Separate names with a comma.
Good question, it has been a while since I have been playing SP!
You can't put a core in the vessels (or other regenerating POIs).
Let me know if you need some help in getting the signal logic to set a new standard for luxury CVs aswell! ;)
Go to your Empyrion folder: - right click on the game in your library - go to the local files tab - click browse local files - navigate to saves...
It's thousands, not hundreds. And yes, by hand. Largest build I ever did was overall 51k blocks overall and since that was a base that suffered...
The steeply angled cockpit area ends too suddenly and steeply in my opinion. If you taper off the bodywork behind the cockpit it would fit better...
I like the ship you posted, looks nice! As for the cobalt: I start off by breaking down rocks/boulders which gives me plenty of cobalt so I do...
I think that color scheme can really work! Block faces on angled blocks are a constant source of joy. ;)
You can not have enough firepower for PVP. If a 1v1 doesn't end with one of them warping out after losing all guns someone brought a baguette to a...
Not an issue in this case since the enemy ship will be slighty above the front of the ship if you aim at it. The turrets on top need to elevate in...
My ISP said they'll send a technician on the 28th or 29th so maybe I'll be able to post the PVP CV guide I promised a few weeks ago in 2017! :eek:...
This perfectly sums up using SVs as part of CVs. If you ever find a trick that does it tag me. Like 15 times so I can't miss it. I'll get you some...
navis oneraria Literally freighter in latin. Or USS Cupholder. Your call! ;)
Congratulations to @Siege Inc. for hacking the workshop getting the Argos to first place on the most popular items list! :D
Even comes with cupholders! ;)
The density of the atmosphere influences power consumption. The consumption goes up in denser atmospheres.
I updated both ships, the updated Alpha is still missing from the save file. Please add it, thanks!
You are correct, alpha 7 changed that. Now you can take a flat bottomed ship and attach ramps to it and even when extended they do not have...
No, they don't. Ramps do not have a ground/BA/CV collision detection at all (although they can take damage if you land too hard on them).
Half the builds submitted are basically landing with their full body and two others have one block touching the ground (that includes your...