and good today. Bad? Computer froze and corrupted the map. Good? I'm putting those silly cheap items I made to use now with real...
Go Go Chibi-BSG! :p
Evidently I have a serious case of the bloxies <builders diarrhea> and crapped another lvl 3 structure out. Gun Tower, Mk. 3 [IMG] Gonna take me...
And the GalactiMax Container Starship class is born. [IMG] And Well Done sir. You will be my minister of transportation when I conquer the...
Companion Med Bay/Medical greenhouse for Robinson Protocol Farm Med Station, Mk. I [IMG] Still pretty cheap to be honest. Lvl 3 spawn. 1000 wood...
Built a Shack to welcome the spiders once they make a comeback. Gun Shack, Mk. I [IMG] Only good for things that don't shoot back much if at all.
I had to leave it... too pretty... besides I always worry it would be someone's religious monument, with my luck several someones... Besides......
Put together a Greenhouse for the Robinson Protocol Start. Plant 6 spice, 6 vegetables (4 count yield), 3 fruit go get water and Hot Beverages and...
Got the base advanced a little more. This was always a Bivouac, never a permanent thing. Hv works decent. Added on some engines and a booster.....
I find the simple things breathtaking to be honest. [IMG] Whether it is Epic to another is personal to them. It felt epic to me at the time. :)
5 hours into a new map. Cheap ass HV pad down in starter biome after following Robinson Protocol to the tower. Getting ready to go resourcing to...
And something to hunt critters, drone, trees and Run away from anything else. Hover, Mk. I [IMG]