Separate names with a comma.
Maybe add a small saucer section in front of the main body. That would stretch the entire ship and would make it less agressive looking.
The default planets have cobalt, too, even if they lack the deposits. Just drill the rocks and boulders, that'll give you some ore aswell...
I like it but the large flat top doesn't really fit with the rest now. Maybe add a slighty recessed area with a glass roof where the rear part of...
Both have their own charm. For the version on the left I'd recommend just going with a smaller hangar in the primary hull because the hangar doors...
The Flying Circuit is now on the workshop! In case you ever wanted to fly around in a 442mx440mx82m CV that happens to be a HV racing circuit at...
Seems a PVP CV guide it is then. Just need to finish my Flying Circuit first and then onwards to guideland!
Sure, I can set up a lab environment with artificial lag to make shaky hit detection reproducible. No problem, my name is...
No, I do not. Ask anyone that frequently engages in PVP fights and ask if lagshots are gone. It still happens and that won't go away until hit...
Since most builders are here anyway: Does anyone care for a PVP CV building guide? That would be thorough explanation of lagshots, armor against...
Empyrion has one advantage over many other voxel building games: your creations have a purpose! I never warmed up to Space Engineers since there...
My go to music is electroswing. Unfortunately it is hard to find mixes on youtube that are not all the same songs, the genre is dominated by a few...
Looks really nice, Neal! To keep the gun shaped theme some contrasting elements that break the uniform shape of the upper superstructure (the...
Just as I told the guy I was helping on our server yesterday: doors are something for people without godmode. ;)
Put the finishing touches on my new starter (lvl10, 3000-ish iron) CV, hopefully my connection will be stable for once, uploading screenshots has...
I just finished Trinity Base today, my first large base design that I didn't just build piece by piece in survival but actually designed in...
Nice ship! Some things I noticed: - the ramps in front of the rocket launchers follow a non-existing signal (WeaponsOnOff instead of...
Been busy for a while but finally had some time to finish my builds! First to see the light of day is the Twinfin Battlecruiser, an offshoot of...
Well, with these two right ahead of me I picked a great time to introduce my first CV to the workshop! ;) Anyway, this my latest build for PVE, a...
I would prefer a rock dust cookie that would just give 500 health - for balance reasons! ;)
Ich denke schon, dass die noch kommen werden, da sie an mehreren Stellen im Announcement-Trailer zu sehen sind und auch in der "Upcoming...